/owg/ - Overwatch General


>Summer Games are coming back on August 8th
>Lucioball is returning, with a few changes (and a competitive mode)
>The old skins from last year's Summer Games are coming back, but for regular price (1x) instead of event pricing (3x)
>New skins are also coming (available for event pricing)

>Newest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20861969
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>eSports info, Contenders League and World Cup 2017

>Previous thread:

I want to bully Mercy until she cries!

>5 Hours till event
At least I'll wake up and see all the new skins.

>he made a picture for the op

oh shit we in the game again


Nice OP pic. Feel good about yourself for once, you accomplished something.

It not even a case of relearning, because where they drop is a random point in their jumping arc, so rather than knowing exactly where they are gonna go you have about a third of a second to react and shoot where they are gonna land. The only application I have found useful so far is that when a Rein charges you, he stops right there instead of passing through you with momentum.

This was not my finest work.


Fixed it.

Why the fuck did they add notifications for every single new highlight you get?

Here comes T.Racer!

Is the reason why teams keep losing to South Korea is because all the other teams are too reliant on one player (Shadowburn) or strategy (Dive)?

Dive is a boring strat.

How do we fix CTF?

What will Sombras skin be? Will it be a Legendary?

Will it never drop for me like so many other skins?

>tfw you exist at an SR where "dive" is just a word that high schoolers say once or twice while in the spawn room, before proceeding to not actually dive anything
Send help.

never played it, what's the problem?

>remove sym and torb

Gotta respect that six a bong tea time huh mate?

Because SK officially recognises and accepts eSports, plus they get celeb staus over there. None of the private bullshit.

Make new maps that accommodate the mode, and either make it so mobility skills don't work while carrying the flag or force you to drop the flag.

>Everyone else just has a national or sports-themed skin for Summer Games
>Mercy literally gets to be a goddess

This needs to stop.

delete mercy pls

>Leave Bastion and Junkrat in

the issue isn't really mobility, the issue is how people turtle up

>we can't give you swimsuits
>here is greek themed skins instead
What in the world

>Custom made op image

Aah reminds me of older times, better times.

This is baby's first MOBA, they really don't understand meta outside of seeing which characters are picked. Most likely have never played any sports either.

this original tweet was about vaccination btw

You're not going to fix that as long as defense heroes exist. Maybe if you didn't need to cap the flag like it's a point in order to pick it up, but even then, the mode is inherently broken due to OW's classes and map design.

Whats a good way to waste time /owg/?

who honestly doesnt know this
fucking dumbdumb

>comparing moba and OW to sports
Gonna take a guess and say you have downs

Need to make most of the female playerbase feel special somehow. Gameplay isn't exactly exhilarating.

I want to be Mercy's sandals. I want to mould to the shape of her soft, angelic feet, and become saturated with her foot sweat.


>Jeff says Mercy has his favorite skin in the game now
>It's the worst skin Mercy has

She's got a bunch of towels layered over her with shoulder holes and it looks stupid as fuck. He didn't even have the balls to give her a proper toga or anything because it would show some sideboob and since Jeff is a cuck afraid of SJW fury and they got mad over Witch Mercy being too naked for them, shoulderholes is the best he can do.

What an absolute fucking joke. I didn't even want swimsuits, I knew it was never going to happen, but this is pathetic.

>who honestly doesnt know this
i didn't. i honestly didn't know trump was an anti-vaxxer until this morning. i mean. there's got to be a limit.

one day you will recieve it i believe in you


Uh... I can keep making this stuff if you guys want. Surprised that people like it desu.
You don't want to know how low-tech my operation is.

but we haven't seen any of the other skins, you goose

What if she doesnt even have sandals on? How much of a disappointment would it be if she just had generic futuristic metal boots on like with the rest of her skins?

This user brings up a good point. Will we get to see Mercy's feet with the new skin? Could easily be her best skin if so.

You reckon some knockoff chong site would do a custom one for you?

you fucking idiot, look closer at the picture

>we'll never get a summer outfit that shows mei massive tits

it's suffering

>because where they drop is a random point in their jumping arc

Are you sure about this and not that their "momentum" of their arc it cut down, so instead of a gradual curve it's a sharp one?

I've found no unpredictability in where they land.

