What the fuck's the deal with 85 octane gas?

What the fuck's the deal with 85 octane gas?

I moved to Denver about a month ago, and I've been filling up my shitbox with the more expensive 87 because I had never even heard of 85 before where I'm from. 87 is the poorfag gas where I grew up.

So, should I stick with 87 or what?

niggers haha

Is that directed at me, Denver, or 85 octane?

You should use the octane that your car is supposed to use you stupid fuck

You can run lower octane gas in higher altitudes because the thinner air means there is less pressure in your cylinder. If 85 octane is cheaper and youve been skipping it then you’ve literally been throwing money away due to ignorance.

Most cars and small engines usually require 86 octane or higher. You can use a lower octane at a higher altitude but I'd use what they tell you in the owners manual.

is there no 95 in burgerland?

its because your in the clouds now dummy. you can use 85.

I'm in the opposite situation. If 87 is cheaper than 85 but the manual says 85, is it bad to use 87?

here we go again . jpeg


95 ron is 87 aki

I think altitude has something to do with how octane works

no. 85 is for carbed engines and might fuck your shit up. use 87.


you groundfags crack me up. learn to atmosphere

you can get 110+ race gas, but you have to go to the right locations for it.

lmao 85

nigga I run 91-94 all day erry day

No, using higher octane than what is recommended is fine. You won't get anything out of it performance-wise

your piece of shit vehicle probably doesn't need the good stuff

What's the vehicle? I fill my 05 5.4 f150 with 91 from Shell, contains no ethanol. If your motor wasn't designed for ethanol, don't use it.

6 dollars for 96 where the fuck do you live? The united states of england?

U. S uses a different system for measuring Octane.
Low octane in the U. S is the same as in Europe, the rating is just different

Is this a gas pump or a soda fountain with energy drinks?

a car from 2005 was definitely designed for ethanol

>87 for 2.70/gal
>ever paying more than 2.40 for 87 unless hurricane

You made me spit my drink!

>implying fuel mixture has anything to do with octane

it doesnt, but we're talking about altitude, and understanding the affect of altitude on combustion. nobody here seems to actually understand what octane is or does.

Well duh, just do as grandaddy: fatten up the mix until the crackety noise goes away

I lived in Wyoming for years and they had 85 there too. My shitbox would run weird when I'd use it so I just stuck to 87.

I've only seen one station with a pump like this, I've always wondered who got the 96+ gas considering how expensive it was.

instant erection

People who have cars that are designed to run on 96+ octane

What cars are those?


Most things with high compression V8's.

Anything you'd get out of the factory that would require that kind of gas though?

sweet garage, other than the porsche turd

No. Maybe the Demon. Factory cars are for cucks.

Why the fuck is regular supreme better than extra supreme? This triggers me

Years ago my mum had an Acura that I think ran on 96

It's California m8. Everything costs a fucking arm and a leg there

>super plus
germany is superior, again

I accidentally filled up with that shit when I moved to a high elevation area and as soon as I drove off I could feel the response taking a shit. I would step on the gas and the car would barely do shit. My dad told me to just add a lil of this 91 with no ethanol he hauled in to balance things out. The rest of my family uses the 85 and don't seem to care though. Also supposedly just because they sell it in your area doesn't mean you're at the right elevation for it. It just means some of the other cities nearby are

I also hear high temperatures can make it ok to use 85 oct. Some cheap gas stations even put 85 in the 87 tanks during the summer

>Push/pull knobs

>8 dollars for 101 octane
Just buy avgas at that point

Same. A way to calm your autism is to think of 'regular' and 'extra' as the quality and 'supreme' as the modifier. Then it makes sense again

Fuck I meant "extra" and "ultra" are quality. The regular supreme would be PURE MODIFIER.

My buddies and I tried to do this in high school. We spent hours making a cardboard "Ferrari" and then brought it to a McDonald's drive-thru. We were disappointed to find that the intercom wouldn't turn on for us, but we got a great reaction out of some sassy black woman.

>Low octane in the U. S is the same as in Europe, the rating is just different
Nope, regular AKI 87 / RON 91 isn't sold in Europe. We only have premium and super

You can still get RON 92 in the netherlands. We recently also got more and more RON 102. It's the only petrol aside from BP ultimate 98 that's ethanol free, even our (((own))) state-owned Shell has fallen to the fermented jew.

Where can you get 92? And even then it's very uncommon. A local gas station near my house sells 2-stroke fuel but that doesn't make it readily available.
Still much different from the US where you can get regular everywhere. I've never seen lower than 95 in Europe, while LPG and E85 can be found plenty

It's at this petrol station I frequent in Groningen. It has 92, scooter premix, euro 95, blue 95 (1 cent/liter cheaper, 10% eth) and 102. They have swapped 98 with 102 and amazingly more people are buying 102 than ever bought 98 there

We were talking about Europe, the developed parts specifically.
In all seriousness it's still easier to get LPG in Italy than 92 in the Netherlands. Shame actually, I have one of the few euro cars that was made for regular. Not that it can do that anymore since I upped the turbo pressure

Did you consiser water/methanol injection?

Nah I run on LPG anyway. Originally my car made piss-poor power but it can take much higher turbo pressure than stock.
It's adjusted now so that it can just run on 95 without knocking, but I'm thinking about upping it so far it can't even run on 98 anymore. Just have to find a way to easily adjust the waste gate while driving.