>inb4 some faggot screecaps my post and le ebinly btfos me eksde

also please post jay dee eeen queen if u got it


lmao i love this shit

I got a nice chuckle out of it

Tesla fanboy detected.

wow op on life support

cringy as hell

Not sure what the cringe is and I probably fell for bait, but Porsche's been doing that since the 70's probably

vapelord fanboyism obviously
>tfw like subies
>people like who made that image will start talking to me often about suwbaruuh



Ultimate downforce

both are gay. try 0-60 in less than 2 seconds kids.

i want to puke

benchracing: the post
no way owner isnt nigger

Now this is cringe.

It's honestly cringey that you think that car is cringe worthy.
>Nice wheels
>Nice tires
>Nice headlights
>High quality wrap
>Coilovers (or bags)
>Not stanced
>Nice splitter

Isn't what I'd do with the car but I've seen a hell of a lot worse. My guess is you don't like the guy and so you're trying to hate on his car because putting him down helps bring yourself up.

"does a back flip"

This is neat

These things look great, seriously these things would look great on winter wheels.
Because who the hell wants to have alloys in winter.
Inb4 Buspeople complaining!

the 911 does 0-60 in the 2s

You're a fag if you think those hubcaps are cringe

So you think the entire 'murican car industry is cringe????!!?!!!!!!???? 1111eleven

I agree

If you have a set of real BBS wheels, I could be fine with it. The problem is, that won't be the case. Someone is running these on their Civic's steelies and telling people they have "sikh BBS rimz"

Nibba those are wings he building a flying car

lmao i love this shit

Those are aero wheel covers, literal race cars used to use them.