Why is speeding even possible?

Why does no country on earth mandate that no car shall be sold with the ability to break a critical limit that saves lives? It seems like a far more practical solution
>don’t need cops everywhere
>no investment needed in cameras or radar
>less people die because people simply can’t speed

Surely this would be far more effective, people are always going to speed. I will always speed, and I will always race, but if I couldn’t, I wouldn’t.

There are plenty of statist countries out there (mine, ausfalia, California) so why does nobody even suggest this?

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Germany has lower traffic fatality rates than slow driving Murrika. The Autobahn has lower traffic fatality rates than any other German road network. Drunk driving and distracted driving (i.e. god damn cell phones) are far more dangerous than speed in minor excess of some arbitrary limit that's independent of actual road conditions.

do you need a LSD to do such a skid?

Germany has federally mandated speed limiters.
They start at 155 MPH.
Get good or get wrecked cunt.

They're not federally mandated. It's a gentlemen's agreement. Porsche traditionally ignore it. Increasingly many performance models of the other German manufacturers also ignore it.

Absolutely. That’s a shop, it’s actually a c33 laurel that’s famous around here for massive public skids

Why don’t people understand that governments, especially smaller local governments WANT speeders? They make Shit tons of money off speeding tickets. If cities got rid of the revenue they make from speeding and other traffic tickets they’d be out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars for their budget. They don’t install equipment like red light cameras and speeding cameras as a burden to protect the populace, they do it so you can fucking pay them more often

Yeah but Germany is the only country, ALL other western countries view pressing the throttle pedal a bit harder is a cardinal sin

Because as you stated, only communist shitholes would do such a thing. Not to mention you know for a FACT that someone out there would figure out a work around for such a limit.
>Wanting MORE Federal bullshit trying to regulate anything

Fuck off and die commie.

Then maybe all other Western countries should go fuck themselves.

My OP post was tongue and cheek if you were intelligent you would have noticed. The question isn’t whether it’s a good thing, it’s that why no country seems to have even considered it

Don’t forget that Germany has some pretty awful car laws

Why bother? Accident survivability ratings plummet after 45mph. So where do you draw the line for your arbitrary limiter, and why?

Unless you're prepared to putt around at 45mph to get everywhere, people will die.

It's the tradeoff. You can't have both highways without speed limits and bad driver education or vehicle laws that permit total death traps on the road.

Why doesn't the government just regulate your cars max speed off gps, if your in a 70 zone there is no need to go over 70 so they could just limit your car there. Imagine how many lives they'd save

For some kike brands it's just a cash grab to raise or elevate the "speed governor". Plenty of bikes stop at 299 kph indicated but keep on accelerating lmao. Here in Netherlandistan 50cc mopeds are limited to 25 kph (without helmet, blue plate) or 45 kph (with helmet, yellow plate). They're exactly the same. Both can do 70-90 kph unrestricted lmao. Some dealers even offer the unrestricting at 0 cost. Fines and reinspections if the cops catch you are at own risk of course

The scooters are a bad comparison because those speeds are actually mandated by law. If you don't wanna get plates and insurance then you'll have to ride a scooter that only does 25 even if it could theoretically do 70. I think the motorcycle limit at 300 is a gentlemen's agreement as well.

The speed limit as it is is already the arbitrary limit

We could easily do that here, warrant of fitness works ok, and the LVVTA system for modified cars is actually really good. If we just increased the punishment for driving a pos we could easily have much higher speed limits

Wow I wonder how many

>why does nobody even suggest this?

They are... as a package deal with autonomy.

But what stops me from telling my self driving car to cruise at 150?

It will tell you that it can't

The OP image is definitely NOT a C33 Laurel.

Nothing, though it might be difficult to actually do that.
Moving violations are not actual crimes.

And you just modify the software to remove the
limiter, the car itself theoretically no parity check to ensure the ECU data is unmodified, that would only come up at the dealer when a diagnostic computer is connected. It is in the manufacturers interest to only discover modified automated cars while they are at the dealer, no sense in locking down a car in someone's driveway where you can't get to it.

However, the self-driving algorithm may only be designed for legal speeds so it will not drive appropriately for 150 MPH and you will likely crash and die.

this. on my bmw there was a package which increased the top speed limiter. what's the point of it if someone can just pay and make it increase lol

While revenue generation is definitely a part of it in many countries I think liability is also an issue. Being able to drive faster than whatever arbitrary speed one politician wants the speed limit to be on the fastest road in their jurisdiction could get you out of a hairy situation.


Germany's road deaths per capita are higher than America's. Though interestingly the death rates are much higher in German cities and county roads than on controlled access highways. This is probably do to them seeing more traffic though.


Top Gear talked about this almost 3 decades ago. As said it's likely an issue of both revenue generation and liability, at least on passenger vehicles. They also bring up the fact that road deaths went up by a third on controlled access highways that had their speed limits raised from 89km/h to a measly 105km/h.

