Kaido Racer thread. gonna post pictures I've taken and pictures from online blogs etc...

Kaido Racer thread. gonna post pictures I've taken and pictures from online blogs etc. try to give a little info on the cars i post too. feel free to contribute or just enjoy the photos if you're into this

for those that don't know: kaido racers tend to be older japanese cars modified with small, wide wheels (13" or 14", 10" on kei cars), usually nostalgia oriented styling, small diameter steering wheels, old racing inspired stickers, even racing inspired bodywork. will let the pictures do the talking

starting with a gx51 on SSR MK2


Ebina Racing mk3 Supra on SSR MK1

rip me. will refrain from posting square photos

another gx51, this one is by Satsuma in southern japan owned by Miayamoto, on formula mesh

Comfy topic.

Higashi Bankin 231 Laurel on 14x14 IF Racing by JDAM. This car had its rear end shortened (axles, control arms, etc) and fenders massaged to fit 14" wide wheels on what looks like stock body

my mistake. wheels are shadow spoke not IF racing. Higashi Bankin had multiple cars on display most with IF racing

sa22c RX7 on SSR Mk1 with AVON slicks by J Kawaguchi. This car has had its rear end extended just slightly, called a long tail.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

C130 Butaketsu (pig butt) Laurel on widened steel wheels with works fenders

Team ZLAY GX71 on widened steel wheels with slicks, long nose front end, and iirc the fenders are off an N2 Toyota Starlet. This is an older photo, the car has since had its roof cut off in its final stage, and I believe has been crushed/scrapped. car was from hokkaido, frequent at the annual hokkaido nonsuri event, was owned by Sakamoto (iirc)

back to a simpler car. another gx51 by miyamoto of southern japan on SSR Tomcats. this is his latest car (same owner as the orange gx51 from eariler). this car has the common 1g engine, but supercharged

posting intermittently since I'm at work.

time for something cute. Hattori Works Daihatsu Mira with 10" SSR MK1, works fenders, takeyari exhaust (often in very small diameters, since it is a kei car, most likely .5" - 1" tips)

lel i followed her on IG for a while. Can't believe shes an "artist" now

also forgot to add, external oil cooler, vitaloni californian mirrors (one of the most popular kaido racer mirrors, always tilted all the way up)


jesus fucking christ thats hot

another photo of the sa22c from earlier. rear end shot showing the long tail. very subtle.

Nissan 610 Bluebird "Sameburu" on Enkei Mosport wheels. my personal favorite bluebird

silhouette 910 bluebird by hell's racing. often when doing a silhouette car, they will split the bumper and fill the center, follow the body lines on the side, etc. often these cars run very wide wheels with slicks

sakura racing team from central japan iirc. celica xx and gx61

For once, someone on Veeky Forums discussing kaido racers who actually knows their shit. Very nice, OP.

Old photos of a silhouette type GA61 Double X on MK1's, equipped with the glorious Airone gate.

Do they actually race these things or are they show cars?

this is a great thread i wish i had some to contribute.

hey op wheres the distinction between kaido and bosozoku?

90% are show cars even the ones like you do occasionally see them drifting or racing

not OP but Kaido cars are built to race or look like race cars.
Zokusha are built to be as loud and obnoxious as possible and might borrow similar styling but then go over the top with massive ducktail spoilers and insane tailpipes.


Great thread, I've often fantasized about modifying a box caprice in this style.

im glad my fetish finally has a name

Thoroughly enjoying this thread but how would you guys respond to some Veeky Forumstist sperging about stance shit?
On paper there isnt much of a distinction

im not even sure why Veeky Forums is so against it
in fact this place is very hypocritical when it comes to mods of any kind

there are examples of cars in that bunch that don't even have extreme camber, i think the camber looks a bit silly but overall it's done about as tastefully as one can do such a thing

stancefag here
i normally find lowered cars look strange without camber unless they are going for the racecar look

without camber theres normally really big wheelgaps either side of the wheel which just looks ugly, also this sounds weird but camber almost makes a car look like its trying to get lower somehow.

i can see how alot of people would think it looks strange tho

>unless they are going for the racecar look
well, these cars are basically tributes to the crazy street racers of the 80s so there is some of that aesthetic there, though of course it's taken to an extreme
i think that's why i like this stuff over standard stance, there's an explicit theme to the look that i can comprehend that i can't as much with the whole mid 2000s mid-size sedan lowered as much as possible with smoked out everything thing

i get you
stance is really an amalgamation of many many different styles so it can be a bit of a mess and theme lacking, i do much prefer cars that aim for a specific style.

This is my jam.

>Exhaust coming out the window
Not the most elaborate set up I've seen but I like it.

I'd almost pay to see that.

Those clean as fuck Nissans are my dream cars, man. Shame I'll never own one in Argentina, especially in mint conditions. They look so good.

what is the most elaborate youve seen?
id pay to see that too lol

same man

has anyone here seen tyler fialkos bosozoku cressida build?
hes doing it super legit, i cant wait to see it finished.

Probably the one on top here, which oddly also has though the window.

thats pretty cool
although after looking at this one i took a look at the other one and it looks like it has the same set up of in one side and out the other

OP here. sorry for being absent will update when I can. I don't mean to be rude or correct you, but kaido racers refers to all these cars. zokusha is kind of incorrectly used. it's sort of like a random slang word that means gang car.

all the cars that people refer to as zokusha, gurachan, bosozoku are kaido racers.

that being said, bosozoku are the bikes you see. usually 400cc four cylinder bikes.

regarding pic: this was the final stage of the zlay gx71

bucchigiri yuusen duori (BYD) gx71

this is another hokkaido nonsuri car. these cars tend to have the crazy intricate livery designs. these cars are called "doutou" style, which refers to the formula of long nose, aftermarket side skirts, and shaved rear end.

this style is popular in hokkaido but originates from hiroshima iirc. kaido racers weren't very popular in hokkaido until one moved there from hiroshima, that's why most are this style

cool note about the Team Zlay 71, the tail light is actually a tachometer that works

there was also a z10 soarer that had a working slot machine as tail lights, will find some pictures.

