Do Southerners really not know how to drive in light snow?
Do Southerners really not know how to drive in light snow?
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People barely know how to drive in the rain here in flordia, and it rains every single day for half the year, so I'm gonna say no, they dont
WNC here, people are doing 10 mph on plowed, salted, sanded roads. In Subarus, no less.
No, why would they? When a weather condition is so rare it might only happen a few times in their whole lives, how would they have the experience to drive well in it?
Leaf here thats fucking bullshit i just drive like ibalways do 20 over the limit
ENC here. There are still patches of ice, even if the road was salted or plowed. Hit a patch of ice just right and you're in the ditch.
People barely know how to BREATHE in florida
That doesn't excuse doing 30 mph under the normal speed limit in an AWD vehicle with traction control and ABS. It's one thing to slow down for an iffy corner, it's totally another to do the same speed on a straight, empty, dry road in the middle of the day. I have a Miata on all-seasons with no driver aids whatsoever and it had no problem dealing with the ice and snow. Even got freezing rain turning the highway into a skating rink on the way to work, everybody started slowing down to like 5-10 mph and sliding down the road crown, I dropped to 30, put it in 3rd, kept a sliver of throttle open and just drove around about 6 cars like it was nothing. You need to keep up the rotational inertia of your wheels to maintain traction on ice. As long as they are rolling you have control and the faster they're rotating makes for more directional stability to a point. Going slow is just as dangerous as going too fast.
Please use even a shred of physics to back up any of what you said. I know you "feel" it's true, but if you don't have a grasp of physical sciences don't attempt to use them to justify your opinions.
If Northerners can't drive for shit in this weather, how the fuck do expect southerners to be any good either?
As a native Georgian, who has been driving for over 10 years, I find it ridiculous how these shitheads freak out over a fucking inch of snow, and shut down schools and businesses - THIS SHIT HAPPENED LAST WEEK AND WE DIDN'T GET ANY FUCKING SNOW AND I HAD TO MISS A TOTAL OF THREE DAYS OF COLLEGE, SO FAR, BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS TOO FUCKING STUPID TO ADAPT TO CONDITIONS!
Even last month's 9 inches of snowfall was a poor excuse to shut everything down - I didn't have any trouble driving my shitty FWD Kia with all seasons at 75% tread.
Shit like this makes me want to become a governor or President and make it illegal for anybody, who cannot or will not drive on snowy/icy roads, hold a drivers license.
If a 28-year-old can drive on roads during shitty conditions, so can anybody else.
>DURR AWD helps you stop or turn
Nope, Charlotte area reported around 300 crashes in a couple of days. Even our racers (Dale Jr.) fucking crashed.
You can put your teachin' cap back up your ass where it belongs, professor. I'm not a physicist, I am a driver that takes his craft very seriously. I genuinely saw people slow down to speeds they thought were safe and slide right off the highway. If the wheels stop rotating for any reason on ice you have lost control. When the wheels can freely rotate, you have the ability to change direction as long as you are mindful about approach speeds and the inertia you carry into turns. If you brake hard enough to lock up you are fucked, and if you drive slowly enough the road crown will pull you off the side. That's what I meant about directional stability. There's much less grip overall but as long as the wheels rotate you can control your direction, which is far more important than driving unnecessarily slow everywhere because you're afraid of some slightly challenging driving conditions.
Driving unreasonably slow in snow is also a good way to get stuck.
Fuck Dale. As long as Our God Gordon didn't crash and is ok.
tbf suvs weigh a shitton making any kind of movement dam near impossible
That was pretty cool
Maybe if people actually understood how to brake properly for turns it wouldn't be a problem but nearly every driver I see on the road does stupid shit like braking while turning instead of braking before the turn and accelerating through it. Then white shit comes out of the sky and everybody crashes because they drive like morons in any weather. I don't drive like a dumb fuck but I'm sure as hell not going to piddle around behind some soccermom in an Outback because she can't tell the difference between sand and snow.
I find that hilarious and appropriate.
What's the difference between teeny, tiny rocks and teeny, tiny ice crystals?
Leaf here.
