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「I W A N N A D A N C E」

Initial D is pretty inconsistent on whether dagumi's a-meme-86 has the window rainguards or not. This pic seems to imply they're there, where as in others they're absent.

I've never seen a perfect 10 crash and burn into a miserable 1 so quickly, but God Hand's driving was just so great to watch. Any opponent that's better than Takumi is always infinitely more likeable than he is, even Sakamoto being better in the corners is so much more entertaining, to the point where even the first stage feels like it's failed at this except for Impact Blue.

Get hydrated, God Hand

Sakamoto was a real Chad. If they did a rotary swap to his Cappucino (which seems to be a common swap) Dagumi would've been fucked and would need a Shigeno asspull to win.

>straightaway comes up
>dagumi accelerates
>Chadamoto out accelerates him
>apex seals blow


Fucking stupid shit, there are so many times dagumi wins against cars that would blatantly blow him the fuck out of the water. Theres no way an AE86 beats an R34 or an rx7 or a fucking s2000

Get hydrated, god hand

>takumi starts getting pissed off because he straight up can't attack a corner as well as sakamoto and has to use his 86's brute force for the first time
Honestly if Sakamoto wasn't using a kei shitbox could the tofuboy stand a chance? Sakamoto even calculated that Takumi would overshoot and fly into the gutter because he was pushing it too far

Sakamoto's specialty came squarely because he was driving a kei car, it was significantly lighter and the weight was far better distributed.

also i found this too funny

>some kid has an na miata
>pretty much the poor man's ae86
>he tries doing something he saw dagumi do

that guy was probably Veeky Forums in a nutshell

>end of the Evo race in saitama
>oh shit is keisuke gonna kill them all?
>"Oh shit is that you keisuke-san?"
>"These guys bothering you?"

Stage 4 isn't half-bad once you get to the todo racing school arc.

But also stage 4 has some of the most bull shit wins of the anime

takumi should and would have lost fair and square to goddo hando, but the plot armor decided that he had to puke conveniently before the finish line.

>Takumi gets into a race with an unknown person in an Impreza
>Loses on his home course
>Don't know who it is for a long while
>Turns out it's just his dad testing out the new car he brought

>tfw there will never be a Godhand vs Bunta race

theres actually a tiny detail in the takumi vs bunta race, with buntas and god hands drift technique being the exact same with their minimal angle of attack
gives me the impression theyd have one hell of a race

>but the plot armor decided that he had to puke conveniently before the finish line.
No, you stupid shit, we've been over this before. It was God Hand's own folly that did him in.

God Hand lost because of strategic error on his part. His strategy in the race was to toy with Takumi. He deliberately chose not to go as fast as he could when he was leading, but to take varied racing lines each round to fuck with Takumi. He chose to draw out the match and destroy Takumi's own skill and self-confidence before going to for the kill, which worked but wasn't without its cost. The cost was the time spent and the fatigue he suffered from drawing it out so long by having so many rounds of toying with Takumi.

This is incredibly important because of the sweaty part of Sweaty S2K Man. It was a really hot night, and throughout God Foot's race and his own incredibly long race, he was sweating excessively the entire time. His strategy exacerbated the heat exhaustion that was accumulating over the night.

>But he was fine, he drank plenty of water

No he wasn't fucking fine, because there are two types of heat exhaustion: water depletion, in which you can no longer sweat to keep yourself cool because your body doesn't have enough water left and can be fixed by drinking water, and salt depletion, which happens when you sweat for long periods of time and only consume plain water, leading to a loss of salt and electrolytes that are also extruded through sweating. The symptoms of salt depletion include things like muscle spasms and seizures at the severe end and nausea and VOMITTING at on the less severe side.

It was his fault he had to vomit because he failed to maintain the health of his body and he chose a strategy that exacerbated the problems that were developing over the night.

wasn't it god arm?

depends on translation, although most correct is god arm

>t. ryosuke takahasi valiantly defending his husbando
even takumi himself admitted it was a lost race with a technical victory

>that part where sakamoto has a wide eyed half grin
>Hah! The fool's dug his own grave!
Shame the race wasn't as long as it could have been, cappuccino a cute

Not to mention he compares God Hand's driving to the feeling of Bunta chasing in the Impreza

turn the damn AC on, god hand.

I know it removes some power from the car but jesus

desu itd be so miniscule even with his normal time attack line he'd destroy takumi

So, will we see Keisuke as a pro racing driver and antagonist on MFGhost?

Stage 5 was even more bullshit

Kogashiwa should have absolutely butt pounded Dagumi with his MRS, but Dagumi somehow gained teleportation magic

Muh Mako.

>final corner
>cunt fucking warps to hyperspace because plot armour
>muh spinny spin spin snap oversteer ha i win again

Even Ko-chan stated that it was too convenient once the race was over.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were criticizing the series, not defending it.

okay then
if takumi feels exhaustion from his race with wataru on saitama from only 3-4 rounds, how come he went 7-8+ rounds against god hand and he was still perfeclty fine

He wasn't perfectly fine, he was getting slower and slower on each of the pass in which he was leading.

