/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Elegant flag edition

****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you research a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide
pastebin.com/XGWdGjPc (embed) (poi)

>Pan Asian tech tree reveal

>Gallant Premium

>0.6.9 patch notes

>Smoke changes NOT HAPPENING


>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker (warships.today is RIP, press F to pay respects)

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' by antibullyranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[HOTEL] on EU - contact heil_hitler
[BOTES] on SEA - contact tom
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact Prick

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


That plane ain't gonna take off with her


A reminder that starting from 0.6.9 game will lag even worse, because WG decided to glue in some DX11.

I'm more worried about game breaking graphic bug.

Which one?
Also, Brits BB will most likely come next patch.

Should IJN CV or DD?


Well I suppose that's still better than playing IJN BB

CV. IJN DD right now are useless.

Who was the autistic pedo that got banned a while ago?

Neorussia or pinkpalmtreeman?

it's Raptor you silly

No it's not Raptor, he just leaves the server and he's not a pedophile.

t. raptor

uh oh

Anyone else excited about the SEA DD line?

I don't mind grinding Fletcher again, and I want that Summers.
Plus I can't wait to see what consumable fuckery WG will come up with to make the line """unique"""

Why does WG attract the most cancerous playerbase?

Because this game appeals to the older crowd which have a higher risk of developing cancer, among other late-age diseases.

I think he's referring to the ironic weebs and the overwhelming autism of people at age 20-25.

>ironic weebs
I really wish they were ironic.

Repair ships when?

I'm more excited to see how the captains work.
>can already imagine all the butthurt when a taiwanese ship is captained by a chinese

>thai captain
>chink captain
>malaysian captain
And I thought I've seen it all.

These are your weebs playing WoWs.


>cleveland vs broadside reversing algerie
>use AP
>nothing but bounces, overpens and no damage pens
>he manages to hide
I fell for your fucking memes for the last time. USN has good AP my ass, Should've kept shooting HE.

Why would they be butt-hurt, Taiwanese are literally Chinese.

Fuck no. Taiwanese are normal human beings compared to those creatures.

But Taiwan is literally the Republic of China, they are 100% Chinese and therefor just as shit

>any asian
>normal human being

Same here. I wait for them.

Because Cleveland doesn't have USN AP autobounce, only Pensacola top gun and next ships in line have it.

>all those divs of BBs with their personal healsluts
I'll pass.

Why is Cleveland lower tier than Pensacola when it's a more modern ship in every single aspect? Did they put her at t6 to have an excuse for not giving her radar?

Redditor who snuck his way onto Veeky Forums. He likes Destroyers and thinks they are "S-class cute". Also seems to like Oreimo.

But he's a CVnt with a shitty and terrible personality.

Reminder weebs are more likely to be unicums.

This makes greg mad.

Cleveland was put on T6 long before radar existed.
As to why, because BALANS))))))))
Most likely when WG implements USN CL (that is going to be extra cancerous line) Cleveland will be moved to T8

Kantai Collection Destroyers

Being a weeb means you're somebody who is constantly reminding people to watch gateway anime and how "good" it is. Those people are usually on the spectrum and really bad at video games and life choices.


You're all fucking chinks.

They already in co-op.

*gets nuked*


Because Cleveland has 152mm guns and Pensacola has 203mm. That's literally the only reason. Cleveland got shoehorned into T6 back when the game was still in alpha because WG is obsessed with "muh caliber progression".

Because of that bad decision a couple years ago, Cleveland is stuck at the wrong tier until they get around to splitting the USN CAs and CLs into separate lines.

>Plus I can't wait to see what consumable fuckery WG will come up with to make the line """unique"""
Their latest "brilliant" idea is torpedoes that are super-stealthy but will pass harmlessly beneath anything that's not a battleship.

"Fuck IJN DDs"

>German homing torps
>German guided bombs
>British CV bomber squad that can only disable modules
>US captain that doesn't incur team damage penalties
>Spaghetti botes don't appear on the mini map because nobody's sure which team they play for
There's lots of retarded ideas waiting to be explored user

>muh caliber progression
>kirov 180mm
>budyonny 152mm
>shiratsuyu 127mm
>akizuki 100mm
>gaede 150mm
>maass 128mm
Fucking liars.

In typical WG fashion it's inconsistent as fuck.

Though with BBs they make it an ironclad rule to the point of making paper.

Even though they're just going ahead and breaking it anyway here with the RN BBs.
15" QE is going to precede 14" KGV.

Fuck's sake you're right, I completely forgot about that.

Imagine caring so much about other people's hobbies. Oh wait.

