Which of you did this?

Which of you did this?


Thank god it was the Canadian police, this man could have been shot.

Looks nothing like a delorean.

you don't know shit

hahaha sadly this

>be white female
>call police in merica think someone is breaking into my house
>they come
>exit house towards cops
>get shot

>absolutely assfucked by muslims
>starve to death - eat sewer rats
>be forced to sit down and pee as a man
>shit in a hole and wipe with my hand
>go to jail for thought crimes and being mean on FB
>all countries not named 'merica

>be merica
>ranked 31st for personnel freedoms


It was an art installation in Montreal that got over sensationalized by armchair journalists

Yeah, we can own guns, but our children don't have the freedom to turn us into the police if we refuse to chemically castrate them because their lesbian teacher told them they were trannies.

>31st for personnel freedoms
whats it like living in a dictatorship shit hole?

Reread my last post and stop drinking semen. Maybe you'll understand the point this time.

>Quebec is stupid

More news at 11

at least i have a choice to drink it, you don't you DPRoUSA.

>yes master trump let me gurgle your cum for you

you'll have to speak up i'm wearing my freedom

Try again.

Sorry, I don't speak Arabic.

enjoy you're an african aids tier nation now.

i'm going out to enjoy my freedoms. being in the top 5 most free countries on earth feels good man. maybe you should move to one.

>enjoy you're an african aids tier nation now
>he says while millions of actual aids infested africans swim to yuropoverty, and he pays their rent

Veeky Forums is an EU soyboy board burger

ass blasted americunts assume anyone outside of the usa is a euro

dumb cunts.

30 nations more free than you, i'd bet alot of them aren't euro countries.

>clickbait headline

Yeah the cops left the guy a note saying they thought it was hilarious. Snow removal then sodomized it with their massive augers.

If you're not European, that makes you even worse. Holy shit. Brown smelly manlet or tiny dicked yellow midget. Best alternative would be Aussie, but you'd be too busy getting stabbed by lebbos to post here right now.

>i'd bet
We both know you're a soyboy yuropoor dude. If you weren't, your faggotry becomes even more pathetic.

what do you expect? this poor soul suffered from american """education""" and only learned that 'murica is the best place to be

brown smelly manlets and tiny dicked yellow midgets have more freedom than the usa?

t o p k e k


>more freedom
Read again, soyboy.

so salty. poor guy