What is the point of this thread again? Is it documentation or do people actually think these abominations look good?

My eyes need to be gouged out.

thanks for clarifying op
so are people incorrect when they call cars like bosozoku? is it exclusively for the bikes?

also shal we throw some boso bikes in here i love them too

leave you uncultured boomer faggot
go back to your chevy suv thread

im digging through my backgrounds folder of over 4000 images trying to find my kaido racers right now
i have some nice ones but its taking a while to find them all

i wish Veeky Forums let you post mutiple images

perfect example of a doutou style kaido racer. BYD car on focus racing at hokkaido nonsuri, owned by mizuguchi

i loved mcms crassida they built in japan
4chans doing that thing where it makes you wait to post and gives you never ending captchas grrr

maybe i should make an imgur
although with my internet that may take a while

saved for my collection

yeah, bosozoku only refers to the bikes. I would post those too but I actually don't have many photos of them haha. I love kaido racers, bosozoku tend to occupy the same space at meets and stuff but I haven't really taken many pictures of them

this car is one of my friends and I's favorites. z10 owned by endo ryo. good example of fukuoka (city in kyushu) style kaido racer. wide longchamp xr4, bright primary colors, widened metal fender in the rear. this car runs "no sus" which means no springs. this is kind of an older style back in the 80s when everything was more homebrew. endo is a very nice guy, his newest build is a gx61 with a very long long nose painted orange

I have some pictures of that.

They're not mine got them off of FB eons ago.



yeah that's it! very cool car. thank you everyone who is enjoying this and posting. I wasn't sure what to expect but glad there are people here who like these cars.

gold rush gx71 on star sharks. gold rush usually puts their own twist on their cars, putting their own little details like gold nardi steering wheels, hiro mask headlight/grill covers

i did have a bunch but i cant find them exept for this one

pachinko tail light, thats cool as fuck
the ridiculous creativity on these cars is my favorite

ive finished scrolling through my 4000 images and i have some nice carfus to post coming up

Yeah this has been a cool thread. Honestly allot of the threads about Japanese cars and pics don't have enough of this stuff. You live in Japan user or just have a bunch of pictures saved up?

yeah this is a fun thread
you have nice taste op
all these cars etting posted are being added to my collection



i love the crazy exhausts
i really want to do vertical pipes on a car and maybe have a big heart shaped one i can attach on for shows


just don't let it out in the rain lol


this thread is my dream

holy fuck

Usually not a fan of G nose fronts of 2+2 but damn...the both together look good.

i assume they have some kind of drain at the bottom or atleast thats what im going to do, im also going to put a mesh guard in the top so no cunts put stones down my exhaust for a laugh

yeah same, but they really work with kaido cars

idk if this counts but hey


fucking hell that looks good

i love the paintjobs they do

if only bosozoku / kaido meets existed in britbong :(


love these.

thanks OP.

i love how they enhance the natural curves/points of the cars, looks so good.

im not sure if op is here rn
glad you like tho


coming up are some pics from an amazing artist who likes to draw kaidos

>tfw my bf hates small wheels and i cant show kaido cars to him :(

tfw his favourite car is a fairlady 240z and he refuses to kaido it, he wants big wheels like a stance boi


is he black? he sounds black

ok now for some pics from the amazing artist i mentioned, ozizo

hes white but he listens to allot of nigger music and likes allot of nigger stuff, desu i wish he was black so it would be more justified, and he might atleast have a big dick then

have a look at ozizos tumblr if you want to see more of his art i can only be bothered to post a few



i wish i could make a kaido racer one day but they look like so much effort, id love to do one similer to tyler fialkos but hes been spending almost a year bondoing and sanding.

crazy respect o the people who make these things



is thred ded?

It's nowhere near actual kaido racer stuff but I'm not gonna lie, I definitely took inspiration from kaido racers when trying to figure out what wheels I wanted to get for my Miata. Small old Japanese wheels are much cooler than your textbook XXRs or other cheap stuff

im gonna stop posting soon
this thrtead was cosy i dont want it to die yet

kei trucks are cool

not quite to my taste but still pretty cool
you need stretched tires and a bit more low

alright im done for the night
il stay in the thread till it 404s

are you still here op?

Roads are utterly fugged here in Detroit. Any more low is a death sentence

Someone in my area built an excellent Kaido style Cressida. Probably one of the best outside of Japan

are you gay enough to get bags?
>living near niggers
i hape you have locking nuts or those wheels are getting stolen

very very nice!

I live in a decent area. Besides, there's not much market for stolen 14x7 inch wheels. Not many cars actually look decent on those wheels anymore.

Stop posting like you know what you're talking about. Faggot.
You're parroting crap off tumblr, park's blog, and instagram.
You own NO gookshit. You don't own any japanese weab parts. You tell yourself "i could score something off yahoo japan auctions but i cant understand anything. I guess ill browse tumblr and tradecarview again".
Poser bitch. Pick up a wrench and embarrass yourself in front of us.
You fucking fags. I can spot you all a mile away.
Stealing pics, reposting. Pretend to know shit when you don't.
Fuck off bitch. There's enough of you kids trying to shit our scene.

the fuck