>it’s a shop
It’s a c33 laurel that’s been shopped to look like a vf commodore police car doing a skid

>get you out of a hairy situation
This is a really good point actually

>undertake ute on the inside because he’s doing 80 in the outside lane
>he gets mad and catches up and pretends to swerve into me
>ignore him but he tries to pull in front and brake check
>chop 3rd and boost round him
>do 160 and leave him in the dust
>fly off the motorway and take the roundabout at 90, re003s screaming
>mfw I was justified in speeding because I escaped a road rager in a slower vehicle

My point exactly. Even Japan's seemingly arbitrary 180km/h speed governors more than likely exist for this purpose

freedom. make cars limited to 30 mph for cuckland and nobody in america will ever buy them.
germany is fucking 250x smaller than american you mongrel sand nigger

Fatality rates are calculated per capita or per a certain amount of drivers (deaths per x amount of drivers)
I know that common core fucked your knowledge of mathematics up, but please attempt to keep up my american friend


>>no investment needed in cameras or radar
>>less people die because people simply can’t speed
yes, because the speed limit is the same everywhere.

>speeding causes crashes
imagine being this brainwashed

euro kinda did.... they threatened to ban the import of high speed motorcycles unless japan limited them to 299kmh.

Why? That's so arbitrary

>Germany's road deaths per capita are higher than America's
where do you even see that? what you posted wasn't even per capita.
road deaths per 1 billion km
>Germany 5.00
>USA 7.02

Germany's population is ~80 million while Americans is ~325 million. I did the math on my own

>imagine being this brainwashed


All that speeding does is to cause crashes to be worse. To reduce the number of crashes, you have to get incompetent drivers off of the road. To minimize the total cost of crashes (assuming you can't prevent them) you have to minimize kinetic energy.

I'd rather see incompetent drivers taken off the road. But the (((insurance companies))) want to maximize incoming premiums while reducing outgoing claim payouts.

>I did the math on my own
good one amerimutt

Germany has 4.3 road fatalities per 100 000 people

The USA has 10.3 road fatalities per 100 000 people

no no he did the math user. Stop spreading your alternative facts.

dont worry that will come soon
it will be far easyer to have something like this with iCars.

the reason it doesnt exist currently is it would be too expensive to design a system for combustion engines and make it tampering proof.

i think a cappie place would be more likely to do shit like this

i wish normal cars had an optional speed limiter button like that.
i dont like to speed but its so easy to accidentally go over the limit.


Cities are so hungry for that money that they make it literally impossible to avoid running red lights (in some places). They don't care about safety, they care about their budget.

Literally just google: city caught yellow light time

Learn to pay attention.

My 20 year old Mercedes even had that. One push on the stalk and you coumd pick between normal cruise control and a speed limiter

>emergencies don't happen

>implying I'm American


yeah because if youve ever been on the autobahn you realize its so fucking narrow and overcroweded nobody is going faster than 50mph if that.

drivers that are going slower are more dangerous than those going faster

also women drivers

So many Americans have no idea that this is the case

>its so fucking narrow and overcroweded
>>>living in a shit city

really? i think theyre fine, you just gotta (technically) gotta register everything

or have parts that already have an approval, yes. But apparently for americans it's too hard to talk to some guy to write the parts down in your papers.

My shitty 15yo Fiat has the function of beeping once you go over whatever speed you tell it to. It is very distracting, though, since it uses the same beep for everything (from open door to engine failure).

>Limit the bike on papers
>new exhaust
>new carb
Do 110kmh

Japan limits cars to 180 km/h.

WHO 2015 report on road safety


Aaand Burgerville

>single lane road, 100km/h limit
>Person in front doing 90
>Line of cars behind
>Only way for all cars to get past in overtaking lanes is to speed to compensate for gaps

>Car does 90km/h
>Speeds up to 100 in overtaking lanes
>Slows back down after

Fuck off with your mandated limits, they don't work

At first i thought you meant Burgerville as in the fast food place

What happened in 2011?

Smartphones with the usage of FB took really off

>reading comprehension

Op here
>following car doing 80
>get to passing lane
>he speeds up to 100
>pass him at 120
>policeman camping the passing lane lights me up
>”Well kid if it was a race you would be winning hur hur hur”
>”but officer he sped up so I had to speed to pass him”
>”yes because everyone else is just so bad aren’t they”
>”it’s a cunt of a job officer, and in your case they have the right man”


>yfw your country has the lowest fatality rate both on highways and combined....

Actually here most people dont speed in populated areas, near schools and where you have alot of pedestrians and obstructed view and most people go 10-20kph above the limit on the highways - a healthy approach of you ask me

>tongue and cheek

>you being a faggot

>not an argument

I couldn’t help myself sos

That's because Germany is white. Same if you give Germany guns there would be no gun violence as opposed to giving niggers guns.

This. Niggers ruin whatever they touch

Properly designed highways with no speed limit zones should be a thing. Sarah going 10 under in the left lane in her minivan is a bigger problem than speed itself.

How about you just ride a liter peter with no plates instead of owning a cuckbike

I was 15

The amount of infrastructure needed to build something like this is far beyond what Americans are capable of

Isn't that what the point of developing self-driving cars is? I thought the main end-game is so that it can make transportation networks highly efficient by removing the human factor that often leads to traffic jams (Beyond just higher volume than the roadway can handle) and accidents.


And even with a 75mph speed limit here, on highways out of the city left lane traffic regularly is going 100mph.

People don't drive based off of speed limits, people drive based off safe feelings.
Removing speed limits doesn't make everyone go 100mph on neighborhood roads. The only time people look at their speedos is when they see a cop, which is extremely dangerous.

because old cars dont cuck you

new semi autonomous crap will likely have a mode where you cant speed one road speedlimits are totally digitized and the car has access to them much like gps maps but th at wont happen until Cars like Telsra Model whatever are standard