/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

>Links and Resources

>Fire Emblem Echoes Links


Fuck this whore

Fuck you

>increased 4* and one time 5* pull up!

Thank you for the 4 3* sophia and shit tier 4* that aren't even worth owning.


Is Celica better than Tharja?

How do I build the +Att -Spd Celica I just pulled I have no clue 30 spd is kind of hard to work around.

Nice quads!
Rukina as the face of /feg/ confirmed

Which meme team would be the best to get the highest BST possible for Arena?
I'm assuming Armor and or Dragon Emblem.

+atk -hp Summer Elise worth investing in for a green tome?

It seems like a good iv spread, all my other 5* greens have either -atk or -spd

Doragon, since armor memes are meaningless unless you have 2 or 3 spare hectors to give people DC.

The only problem with Doragon memes is that there's only one skill for doragons and it's hidden away on the hardest doragon to get, kinda like flier memes does with Hinoka, but at least you can get Ward and Fortify from other fliers.

Armors but you need to go full whale with them

>"Hey guys! I have what is arguably the third best green tome user in the game with a fucking amazing IV, should I use her?

Gee, I wonder...

>tfw couldn't protect thses smiles

Oh no! Sophia seems to be in quite the predicament! You'll be a gentleman and help her won't you user?

Is there ANY way to salvage a -Speed Celica? I'm willing to give her a Honebot to work around.

What breakpoints does she need to hit?

No, because she's nuFE trash
Send home or have someone eat her for skills

t-there is a full pic?

Just making sure, I kind of wanted to stroke my epenis b/c I usually get shit IVs when I get 5*s

Another Xander variant when?


Whew lad

post items

does Special Blade even exists

Is this one of the worst 5* duplicants to get?


conquest is FE kino gameplay wise at least

My Nino 2.0 is useful for those squad maps

gookmoot at it again after

Don't have even the slightest clue how that thumbnail got there

>60 orbs
>no Celica
I give up

Stop posting porn please

Fucking million Hectors in AA, I was saving up Ryoma for later and I ran out of counters. Lloyd couldn't kill him and Fir did no damage, fuck.

AoE special and Breath of Life. Dragon loli BST if you're into that.

I dont remember this image having a wider view

A happy Genny is a cute Genny!

She needs a lot of care to be useful

It's the 4th time now that I rolled a -speed version of this bitch

Yes, they exist

The summoner wouldnt have to tie her up or anything you know. I think there is some magic pact thst binds the heroes to Kiran. all do everything he says with affection, even unwillingly like michalsis

>He counted Tobin out

I hope everyone has been spamming beginner to get all those items before they patch it.


walk me through how to do it

I actually used Tobin and he killed him and Ryoma while standing on a defense tile. What a hero.


>We increased the rate of getting a 4* unit!

ayo fuck this game

every Genny is a cute Genny.

>have 80 orbs
>not interested in any of these banners
This sucks.

Just keep doing beginner for easy items, then you can spam them on advanced for easy wins.

Dumb sheep posters

post lewd

wtf i love free summons

she's neutral, i'll gladly take it

>fed my Genny to Elise
>regret it


Smell the tiki!

>Headpats are lewd.
If there's any part of weeaboos that is cringe as fuck, it's this part.

I don't even have enough units to do it 7 times in a row.


biggest cringe right here

Wrys is enjoying himself!

delet this right now!

gb2 >>>/reddit/

who /gotbaitedhard/ here? dumped my stockpile into nohrian summer and got nothing to show for it. meanwhile I got Celica and Minerva in 20 orbs each. shame the former is -spd though I'll take it anyways

taking requests

What are these fucking coins for?

If you can't buy feathers I'm going to freak.




Legion! pls

But they are lewd, dumb virgin

Nowi and Ninian to complete the dragons!


>Hey let's release the ONLY flying mages in the game (nuFE characters by the way) as limited time units
>4'75% pity rate after getting cucked by a +Spd -Def Lukas at 4%
Fucking jews

>Got useless fucking young Tiki on free summon
>Got useless fucking Draug on second red
I'm not spending any more orbs until CYL, guess I'll have to make due on TT with a Healslut Alm that doesn't even have renewal


Gib tiki please



>Decide to roll free summon on Tempest banner
>Get a second Doot with shit IVs
>Realize I'm sitting on 180+ orbs and that the Hero Fest banner really doesn't have any must-haves on it for me, whereas to this day I still don't have a good Red Mage
>Decide to start a fresh Tempest summon and throw some orbs at it
>No reds, but I don't mind the green
>5 star Fae with -Atk +HP, oh well add it to the skill bank
>Roll some more, pick up Reposition, TA3, Desperation, Darting Blow 3, Moonbow, G.Tomebreaker, and R.Tomebreaker fodder
>Final red stone before barracks fill up ends up being a 5 star... Ryoma?? +Spd/-Def

I'm not even mad, I'm impressed. This is the most 5 star and skill fodder units I've ever gotten within 80 orbs. Despite still lacking a good Red Mage, I think I finally know how luckshitters feel..

... I mean I did finally pull my first Tharja, but I'm pretty sure with +Res/-Spd I may as well feed her to an accidental Lilina or something.


that's crude and cute

Jaffar! Nino! needs him




>yfw items reset every week

Is a -Res Sonya still decent?


Just don't use res ploy.

>come back to game after several months away
>Pull this on first orb

I don't know who she is but she's qt as fuck. Her base skillset looks pretty good too. What else do I give her?

You give her the dick


>Go to Arena Assault
>Check top players
It's whale central over here. Sooooo many +10s.

-Res hurts since she won't nuke with Glacies but she's still one of the best blue mages you can get.
Grats user.


Harsh Command
Armored Blow
Brash Assault
Threaten Def

Did you expect it any different from regular arena?


If I used a disposable email when I linked my FEH account and I haven't touched Account Management for ages how do I get my Nintendo ID and password back?


Blessed Boquet+
Rally Resistance
Fortress Defense
Infantry Pulse

Delfreea! The free Free Spirit!