Ifrit or Djinnyata?

mei makes me feel sick, the fact people are attracted to her astounds me

Honestly anything of this quality is good, especially when Shadshit popped up as the OP image 2 threads ago. I might make a few for storage now you reminded me how nice a proper OP image is.

Neither. Zen is best with his default look, Nutcracker, or Ra/Sunyatta.

There is no reason for Mei to have trigger delay on her M2

There is no reason for Torbjörn's projectiles to be so slow and have an arc.

blizzard pl0x

t defense shitter

It's okay if it's kind of crappy, people are appreciating the effort after we've been plagued with poor barely-pornography as OPs.


>not liking shortstacks

ascended is the true goat if you don't have nutcracker

god bless op

Might be personal taste, but I personally find it a bit harder to pung a headshot off on the flankers. It's not the newer arc that's the problem, its where the newer arc starts along the previous arc is where I miss my shots-which is annoying when I have to flash the floor to catch a wild genji on the loose only to find him 2cm away from where I thought he would be with the new arc.

Jinn skins suck because oversized bracers cover too much screenspace.

Even Sanzang is better mate.

Would you rather he Swift Strike or something mid-flash so you don't even know where the fuck he is and you just wasted your flashbang and now he gets to dance around you killing you with zero resistance?

>no summer games

For the love of god, can you please stop this bullshit? Stop putting the goddamn info shit with americunt dates in my european launcher. Thank you.

Same as "hots sales start on tuesday" when they start wednesday. Stop it.

so does anyone have more images of the new skins? been kinda out of the loop with overwatch for a couple months

it starts at 7pm in bongland
only the mercy one has been leaked

I don't understand why they're always so vague. They should just do countdowns already.

Is it me or that new skin makes Meecy tits look bigger than usual

Nope, the Chinamen leaked the Mercy skin a few hours ago, but that's all we've gotten so far.

Why is there a cap on how many comp points you can store?


Will SK versus China be a thing? Because that will be one heck of a match.

>no summer games

It will still be Tuesday when it starts, you fucking nonce.

That's not what he asked.

I'm talking about working as a team, which is what you have to do with dive meta.

if they keep the bracket as it is, in final if China beats France

Say that to koreans, japanese and aussies. They're a few hours away from wednesday.

>people in silver are still on the 2-2-2 meta

End me

>dude you're straight wtf
these forums are hilarious

Yea should play 0-0-6 comp QP style

>2-2-2 meta
what is that

2-2-2 is meta, dive is 2-2-2

WHen the fuyck is Summer Games

Horrible skin, fuck you Blizzard.

>Ana standing behind me while I fight someone 1v1
>Its not even someone with burst damage, its a zarya

>Die to her beam
>See ana standing right behind me as I die

Every time

I don't like it. And her face looks weird.

THAT is the best skin in-game according to Jeff?
Wow, i cant wait to see what the others look like...

>acting like an embarrasing waifufag outside of /owg/

why are you so surprised lmao you faggots are super sad.

>tfw rein saved my life from an enemy rein charge by earth shattering him right before he hit the wall
It's beautiful to see those 2 giats swinging their axes and hammers at each other

Flip here. Can confirm that updates drop at Wednesdays 2am.

You can't even see her tits, what the fuck.
I feel like the OW fanbase is comprised of Muslims or some shit since they're salivating over unseen tits and think Tracer showing her clothed ass or being able to see Mercy's thighs is obscene.

I honestly have no idea, I don't think it's ever been addressed. Either

>it's to prevent you from hoarding over 20,000 purple coins so you can sell your account for a ridiculous price
>probably had a shitton more cosmetic ideas, and wanted to use the limit to force people to make a big decision on how to spend it

Yeah but they aren't diving
And even then it's like 1/3 games when people even go for a proper composition.

Part of me wants to give up on comp until I can upgrade my PC

>I feel like the OW fanbase is comprised of Muslims or some shit since they're salivating over unseen tits and think Tracer showing her clothed ass or being able to see Mercy's thighs is obscene.
Sounds more like Indians. They get fucking weird online.

Sentai Hanzo when?

Sentai villain hanzo?

This is the kind of poster than installs every nude mod he can find


They are tumblr sjw scum

So event when

You can't say you like woman thats creepy. I bet you're a fucking white male.

Disappointing desu, I was hoping for a lewd tennis skirt.