>brake well in advance for turns
>get good quality tires (A/S are fine)
You'll be fine if you don't fucking brake at the last second for every corner.
teeny tiny rocks don't turn into icy water when you drive over them
>he doesn't trail brake in his daily commute
Hell no we don't.
Live in west Texas and about a month ago we got some ice, saw 2 car wrecks happen in the time it took to fuel up my car.
Going 20 in a 50 doesn't stop retards from going 60.
Theres your problem
idk just don't accelerate too quickly and make sure to leave yourself enough time to brake and you'll be good for the most part of its snow/slush. if there is ice idk what to tell you lol you're fucked senpai
Man, _I_ don't know how to breathe in Florida. Go down there in the summer and it's so humid you could drown in the air.
No. Most of us have never seen snow or only seen it a couple times, and the roads are usually too warm for it to pile up and not just melt as soon as it hits the ground. We're also completely unprepared for it as we never have it. No salt trucks, no winter tires, little driver education on how to drive in it, etc.
>That doesn't excuse doing 30 mph under the normal speed limit in an AWD vehicle with traction control and ABS.
Yes it does. AWD will just lull you into thinking you have more traction. ABS, traction and stability control will help you steer and stop pointing in the right direction. But the limiting factor is static friction. No amount of technological wizardry will improve the maximum braking or steering forces that a tire can produce. And on ice, that can be 10% or less of dry pavement levels.
The snow gets compacted down and freezes into ice and no amount of skill can help you on that
Here, the problem is poor visibility as well as long stopping distance. You need to judge your stopping distance and then keep that within your visual range.
Ad then hope that the person following you does the same.This is one reason that in most of the developed world, 'fog lights' are bright red lights facing rearward.
Why would they? Snow is a rare event for them that they almost never encounter.
I didn't imply at all that any of those technologies magically added grip. The real-world example I gave was a person driving obnoxiously slow on a straight, flat, plowed and treated road in such a vehicle. That level of caution is unnecessary and impedes traffic flow. The reason the driver was doing this was clearly a lack of skill and confidence in the vehicle, which implies a lack of care about driving in general.
>no amount of skill can help you on that
Don't be a reactive driver. By the time you notice you have no grip at all it's too late, but if you consider what running over the ice will do before you get to it, you can set your car up at an appropriate entry angle and speed to overcome the low traction area with minimal loss of momentum. Ice is not a magic vidya gaem slippery zone. You can stay within the very tiny limits of traction while on it if you drive appropriately.
>live in Ohio
>it snows at least a few inches every year
>people still drive 10 under on clear roads
>it snowed more this year than it has in many years
>everybodies driving 10mph regardless of the speed limit and how clear the road is
Where do you live, pleb? Ex-Yellowknife here, if your answer is anywhere south of 60, you don’t know what a real Winter is like, and you don’t know how to drive in it.
>Tfw hooning in a shitbox Lada Niva under the Northern Lights on the Dettah Ice Road, praying a semi wouldn’t come around the blind curve and wreck you
>Ice is not a magic vidya gaem slippery zone.
You're fucking stupid dude no offense
a thing people are missing itt is that down south they don't have a fleet of trucks waiting to plow, sand, and salt the road every winter. most normies up north couldn't drive in snow if not for these things.
That and about 0.01% of people actually buy winter tires for winter here. My dad had to park his car because it's on summers and we had ice and freezing temps the last couple days.
Texas here, pass an accident every hour on the road.
We still get secondary or tertiary roads that don't get plowed, and even primary ones where they haven't had a chance to plow yet.
Granted that's also when you get more accidents from people who think they shouldn't just probably stay home unless they're used to dealing with them.
people don't really buy winter tires up north either. I live in new york and just always use all seasons
They have more than they used to and plan ahead better because of the 2014 ice jam in Atlanta, but they don't have enough manpower or equipment to treat every road. And in more rural counties the availability of equipment drops even more. Obviously, the interstates and some other major routes will get treated before all others. Many local roads do not get any brine or plowing at all. Even if they did plow them, it doesn't do much to get rid of ice--so you end up with local roads that many people live on that are completely iced over from start to finish.
