How do you say thanks to people behind you, Veeky Forums? i let pic related flash once

how do you say thanks to people behind you, Veeky Forums? i let pic related flash once

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i open the window and wave

I don't really ever have a need to say thanks with lights unless I get a trucker flash or something.

This, although my windows are usually up, so it's going to be an indoor wave unless it's something special enough to open the window just for an outdoor wave.

It's common courtesy in my country to put the hazards on once or twice if they are behind you, or just put your hand up like you are going to wave or give a high five if they are giving you right of way for example.

I raise my left hand.

What country are you from? Definitely not common courtesy in my part of the U.S.A.

but yes it is
source: i am an redditor from the united states too


I don't know if my window will roll back up again so I can't do this

same. just feels kinda good to reciprocate when someone's nice to you. i'm happy to let people merge too, hoping they'll let someone merge in return at some point. spending time in traffic is just less of an energy drain when people are nice to each other.

Most people put the hazard lights on for few seconds if the person is behind.
If he is infront people just show their palm over the steering wheel or the side window.
Some people beep twice.
In the rare case of a convertible car people raise their hand above their head.
People flash their high beam to indicate a patrol car on the road and people flash back twice to show gratitude.

Road camaraderie feels so goddamn good man.

i do this, but i indicate once left and once right to say thanks

Thats definitely the coolest way.

neato, gotta do that too


I've never seen someone flash hazards to say thank you. I raise my right hand

In Germany it's indicate left-right-left-right in short succession.

I stick my middle finger out the window.

If I have an inkling the person behind is an auto enthusiast(car is perfectly clean in winter, tastefully modded, M3, Porsche 911 turbo or better etc) or they flash their headlights as a signal i will use the hazards.

Normies just get the hand wave up between the seats.

never seen that in my 31 years in germany



Watch some truckers overtaking each other:

You can see it pretty often on channels of truckers doing dashcam compilations, for example

yes that's a Bus/trucker thing, but not for "normal" vehicles.

this but twice

like a normal person
atleast in england anyway

Does anyone give a simple wave to oncoming drivers on rural roads? I do this when I'm in Alabama and nearly everyone waves back. "Hey." "Hey."

>Normal people

I'll return if somebody else initiates, but I didn't grow up doing that so I wouldn't want to pretend I know the local ways.

I only wave to maintenance men at my apartment complex, I always think, "Thank you for your service"

Pretty common in rural areas around here too

t. yurop

It's unironically nice

God bro iktf, both my power windows randomly don't work. I had a girl roll the passenger window down and it never came back up, I was so mad at her I dropped her off the side of the road I told her to not do that shit beforehand. Normies don't understand shitbox woes.

You mean the two finger salute?


one finger just makes it look like you're pointing at something. Just do the whole 4 fingers

Why don't you toggle the button to lock the windows?

stick my head out the window and yell

>having this new technology in your car

ok moneybags

>leaving parts of your vehicle in disrepair
Do you even care about your vehicle?

I used to be a dickhead that never let others merge in till some rando let me merge in front of him. It was uneventful but for some reason it changed me

oh, I let somebody in my lane otday nd he did this and I thought he was mad at me.

just fucking wave into your mirror once jeez

Peace sign through the moon roof

I hate people who don't wave, blink their hazards, smile, nod, or whatever when you let them in.

I love getting this. It's extremely uncommon.

blast out a vape cloud in the shape of a heart

in based Japan, they blink twice to say arigato.

i lost my serious face.

cool, i'll do this if i remember next time.

I hate when you try to let somebody in but they don't get it and you have to start being really obvious and holding up traffic and blinking and waving and then you gun it past anyway because it wasn't happening.

At least one testicle should have descended by driving age.

stick my head out the window and look toward them and shout THANKS

Yeah seriously, it's always some bimbo fucking around with her phone

I agree this is the worst. You end up looking like a moron and holding traffic up because the person you're trying to be nice to is too retarded to take the opportunity

Alabama user here too, I see more of the head nod around here (Madison/Morgan)

People almost always wave back in Lee County

No one waves back in any part of Georgia

Take it out and clean the contacts.

You mean giving them the finger?

Flashing hazards or just waving them is a universal thank you in my country


But isn't backwards peace sign rude in some places?


everything posted itt will get you shot in gang initiations

unironically deep. it's the little things.


Russians are offering that as a feature. If you quickly turn hazards on and off in UAZ Patriot they'll blink exactly twice, they call it "Thanks" mode.

>be me
>late at night
>execute overtake
>some retard tries to overtake me on the right
>can't because there's a slow van
>forced to stick behind me while I overtake the van
>tailgates me so hard I'm pretty much sitting on his lap
>finally move over so he can pass
>highbeam him 5 fucking times to show my rage
>he flashes his hazards
>y-you too?

I always do the Hitler wave (not the roman salute). Very visible and polite, I've only seen old people freak out about it.

I follow then home, knock on their door and give them a proper "thank you" face to face.

the only correct way it should be done, desu. doing this tonight