What if North Korea Nukes us right now, what car would you bring to survive until the World Rebuilds itself?
What would you get rid of to keep it running?
Personally i'd go with an Oldsmobile Alero and get rid of as much electronic systems as i can.
What if North Korea Nukes us right now, what car would you bring to survive until the World Rebuilds itself?
What would you get rid of to keep it running?
Personally i'd go with an Oldsmobile Alero and get rid of as much electronic systems as i can.
any Lada
ITT we learn OP is an edgy brainlet and drives an Alero.
The car I currently own because if fuckin nukes are dropping I doubt I'll be heading to the dealership for a shopping trip.
probably a jeep
>"do you have it in radiation green?"
a Grand Cherokee or Cherokee is actually a great choice now that i think about it.
that thing is gonna run out of fuel in minutes, you might as well grab a bunch of fuel in that 1 hour grace period before the blast hits.
Granted our gasoline didn’t expire I think older cars would survive the longest. Mechanical fuel pumps, points, carbs and that stuff can be easily rebuilt and mickey moused. Early air cooled VWs would be my bet
>car that cant do anything without electronic assistance
>2-3 years
Most of the world's diesel and gas fuel supply has degraded to a point where it's no longer usable
>5-6 years
Most all motor oils, transmission fluids and even brake fluid becomes unusable
>10-12 years
Fuels treated with stabilizers and additives go bad.
In a real post apoc situation we would quickly go from full sized vehicles, to motorbikes to pedal bikes.
A decade after complete manufacturing standstill, only propane converted bikes would be viable. At that point, fuel would become so valuable it most likely would only be used sparingly on farming machinery.
Veeky Forums related borderlands, furry inflation porn. Nice.
x2 on the XJ
>bullet proof 4.0l i6
>parts everywhere
>simplistic and easy to fix
>the 4.0 can be pretty easily converted to older jeep carburetor systems in case of EMP
Unironically a beetle
>old police vehicle
i wouldn't blame you, that thing has a really good v8.
Late 70s f150 or my dual sport
merc 300d
Whatever is diesel and runs on mechanical injection. Any other answer is false and should be ignored and dismissed.
Glock is shit buy a P365
They actually did a study in 2004 where they rounded up different models of cars and zapped them with an EMP. The great majority of them survived with only minor electrical faults and were still drivable.
The biggest factor to damage was wether or not the car was running. Cars that were shut off suffered less damage.
So if you can find a pre-2010s car that was shut off during the EMP, there's like a 90%-ish chance it'll still run, even if all the electrical amenities are fried.
Personally though, I'd snag an old 300 diesel.
>1 thing breaks
>can't find any replacement parts
>just start walking I guess
older cars would be pretty useless 2bh
plus that shit gas mileage
What a moron.
old minivan
they got them big fucker gas tanks and you can lock up your loot
and by old I just mean like late 90s early 2000s, when electrical shit could fail and be less of an immobilizing issue
Probably not unless I'm the "main character" and my car is deemed iconic enough
You know I heard lining the doors with phone books helps a lot with small arms fire in conjunction with the doors
but you know thats Burn Notice
>Good car
Pick one
'cept its
>his moms giving him the alero when she gets her tax return maybe
It'll help with small arms fire but it won't stop anything high-powered.
M35, will run on pretty much any combustible fuel, 6x6, pretty much unstoppable. Are you fags even trying
Toyota 4x4 and a low compression air cooled dual sport
No just Air Force
I mean JP-8/A is basically diesel right?
nah, i'm going with an alero because early 2000's aesthetics, it's also because like said, that's when immobilizing issue was less of a problem.
Also, unfortunately if that situation was the case, i would end up with a 2011 Ford Fusion SEL with an Automatic Transmission.
and yes, i do despise automatics, it's also unfortunate that the fusion is FWD.
I think you're on the right track, but I'd prefer a M934, provides a bit more protection than the canvas and the sides fold out into a 13'6"x17' room
Pack light, move fast, stay off the roads.
I guess if I wanted to be a faggot I could put a kickstarter on it, but fuck that noise, I'd sooner rip the starter out of a corolla and change the battery every other startup.
>total range: 300 miles
Yeah have fun with your shit gas mileage.
kill yourself you degenerate fuck
>Personally i'd go with an Oldsmobile Alero and get rid of as much electronic systems as i can.
So you're going to get an Alero and then just throw it away?
If you're dead set on a crappy GM sedan grab a Lumina, there's barely any electrical system to start with and the base 3.1 will keep running even as the bodywork falls off.
Practically speaking, a Hilux or a 99 Legacy
3.75 mpgs is rough to be fair, though not unreasonable for a capable offroad vehicle
you could add 3300 miles to the range by tossing this in the back if necessary
I wouldn't be planning on much highway driving, it would be better to get set up out in the boonies and use it as a hunting rig / tractor
why do you need 30+mpg in the middle of nuclear winter? planning a road trip?
Miata, that car was assemble in Hiroshima, It was born in Nuclear bombing.
Any Toyota pickup
>North Korea Nukes US
>Trump's fingers to stubby to press retaliation button.
Nothing of value...
would love to have a deuce and a half during the apocalypse
Fun fact:
I named my miata after the plane that threw that bomb.
Enola. (yes, i left the gay out because that car is gay enough as it is).
>Not a 4Runner
Mazda exists today because Toyo Kogyo was one of the few operating factories still left in Hiroshima. Jujiro Matsuda missed being in ground zero by only a few minutes, because he was first in line for a haircut that day. If we _hadn't_ nuked Hiroshima the Miata would not exist.
>you must be 18 to post on this image board
old diesel burban
If these things can handle the shithole climate of Alaska and the third world tier streets of NYC, they can survive a nuclear apocalypse. Underneath they're practically unchanged from the late 70's
mpg's kind of shit though... But 25 MPG's a pretty fair tradeoff for extreme reliability and abundance of parts