Who's a better car reviewer in your opinion, Doug or RCR?

who's a better car reviewer in your opinion, Doug or RCR?

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Doug desoyesboi

Rcr pov drives are good but he's too pussy to actually give the car a good hoon

Doug by a country mile, and I don't even like him all that much either



RCR is a feminist soyboy faggot

Google kutztown dragon, or try sitting through one of his sappy diary videos, the guy's a mess

RCR's videos are a work of art. Actually pay attention to the subtle easter eggs in his videos, the references to literature, art. RCR is taking the pulse of our current world and applying it to autos. Go ahead and brew some hot chocolate and put a few of his videos on repeat; treat yourself to some nobler pursuits.

good post friend

Neither, buy a civic and STFU

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

Savage geese
all rcr and doug are doing is just reading a spec sheet

>Doug or RCR
they're both reddit, fuckoff

i tried to watch and enjoy doug but something about him just gave me a "i know more than you, loser" vibe which irritaed the fuck out of me. Plus, doug does high end cars ill never own in my life. Why should i care how great a ferrari rides? Why should i care about how many MPGs a Rolls Royce gets? RCR mostly does cars i may consider buying and does it in an entertaining yet informative way

you have to go back

stop shilling your shitty channel here you boring faggot

>everything I don't like is reddit

Doug's a condescending faggot, RCR is at least entertaining

They're both turd burglars

dawg i think you have them switched around

>Up To Speed

Doug actually reviews and talks about the car

RCR talks about the "culture" that surrounds the car while using toilet humor and occasionally trying to connect themes and ideas that come from literature and sometimes films or video games. When he actually talks about the car, he's wrong one third of the time

RCR isn't a car reviewer.

He makes essay videos about cars, but they're not reviews.

>expecting anything more from a English major

I applaud him for finding work with that god awful degree that isn't flipping burgers desu

ever since the nsx video, doug outted himself as a fucking faggot.


>watching fat farrah
>he is totally wrong about everything the car is
>mach 1 mustang video

>doug dememe
>reviews weird cars I will never own and shits on things he doesnt understand
>chevy ssr, ford superduty

>Reddit CRetins
>literally sharts in front of the microphone while talking about "culture" and cant even maintain an mr2 or drive an echo
>every fucking video

>the same soy insult within 5 minutes

I like Doug. I had a dream he came over and reviewed my car.

Ive actually put in an application with RCR for a review.
Not sure if theyre planning in the future but I have just a 1.0 ecoboost fiesta. Kinda neat and his thing


Fuck off David Freiburger not even finnigan wants ur shit

doug by a country mile
>genuinely loves cars
>owns a r32 and viper
>literally Veeky Forums incarnate right down to the slaphappy jay leno tier banter
RCR on the other hand
>scared by a measily 400-600rwhp
>cant even go flat out
>is a massive furfag
>thinks his sophomore tier grad uni bants are "smart"
>long stupid rants that are mostly entertaining inspired by his boyfriend roman
>is literally gay and has aids and loves reeddit
>DUMB opinions

explain the RCR furfag meme to me

He used to be a furry and post furry shit/still is a furry but not posting furry shit

post proofs

Look it up or lurk more retard

spoonfeed me nigger

kutztown dragon

Finnegan is cool, but Freiberger comes off as smug douche. He also dresses like 12 year. Fucking dadbod in his cargo shorts and graphic t-shirt.

RCR made a video love letter to his dream MR2 after buying one and then proceeded to sell it 1 month later because he was too afraid to drive his pristine stock MR2 it and would rather have someone else hoon the fuck out of it.
RCR is a literal car cuck as far as I'm concerned, I unsubbed shortly after he did that.

I'm pretty sure he's already done the 1L turbo fiesta.

Well Doug isn't an agenda-pushing furry soyboy so I'm gonna go with him.

Wait... I can't like both?

I found rcr's stuff lately is kinda shit apart from the POV

Can someone explain how RCR is a feminist?

Watch his MX5 video.

>the most interesting by far of the GM brands, literal OODLES of shit to talk about
>hurr 20 minutes of cock jokes
I will never not be mad.

I thought cargo shjorts and sandals were standard California wear.

Doug is way better than RCR. His turbo autism actually helps him out quite a bit.

Doug every time.

lets make a retarded face in thumbnails the guy

refuse to watch them because of this

He is pretty good but somehow feels extremely corporately controlled still.

