>tfw manlet master race
>just fucked a chick in my single cab truck comfy
>even had her doggie with her face up against the window
Tfw manlet master race
I'll take things that never happened for 800, Alex.
It did and looking forward to that musk bomb in the morning the pussy was kind of stinky
I'm picturing your childlike body pumping away, and now the smell of a gross vagina.
>stinky pussy
imagine being proud of fucking a whore thats been around the block
I've fucked a handful of sloots from behind in my single cab truck and im 6'3". Most of them were 5'3 or smaller tho
Sorry manlet
>thinks doing something as trashy as having sex in a pickup is worth bragging about.
You're either in HS or a manchild.
fucking a skank in your car
literally nigger tier
>hurr durr I could get laid I just don't want to fuck skanks
>i totally could fuck girls I just choose not to
You sour grapes purity spiraling virgins are probably weeaboo miata drivers. I bet youre the undesirable low confidence betas who get in long term relationships with the first girl to touch you.
T. 108 kill count alpha
by becoming a whore you became a women therefore you are no longer masculine sorry
My man. Im either mid 30s or low 40s my iphone with my list broke so i have to make a new one. 23 btw
Ah Veeky Forums. Where everyone is 6ft plus and slays tons of pussy. Sure you're not just roleplaying at all. Not even in the slightest bit.
just transgender already
I been on a s6edge for 2 years now desu its inferior
Never said im a whore. Im 23. Only been with 5 grills and I haven't had sex in 6 months. But i spent my teens fooling around in a reg cab truck
So defensive about self-validation through sex with drunk skanks...
>be me
>be 5'8"
>be 150 pounds
>fuck a skank in my 2001 ford f-350 extended cab behind an old barn
>nut heavy and toss bloody condom in the woods
>be me
>Drive beat up 200k+ miles Audi A4 b5
>185 lbs dadbod build
>Not attractive but not an eyesore
>also own a few autistic vintage motorcycles
>Commute with one when it isn't winter
>Only had one "girlfriend"
>Never had secks
Honestly don't feel like I'm missing out too much
Lmao virgin
Th-th thanks
lmao not virgin