Hey Veeky Forums
What is the worse thing that could happen if buy this oil filter off of aliexpress?
Its for a cheap Civic
Hey Veeky Forums
What is the worse thing that could happen if buy this oil filter off of aliexpress?
Its for a cheap Civic
You could fuck youre shit.
It's an oil filter. Are you really so poor you have to be cheap with a fucking oil filter?
my dad uses those in his xsara
they do the job
yes I am pretty poor, also I like to gamble
also I doubt you can tell me anything more than
"You could fuck youre shit."
How? Im sure the only thing different is they used less filter medium
MANN-Filter are actually brand
buy them in bulc.
I buy ten for my car online, they cost like 3 in the store
Next step will be a barrel of oil.
Yes but do you think this one is a knock off?
the review say its legit
It's cheap chinese bullshit. How di you know it even works as a filter? For all you know parts of it will come off and start floating around in your oil. It could start leaking all over the place because the threads were machined on crappy machines. It could be stuffed with tinger balls because those backwards yellow savages think it will make their cars faster. Who knows. A Bosch oil filter is like 15 bucks.
Of course but most things are made in china
Everyone has move their factories to china
Bosch even has a store on aliexpress but the rep told me he didnt know if their filter would for sure fit.
You use chinese products everyday
Yeah but Chinese products with a real brand name on them have an implicit guarantee of at least basic quality control.
Go ahead and buy it if you want. If your children will eat tonight because you saved 3 bucks than knock yourself out.
It does have a brand name, and I would be saving like 25 bucks.
Are you naive enough to think that the products you buy in the store are actually better just because they cost more?
"ooh this jar of lube must be better because its 20 dollars more!"
You know how quality control and brand images work right?
If you want someone to re-affirm your poverty stricken life you're in the wrong place. I put premium in my miata just on the off chance that it will be better for the engine.
Looks like a knockoff, mann filters are originaly made in germany. They cost like 10 ~ 15€ each here in Europe. The real ones are great quality wise, they even make filters for heavy industrie.
So, i dont think the filter in your link is legit. It doesnt feel right to export a german made filter to China. And then ship it for that cheap to the other end of the world.
These filters should cost way less than $11. In Germany they go for 5 Euros, I doubt they're much more in the US or wherever you're at. And I just have no idea where you're getting
>saving like 25 bucks
from. An oil filter for a car should never cost 30+ dollars.
Thank you! thats all I wanted to know really.
Though its strange I have bought a raspberry pi and supposedly they are all made in the UK
But this one was a legit model
MANN filters are great and very popular brand. Every new oil filter I buy is MANN, theyre budget and they do they job great. Whats risky here is buying anything off ebay, ali or any other that kind of chinese crap e-shop.
that's how much I pay for OEM BMW filters from local sellers
why bother with the risk of getting chinked when it isn't even cheaper?
>yes I am pretty poor, also I like to gamble
if you didn't gamble you probably wouldn't be poor
how's that for a bet
>too cheap to buy a $5 filter from a local store
you are being really dumb
have you even looked on the rock?
t. poorfag
oil filters are precision built to withstand a very high amount of pressure from the engine oil even if they get gunked up. buying a chinese knock off will most likely get you shit that will buckle under the pressure and not filter the oil. this could cause your entire engine to blow if the oil channels become blocked.
so don't, you can get the real thing for a couple bucks more
I get wix filters for 3 bucks. wix is by and large the best filter you can get for daily applications.
your both retarded and poor.
jesus fucking christ
>Next step will be a barrel of oil.
Just got 11 of these bad boys. Will have oil changes for years.
Get a fucking FRAM filter, why the fuck would you wait 2 months and risk fucking your engine to save $5, retard.
If you're so poor, you should sell your car.
How much time can you keep motor oil without using it?
Sealed in a plastic bucket like the I don't know, over time water and air can seep through plastic, or any material really. I'd be more concerned about the stuff separating, settling, or something. I think it'd be good for a few years unopened though.
it will fail and probably bypass and stop working
dont be a faggot
I'd rather take a risk on the Chinese knock-off than a FRAM filter
The filter costs more on aliexpress than your local parts store, just sayin'
I bet you're shit at gambling.
Trusting Chinese Reviews to say a product is legit
If it is an authentic Mann filter, no problem
They have been used in Europe for decades
what do you gamble on
Purolator PureONE is pretty cheap already what the fuck.
>yes I am pretty poor
If you can't afford to properly maintain a car, you can't afford a car.
>mann oil filter off of aliexpress
Mann filters are made in Germany (not china).
The chinese make a lot of counterfeit products. Fram suffered from counterfeits for a long time because Fram had contracted with chinese suppliers many years ago to have filters made in China. When Fram discontinued getting filters from China due to poor quality, those chinese factories simply kept on making more filters and distributed them into the USA and other foreign markets. Only those major shops that obtained Fram stock directly from Fram itself had the real made in usa fram filters. The chinese counterfeiters even reprinted the bright orange boxes.
The chinese also sell barrels of full synthetic motor oil. It's good for those independent oil filter change shops to get their bulk oil.
Picture shows legitimate chinese copyrighted and trademarked Cars Autobots. Disney tried suing each year as each new Cars movie was made, but failed to win in chinese courts. It was ruled that in China, Cars and Autobots as shown in the picture is an authentic original product.
Authetic Car parts made in China. Ask for them by name! Accept no imitations from Disney. Get the true original from China.
just go to youre local autoparts store, most have cheap oil filter under like 10$
Chinese cars have remarkably similar looks. Thus the metal alloy quality and quantity must also be similar?