I'll start


long hood is looooooooooooooong



reminds me of the SLR

this or a stratos

One crashed in Chink land so there are only 76 left

Yes I know it is not fast at all by todays standards, hell the Supra was faster back in its day. But there is something about a removable top, flip up headlight, 90s styling car that calls out to me. Also this cars engine and exhaust note are mint.





That's not the LC 500 you fucking mong


Muh penis


Pic related

996 Turbo (although they're starting to go up, fuck)

>possibly within the next 5 years or so
Boxster (S)



with 's engine.

Dream car dream schmar

There's a lot of good shit out there, some which you could make yourself

>never ever

One has had a ring king time around the time of their release and the other hasn't
L C 5 0 0 A S H I T
>guaranteed replies

35-40k for a manuel v8 in Germoney. Get yourself one via import

My waifu

That's a sileighty right? I hope to own an s14a one day.


Want to own one before they become really ancient and collectors items or before yurop bans all fun cars


pure sex
also pure sex


RIP sweet prince :(

GT40 kit car with 5.2 voodoo and whipple supercharger


If only they didn't limit this to Japan and produce about 500 of these.

I am not a miata fag at all but I want that nb

>sileighty with RB28
ah, i see you are a man of good culture as well

Twin turbo, manual, pop-ups, sounds like a perfect car to me.

Real niggas


I never understood the visual appeal of that car
The front of it looks like an insect to me, because of the headlights
That said, it IS a beast

Came here to post this.
Top taste nigga


Its not right
Its not fair

Good night sweet prince, viper, you didnt deserve this fate.

i don't mind the look of it, as a whole it's something different but not show-off-ish if that makes sense, but the main thing about it that makes me want it with every breath is the noise it makes, gives me goosebumps whenever i hear it

saw one of these in person the other day. Just happened across it in a storage shed near Osaka Japan actually. Owner of the storage confirmed that it's a real Z tune. Number 12/19


Number 01 Z-Tune sold for like $600k

I heard one went for 750 recently. Either way thats an absolute shit ton for some old nissan.

Pretty much nutted in my pants when I saw it. They had a m-spec with 12k kms and a bunch of other sweet skylines in the same storage unit.

how do you even drive something so expensive?

You put the key in and turn it.

t. doug demuro

this for me

or this

I'm a man of simple taste


Mate. I'd take the wagon personally

I don't ask for much in this life but this is really the only thing I want

I'll take one also. Love that car.

Mates, yous know what's up

>tfw it will literally never happen now
Feels bad man

Disco Volante

Maybe one day :'(

A 200mph uber luxury sedan


911 GT1


Alpine GTA Le Mans


Is it a realistic dream? Even if my taste is bad?

One of the last First generation twingos with sky Window would be great.

I had a dream last night that I bought a new Civic hatchback in white. I was trying to park it in the city to pick up a sandwich but this bike cop kept following me to each 5 minute zone with a stop watch and tickets in hand. Come on doesn't take 5 minutes for a good sandwich to be made.

Is that a dream car?





I'd sell both lungs for one of these

10k for a good one