League of Legends General - /lolg/


They're back edition

>Very Useful Links


>Pentakill 2 - Grasp of the Undying Album
[YouTube] Pentakill - Cull [OFFICIAL AUDIO] | League of Legends Music (embed)

>7.15 Patch Notes


Other urls found in this thread:



Brand is my favorite champion

Such a cute and perfect wife! And all mine!

Post them.

and your fetish


magma lux best lux, it's not even close

Anyone have the gif or webm of "in my lane bro" Jayce running at Jinx from the cinematic?


wow this is a cute lewd

Water all day every day.

do you like QE + flash ?

gnar with mallet

I like flash EQW

xth for best couple





>not QE flash W
wow what a shitter

>its another someone takes forever to load episode

Ice then magma
Storm would be 2nd if she didn't have shitty hair


The correct and ONLY answer is STORM and only Magmafags will say otherwise.
Ice, Dark and Girl are garbage.

Why is Karthus such hot garbage

>Main damage is from some shitty ass super telegraphed Q
>E is decent in team fight, except that you deal only around 100,200 damage per second with it
>CC is almost non existence

It felt playing Cass, except that my opponent can dodge my Q most of the time, and my Q isnt point and click, and i have no way to keep niggas at range, and i die as soon as an assassin jump on my ass

>M-muh stay far away and farm
>M-muh use R to ks

this is why no one likes this game, now please kill me

The three character L starting from the top left

>Girl lux

I will admit storm is her best though.

>First pick Ori
>Enemy Diamond Yasuo main
>Windwalls all of my shit perfectly
>Harrassed against every possible mistake
>Got him to 100 health every skirmish
>Ping ganks constantly because I can't 1v1 him as Ori
>Jungle Warwick goes 5/1 because he just sits mid and camps this Yas who doesnt know what a ward is
>Every teamfight, Yasuo jumps me and two shots me because ofcourse
>They baron, get 2 inhibs, and open our Nexus
>Last ditch fight ensues
>They siege bot tower
>Yasuo is in the backline for some reason
>Enemy groups up
>4 man ult
>two shot 3 of them
>team cleans up
>Proceed to win game and all chat "easy mid"

Ori is still fair and balanced I see

I want to a Kog!

>my friend invites me to that new game mode
>he says adc so I go soraka
>we lose somehow
wtf kind of champ am I supposed to play in this mode? they banned annie

>literally no adc
>didnt dodge
ur fault

Anyone around Bronze 1/Silver 5 wanna duo. I need to get out of Bronze before I lose my fucking mind

what if you got to have sex with poppy but you were forced to marry her afterward? would you do it?

*deletes your everything*

Storm looks like one of those humanized ponies from the MLP spin off

>main damage is q
stopped reading right there

It's orange rat nigga hours

Only reason I don't permaban him is because he's not that popular. But I know I'm not going to enjoy laning.

nice victim blaming. if I were to dodge every game that has a troll in it I wouldnt get to play more than 2 games a day. I bet youre one of those fuckers that locks in yasuo support because you got autofilled.

I've been climbing a bit with Janna
Is it bad that I feel proud of myself for once?

xth for eating Poppy's ass! And marrying her afterward!

Nigga, Q is the skill that you max first because it is your fucking main source of damage / farming tool

You run out of mana in a nano second if you keep your E going

That's not a tradeoff

Careful not to get doodoo on your face

I ate out an ass for the first time last week
It's surprisingly fun

>in promos
if my duo dodges its ok right?

also I'd miss out on a juicy report followed by a ban, can't pass on that opportunity

Is this supposed to be the new Lulufag?


it sure is

>It took Korea doing it for people to realize you don't actually HAVE to buy tear on Ezreal


Creating a LoL champion

>Top: Some new way of fighting that changes the way you look at melee engagements and mid combat management.
>Mid: New or interesting visual theme combined with abilities that change the way you think about combat with odd/new concepts and interactions.
>Jungle: Some interesting new way to traverse the map combined with neat gimmicks/visuals.
>Support: Either your a softy looking chick who bursts or """enchants""". Or a to cool for school looking game changing/cementing-cc bot sometimes has a cool passive here or there.
>Marksmen: I dunno some insane fucker who "does things differently then the rest". Gameplay is just doing damage in a straight line really fast or hits one guy fast. Who cares.


whats the rarest role to get autofilled into? i never get top

Made me kek

I just got autofilled jungle
Does Jayce jungle work

how is C9 team in dota ?

are they ourguy ?