People just take the day off since it almost never stays for more than a day or two. The last time the South had a bad winter storm that impacted travel for longer than that was the Blizzard of 93.
>San Antonio
>ice everywhere which is uncommon
>about almost 1/4 inch of ice on all cars
>go down to parking lot to try and get some of the ice off windshield and side windows so i could leave later
>neighbor lady gets in car, starts it, immediately takes off
>she can't see anything out of windows or windshield
>see her sliding her way out of the parking lot
i am convinced that bitch crashed into something that day
not to mention the highways were clogged with accidents where people were driving like it was a dry summer day
high five fellow san anto
>tfw you live in florida so long that traveling to places without swamp air fucks with your sinuses
I don't know why people have problems. I have to give my car a ton of gas to even spin the tires on ice. If you're going straight on an icy section don't turn the fucking wheel.
Yeah well nascar guys are too much of a bitch that they won't even drive in slight rain
Have you seen them drive in the rain? A driver pretty much slide off the course at every turn
>a little under 10% illiteracy
>most of the population is shitskin or foreign
>most people drive with no licenses, insurance, or registration
>somehow cause accidents in bumper-to-bumper traffic every hour or so on a dry, sunny day
There was like a 10 car pileup on a major street near me when it snowed and last time it snowed my mom told me one of her coworkers accidentally spun her car
It's tires, tires that a northern redneck would consider completely fucked, a southronor will put another 20,000 miles on.
I would absolutely fucking love snow in My truck.
I have a rear locker, a center locker, and a front limited slip. As well as tons of experience in dirt and mud. I'm guessing snow is a mix of those surfaces, more close to dirt, but the addition of not being able to stop
No, southerners do not understand what the white devil that falls from the sky is. As an Illinoisan in the south, these people drive me insane. They creep along at 5mph, even though there is no snow on the road, hitting their brakes every 20 feet for who knows what stupid fucking reason. Hit your brakes, a great fucking idea, go ahead and lose traction and cause a pileup that I'll have to wait 4 fucking hours to get through.
Traveling through a blizzard in IN, I was doing about 45-50mph in an AWD Volvo on a non-clear and un-salted interstate, everyone else doing maybe 30. There was one motherfucker who flew by at 60mph, but of course, they were from IL too.
Move back home then faggot
Do notherners think that "light snow" stays as light snow down here?
Because it most certainly turns to Ice here.
No, it's too cold up here for water to freeze. That sounds truly awful that after it has snowed some of it might magically transform into ice :(
I bet the Jews did this.
>Hi I want to play semantics and not understand that driving in snow considerably easier than on sheet ice formed from melt water
Due to the atmospheric pressure at latitude, it just directly sublimes into water vapor. But that's nothing some rain-x and fog lights can't handle.
Here's now it works Northern assholes:
>weak ass layer of 'snow' melts around 5pm
>refreezes into a solid sheet of ice overnight
>cities don't have the equipment or manpower to sand or salt the roads
>drivers have zero experience with ice, and certainly no winter tires
And so inevitably a few people drive off an overpass or bridge. So yeah, we can all invest in the ability to drive on the 3 days out of every 3 years where it's iced over (compared to the inevitable snow and blizzards of the North), or we can just take a day off work every once in awhile.
What we often do up here is put a sign in front of each bridge or overpass clearly stating that it freezes before the rest of the road.
I don't know if people read those or not. They certainly don't read the signs about keeping to the right except to pass, as far as I can tell. And apparently some people were taught that if there is snow obscuring the lane markings then in fact the entire road is just one big lane and you should drive right down the middle of it.
Yes that explains how it drops from 40 degrees to twenty overnight......
no its awful down here, if theres even a little snow with perfect roads people find a way into a ditch, but in my 15 years of living here i have never seen a single set of winter tires so its expected
What this guy is trying to say is about the differences between static and kinetic friction, and he’s right. Having a little grasp of the physics behind friction does improve your driving. This is why I drive a 2wd full-size truck in Maine with all-seasons and don’t give a fuck about road conditions. It’s the retards in the Jeeps and Subarus and other SUV’s that you truly have to watch out for when it’s slippery.
Is this guy actually bragging about driving a Kia