Imagine caring enough to force other people to like gateway anime. Oh wait.

That's fucking stupid.

Any word from the super test guys on the most recent incarnation of RN battleships?

That doesnt vindicate you though.
>imagine caring that much about other peoples hobbies
>oh yeah? Look at this other guy that does it too!
>im saved!

I don't understand what you autistic weebs are even trying to grasp at anymore. You are the one yelling at people to like your gateway garbage and making absurd claims that you're the best group of people ever. Wanna know a shocking truth? Furries, bronies etc do the same thing. Now take a guess and figure out where that puts you on the spectrum.

>trying to finish Dunkirk 15 torpedo hit challenge
>only ship I have at tier 8+ with torps is Hipper

>15 torps mission
>has no t8 with torps
>US mission for t4+
>only US ship in the port is a Farragut
End me.

Hello, WoTfag here.
Is this game hard to learn? I know literally nothing about ship but I've been thinking about trying it.

Survived both nukes better than any of the US ships :^)

It's like tanks on slow motion, you'll do fine.

not really, you can pretty much learn as you go, there's not as much stuff you need to memorize as WoT

Not really. Gameplay is slower and once you get the feel for the aiming, it's all about map positioning.

I was a 59% blueshitter in WoT, in platoon. Here I'm 60% solo, 70% in division.

Not that hard. Angling concept is the same. The only things you need to know are when to use specific shell types, how much lead time to use when you aim, how to play objectives and how each ship class work.

Other subtle nuances can be learned just by playing the game. It's not that hard.

>mishmash of Asian ships get a line before Italy, one of the largest navies of WWII

>one of the most jobbing armies in WW2

It's WoT in a bathtub: slower, on much larger distances, but basically the same. It suffers from more or less the same problems. The real fundamental difference is that Aircraft Carriers are for WoWS what SPG are for WoT, except that they're a gorillion times worse: imagine if a CGC had the accuracy of a -let's say- Leopard 1, and could hit you even if you were in the most cramped corner in Himmelsdorf regardless how much you were hugging the buildings, had the HP to run away and hide, and could spot you better than everyone else.

Tell me again how relevant that mashup of chink ships was during the wars.

You know it literally doesn't matter how relevant they are, it's easy money, the line just a bunch of ships that's already in the game with some changes to the stats and consumables probably. They get a new line, probably some events to go along with it to grab chink dosh.
If they want to spaghetti botes they have to remodel and make up everything again, which is a pain.

Easy to learn, hard to master is what I'd say.

85% came into WoWS knowing nothing about historical boats. And usually people have better results here than they do in WoT. You will be fine

Is there any better feeling than an enemy CV melting every plane in your bubble before getting a single drop?

I'm not sure. Some guy here thinks it's
But I wanna play a repair ship

Anyone have an NA referral code?

A tX CV thinking that two tier difference gives his planes immunity to NC's AA.

or watching a TVIII CV whine because he can't one-shot a TX AA spec CA and complaining that things were better in CBT

They're pretty much ready to go. No more gimmicks apart from super heal and good concealment.

Sprinting up to an Enterprise in your Khaba and dicking him senseless with your AP before your torps even reach.

Crosstorping some baDDie :^))

What non US DD plays like a US DD

You basically go in and rape all other DD. Just like USN.
Or Lo Yang.

KM DDs play similarly at contesting caps and being good DDs for knife fighting other DDs, with the addition of having sonar to help bully other DDs in caps.
Though if you're looking for the more support angle of US DDs like their smoke in a div, there's really nothing else out there that compares.

>Why does WG attract the most cancerous playerbase?
And I'm sure you are a polite gentleman. Birds of the same feather flock together.

Thanks. Do you know if Nelson is going to be released alongside the tech tree ship or if she will come later?

Just finished downloading the game, any advice for a newbie?

Don't show broadside
Don't play IJN DD
Don't turn away from torps
Don't sail straight for minutes
Don't listen to random advises

What about the Fletcher variants

>don't turn away from torps
Well, it depends...

I would say in 80% of moments, by turning into torps you would eat a lot less of them.

Which is easier to get into, this or WoT?


15km torps on IJN DD feels so long ago.
Were we actually OP?

Take Gearing for a spin and find out

Don't forget to get an invite link from your region.

>join WoT
>get literally no invite codes from friends
>no rewards just for playing

>Join WoWS
>invite code for lots of free shit
>Account level bonuses stack up to a ton of credits that you dont need to worry about credits for a long time

WG improved in some areas but still shitty in others.
I'm cautiously optimistic about WoWP a realm reborn

just play War Thunder