>Korean challengers have to do it before it's "viable" enough for the average silver player
stop the presses

I'm saving myself for Poppy. Her ass will be the first I eat.

>max q for for farming
Agreed and despite that e and ult are what win you games as karthus

I don't know if Poppy is keen on human marriage concepts, she likes their gumption and all but I think that's it.

Janna is the top tier passive support right now, so you shouldn't feel too proud, just a little bit. There are garbage Jannas out there, and you're not one of them.

marksmen are pretty diverse if you ask me. too bad that role isnt playable anymore since they added autofill.

No, you'll get penalized as well.

jk, but you're gonna get a loss if your duo goes afk and you guys remake

xth for breast metal waifu

Magma, Ice, and Dark

Jinx is cute and cuddly, I love this 2x4

statistics say mid, but honestly it just depends of the time of day and if all midlaners happen to be ingame already.

Anyone else got any cool Riot merch?

This guy's deceptively smaller than I thought he'd be but he's worth every penny.

urf this friday!!! are you excited?

>malpite in team
>ends up bulding full AP
>gets killed ez
man people are fucking retarded

Karthus's Q is more of a passive farm/harrass tool. You never go out of your way to Q the enemy repeatedly unless its a level 2 all in or you're actively trying to fight.

The real secret to Karthus is All in level 2, Q+E,
and walk at them to death. They either walk into your Q's,
or walk into your E's and you auto attack them to death. It unironically works 70% of the time and they don't know how to react to it and you blow their flash for your exhaust.

Other than that, Karthus is still a "afk mid and farm" character, to the extreme. Start Catalyst into Rod NO NOT TEAR THAT IS YOUR FIRST MISTAKE. TEAR IS GIVING UP YOUR EARLY GAME FOR LATEGAME HYPER CARRY BUT ITS TOO UNRELIABLE IN THIS META BECAUSE TEAMS GO 11/0 BEFORE 10 MINUTES ANYWAY and just fucking go to town and buy items you feel necessary. Eventually you can just walk into teams, die, and press R to deal 75% of peoples health pools, or even before the fight even starts.

Locket and Redemption are your biggest fears.

is it arurf or regular urf?

Unless its arurf then its going to fucking suck

She's keen on marrying me.

I have several figurines and a couple of t-shirts

Another t-shirt and the Pentakill VIP box should be arriving either tomorrow or Wednesday

I did. But then I remembered Jayce exists.

Jinx is lewd

Can someone explain the skittles meme to me please

As a matter of fact I do.

old karthus qs looked like strawberry skittles


Old Karthus Q.

Did you say 2x4?

it s random rejoice

Only in the face of violence and collateral damage!

I said 2x4, not a popsicle stick.

Last season I felt like league was the worst thing in my life, but now I feel as if it's the only good thing since I got laid off.

[Spoiler]Is this normal?[/spoiler]

>that VO

>watch bjergsen vod on youtube
>he gets ganks, blues, his team/jg ward for him
>play in my plat 2 game
>get no ganks, enemy jg ganks me, no one wards for me, no blues

is there any point in playing mid in solo queue? When i play bot and get ganked i can survive or even just farm but mid is so volatile.

No, it's ranked.

>I need to pray to RNGsus to play fun champions
It's shit.

>Healthy Enough

Without RNGesus we have to ban the same 6 champions each game and then its whoever picks the most broken ones wins.

I really like water Lux desu.

Now if only I had the skin ;____;

>tfw losing streaks literally ruin my day and i have to keep playing until i win

why do i continue to play this fucking retarded ass game

Xth for Soraka
And her banana
Especially her banana

>Prefer to play the same game with the same champs over and over and over and over and over and over and over

the mode where people dodge ten times because shit champs just like aram

nexus siege when

>I don't understand how fun it is to at least have a choice in things, so I'd rather make assumptions

I know right? The best league of legends experience ever.

.t Warwick OTP here

really? but you'd be stuck with her, being forced to have lots of little children and turning that spunky blacksmith into a caring mommy to look after your household and welcome you back with a kiss when you come home from work.

sounds terrible

but is she tight enough

Like a drum.

Ornn mains where we at.