But RCR is a whimp, but great analysis, Doug only likes quirks and doesnt really review the car. Matt farah only laughs and good sirs. Honestly youtube car reviews are a form of entertainment, nothing more. Vehicle virgins even do a better 'review' of the actual car than these but god damn I hate the cunt

Maybe it's just because Freiberger's body resembles a potato that it looks especially bad

Whos best motortrend? Why is it Dulcich?

Because Mopar.

>total bumbling dad mode
>knows his shit
>mopar or no car
>can classically port heads like a 60s pro
>loves best year dodge trucks
>lives on a brown piece of land with a bunch of brown cars
>even looks good with a ponytail

Redditular Car Reviews doesn't even like cars, he just uses them as a frame for his creative writing projects. The POV driving footage in his Type R review looked like an elderly pensioner fearing for their life.

>ctrl f
I like you, user

Is not the RCR newmale a JEW?
He looks like a Mizrahi Jew, who want's to destroy the Goyim.

I can't get over what a fucking kike doug is. Like just his rat face and giant hooknose combined with the fact that he only let's Jewesses in his cars, his curly kike hair and laughing as he drives his I'll gotten jew gold car.... fuck I hate kikes and therefore hate doug

I never heard of that Doug guy before, but damn another Jew like the RCR Kike?

i dont get the savage geese thing. pls explain

Chris Harris does the best reviews.

Its a channel with way higher production value that goes into autism tier detail on cars. He also has the most based mechanic of all time.

Fuck dude i just watched parts of his E39 M5 review, and holy mother of god.
That is one of the most Jewish creature that i have ever seen heard.
(((He))) has that typical high almost witch sounding voice, those weird moles and the most Jewish Jew nose i have seen since that Rabbie in Pissrael god arrested while he wanted to shut it down.

I was just waiting to see him go up in flames when he touched that Aryan German car.
Fucking Jew Rats!

Cjeb Checkem at motor trend is vastly superior.

Or whatever his name is. Watch his X1 review.

I like the straight pipes because they're so casual and laid-back.

>RCR does his le wacky grunting voice for the 364th time

>savage geese
I sitll didn't get it until i googled it, didn't think that would get me anywhere. came right up as the first result. sorry for bothering you user

I highly recommend the channel, he is probably the most in-depth reviewer on Youtube. One of the best things about his videos is that he takes it into a garage and looks at the underpinnings with a mechanic.


I heard that the saudi dealership has to sell their cars at a discount if the Sheiks find out a giant sweaty jew was rubbing himself all over it.

he looks like a homeless person

RCR is a pseudo intellectual soyboy

>Doug only likes quirks and doesnt really review the car.
He totally does though. You can hear that Doug has been around cars and knows a thing or two about them.

>who's a better car reviewer in your opinion, Doug or RCR?
bobby ang

Mat Watson


Unironically better production values than anything on youtube or tv

Lucky daddybrahbro engine Masters dynoman = dolsitch > Tony chillmqnletbro > dirt everyday doods = Finnegan > motortrend selling out > shit > friedturdburgler

He seriously comes off as a massive autistic douche

I liked Jason Cammisa. I barely even watch Ignition or Head2Head because he isn't there.

Honestly this. There's nothing wrong with his content, it's just that I can't deal with filthy rat jews like him and Jonny liebermann just laughing and cackling in their million dollar cars they bought on backs of hardworking white men. I'm not surprised that Mr. Regular is a kike those fucking rats have a stranglehold on all media. Always have always will.

the one where he jokes about chicks who hate their dads?

The pommy guy is boring but is a good addition he's knowledge and chill but I really miss Jason camisa

In his defense, he owned that MR2 for many years before he made that video. You can see it in his older videos where he goes to car shows to make fun of other cars.

But yeah, I don't get why he would sell it. If I got my dream car at a low milage, I wouldn't sell it for anything and keep driving it. What he should have done was either buy another MR2 for driving while keeping "nice" one in showroom condition (not like MR2s are expensive or anything), or sell the "nice" MR2 and buy one that is the same but with higher mileage so he wouldn't feel bad about racking up more miles on it.

Doug talks about the shit I notice on cars. Weird buttons and shifters can ruin an otherwise great car. Some of this stuff is showstopping to me, if it came to buying a car.

RCR is more like "every car has a story to tell."

I don't really feel either one of them is "reviewing" the car. It's just entertainment.

my nigger