Furthermore, that race against Wataru was a different beast because that road was so poor. With how narrow it was, how it had mud and other obstructions on one side, and how the other side was a rough and cracking surface, that road required more sustained concentration, especially with no straights you could relax on. And despite this, he still had what it took to thread the needle while driving over that mud to make the pass.

except its explained that the fruit lines are also narrow and make it difficult to pass making standard start to end races impossible
and regardless, the constant g-force from a 6km course as twisty as the fruit lines should take its toll on anyone, especially after 7 rounds rather than being explained away as


Get hydrated, God Hand



And Bunta wasn't even the one driving
It was Kogashiwa diving and Bunta sitting beside him as an instructor


post yfw Shingo does COOL VIBRATIONS he's an asshole, but somehow everyone is okay with Keisuke beating the rotard girl with the same technique, including that retarded sow
>my darling is sooo great at playing bumper cars

He didn't draw out the race just to Fuck around with takumi, he made takumi wear out his tires while conserving his own that help God hand start leaving takumi behind while using his own racing line that best effectively uses his tires

What would've been a more appropriate car for Dagumi to use besides the ameme 86? Seeing an AE86 pop up in Over Rev and Wangan Midnight was far more exciting than seeing it all the time in Initial D, I'd even say that it'd be better off if the only ones to show up were Wataru's and Shinji. Question is, what would've Dagumi drove instead? Practically every character drives an S-chassis, Over Rev has the AW11, I'd imagine it'd have to be something somewhat common but not a complete unicorn like the Subaru XT.

>No Dagumi, you didn't lose fair and square to Misfiring Man. We don't accept it.
>Sorry God Hand, Kogashiwa, and that guy in the EK9, winning's winning.

except kogashiwa lost twice and is arguably an even bigger jobber than nakazato

fucks sake wasn't guardrail boy supposed to have a bigger role in the manga

nakazato is really a joke, he lost every single race since the beginning and he's supposed to be the "fastest" in myogi.

nakazato is shown to be an incredible driver as he gives takumi and keisuke a run for their money on their home courses, its just his anger is his downfall as he pushes himself too far and ccrashes

thinking about it, hes akin to god foot, with their main difference being god foot manages his anger and over concentration by distracting himself

>wasn't guardrail boy supposed to have a bigger role in the manga


yes, before project d it was probably going to be the gunma expedition team and Shingo and nakazoto were teased to be chosen by ryosuke to join. Granted this is all projection.


that would of been pretty fucking awesome and would of made stage 4 to final a lot more interesting
>Takumi as a literal mini god arm
>Nakazato as a literal mini god foot
>Shingo going balls to the wall with high risk races for downhill
>Keisuke being an absolute uphill madman

There is the drama CD where he redeems himself between stage 1 and 2 but it is a damn shame how they play him off all cool but by the time his race is up he looks like an absolute retard when he crashes,

Shinji playing mario kart with Dagumi but everyone is praising him as the second coming of tofu

An MR2, with the race against Kai being the "You and I use the same car" race, which further makes the whole jumping surprise even more interesting because despite running the same car they use different techniques.

That being said I think the 86 was okay in Initial D but he should've swapped to something else entirely except for Wataru race and maybe a few times in the series up until Shinji

that would of been a good way of splitting from the 86, as kai splits from the sw20 for the zzw30
only probelm is the later corollas are all ffs and 4wds, so he'd have to change to a whole different series like the supra which would be a rather large jump

Honestly he could've just switched to the Impreza a lot earlier and it would've been okay, the whole subaru thing is a mimicry of Keiichi's career anyways. He could have dug out the 86 against Wataru because he never raced another 86 and on certain races like Shinji and stuff, just using the Impreza in the meanwhile.

Get hydrated, God hand

>is a literal doctor, presumably with a medical degree
>doesn't understand something as basic as dehydration

Nice bait

>even nakazato is aware of how much of a jobber he was relegated to being

They can be removed, ya dingus.

Shinzo rammed Takumi to make him crash; Keisuke tapped Kyoko's ass to cause her car to lose balance for a second and induce turbo lag.

>tfw they literally never show what caused the ROADSTER's wing to break
>even though it wasn't longer than the trunk of the car it's implied to hit some bullshit pole
At least happy roadster got a decently leveled race against dagumi

>when the dude flips his miata and has flashbacks of his GF while rolling

in stage 4 and 5 you'd know that no matter was dagumi and keisuke will win, it's so boring.


Get Hydrated, God Arm.


get hydrated, god hand

Get hydrated, God Hand

now I really want to 13b swap a cappucino

or better yet keep it mazda and do it with an AZ-1


Now that the dust has settled, did they even own cars or were they just hardcore larping as Brojecto B?


At least Dagumi still gets caught off guard, the Go Hojo race was so disappointing because it's Go lost in thought the whole race while Keisuke pulls a nothin personnel on him

i'll give that one thing, considering his murderous older brother tells him to
>have fun
and hes relying on shinji, a kid whos never raced whos only good because he wanted his mum to sleep to beat tqkumi, plot armour tofu god


The battle between God Hand and Takumi was perfectly balanced. Of course a guy who has been perfecting his technique for over 20 years will beat a kid who has been driving for 6. But all of those years don't come without a problem, his age is starting to take a toll on him, making him less resistant to wars of attrition. So in a sense it is balanced.

They probably went back to being Ricers, only ricer first class instead of a standard ricer. I bet you the AE86 guy sold his 86 just because of it's age. The FD was still viable, so FD guy probably just got the badges removed.


lets be honest the guy in the FD prob got rid of it cuz he put a shit intake on it, leaning out the tune and blew the apex seals and had to sell it cuz he could afford the repairs