Hey guys
im gonna sell my car in about a month
any recommendations to get rid of the smoke smell
Hey guys
Ozium, it's what they use to de-funk hotel rooms.
Burn the whole car, then they won't be able to tell if the smell is from you smoking or just from the car burning.
thanks man
Can confirm on ozium also post more asians. If you need to wash the carpet and seats if they are cloth.
asian girls are my forte
I fucking love them too follow an autistic amount of them on IG. Do you know if the AC smells too?
You just have to mask the smell to a point I bought an e65 745i that smelled like blunts.
same my guy i want a cute asian gf but rn im dating this spanish girl that looks asian, i love her but asians are
Just open up a dozen of black ice and close all your windows for a day or two. The smoke smell won't go away but the black ice odor will be stronger
Another vote for ozium
Just a heads up do not breath it in or get the mist in your eyes. Spray the car quickly, then close the doors and let it dissipate. Reapply as needed.
Clean car and make a fabric refresher out of vodka vinegar essential oil and water. It works great. Vodka has great potential
Latinas are my second favorite but it's asians for me. I just can't wait until I can get my entire GI tract to work again so I can date some.
thanks for the advice man
cool i have a shit ton of vodka at home
yeah man same gonna study abroad my sophomore year gonna make it work
Search for a recipe then my nigg/o/
Google Chemeisters Proliminator, buy a jug of that, and rent a hot water carpet extractor (one with a small articulated arm is needed to properly clean the cushions). Mix the Proliminator in with the water in the fill tank and use it to clean the seats and carpets. For best results take the seats and carpets out of the car so you can clean them easier. While you have the seats and carpets out scrub the shit out of the interior. Use a non scented deodorizer. Finally put everything back in and run an ozone generator inside overnight. That should take care of most of the odor.
Rent an ozone generator.
I just hope I don't have to get a feeding tube so I can do this but that is the worst case senario.