Complete this image

complete this image

m2 a garbo


Mercedes belongs there more than BMW or Lincoln. Lincoln is just an old people brand


Seriously does OP own a Chrysler or is he just such a rural poor he thinks Chryslers have that presence. They produce some of the cheapest new cars you can buy lol

At least bmw still builds driving oriented cars

that's what i was implying, tardface

there's a cla250 around me that has a light up star
i see it all the time

and thats where you're wrong

wait no i meant the opposite that chrysler is shit

this angers me about bmws
bimmer pit so much effort into making nurbergring mobiles but the only people i ever see driving M3s look like business men who just bought the most expensive model and probably dont even know how much horsepower they have.

can we add mercades

thats gross

people will already recognize a mercades but now they gotta light up the emblem just to make 100% sure people know its a mercades



What's wrong with Infiniti?

>makes the best affordable 4x4s on the US market
>only seller of affordable rwd V8 sedans in the US left
>made the god machine viper
>still intends to sell manuals and V8s past the 2020s

what does that have to do with chrysler retard

>stopped making the best compact they've produced in over a decade because gas prices dropped for 6 months.
>makes such shitty vehicles Marchionne tried to sell them to the Chinese and nobody wanted it.
>Chrysler Corporation died four separate times and been bailed out twice.

they do make the occasional brilliant car (Neon, Dart, Viper) but their corporate culture is just totally fucked and out of touch with their potential customers, instead catering to their regular buyers with more trucks and minivans.

please kill yourself sir

I know plenty about cars and don't earn 50k but I love my Chrysler.

sperg harder

To bad they cant seem to keep their head above water without leaching off another company or massive goverment loans. I appreciate chrysler making some ridiculous shit but they cant pay the bills on Demons and Trackhawks.

This. Mercedes are the ultimate badgewhore car, which is further proven by them having the biggest badges in the auto industry. The badge is almost bigger than the grille itself.

add lexus



>remove shit cars
>add gud car

>the one reliable brand among that shitpile
yeah it fits

Oh, look, a late 20's to early 30's black man. Bad customer base aside, Audi is a better brand than Merc which is just a bad joke now.

>thinks chrysler and infiniti are good
>thinks audi is shit
and i'm the black man

Different guy, but where did the whole black people like Infinitis come from?
There are a lot of Infinitis around me and none of them are driven by blacks. Here, they almost exclusively drive poorfag specials like Civics or Cavaliers, and the ones with some money drive Chargers, Challengers, and 300s.

And people call them rebadged Toyota so it's literally the opposite


Land Rover

It's true though. Lexus buyers don't know shit about cars since they're willing to pay German car money for a ''''reliable''' rebadged Toyota because those people don't know how to upkeep their cars.

IMO it doesn't matter if it's german or japanese if a person is blissfully unaware of a maintenance and general upkeep schedule they'll destroy whatever they own.

the biggest bragging right for toyota/lexus owners is that they can drive their cars to the ground without doing any oil changes or maintenance and they're cheap to fix in case the engine blows up.
it's the brand for the most oblivious normies.

i don't think i've met anyone that retarded other then teenage girls or fresh out of college numales


Fuck you.

What's that image supposed to say?
That the LC500 is just another shitty aston martin knockoff?

Is it that hard to admit it's a good-looking Lexus? Or is everyone just upset about the massive spam attack of this car here?

off you go

uhh OP Lincoln is not a badgewhore brand. Like, at all.

Most people I talk to don't even know they make a Continental again.

It needs only one logo.

I think the reputation comes from Nissan, because they'll finance basically everyone, broke niggas included
I guess it got extended to include Infiniti

The businessmen I know with fast cars actually track them. Friend's dad has a Cayman S, neighbor has a 911 Turbo, physical therapist has a 2015 stick 335i x drive. They're smart and appreciate what they have, at least from what I've seen. My dad, on the other hand, isn't into cars and has no desire to track his, so he bought a comfy 535i xdrive instead of opting for an M5 or an M6. It all depends

Friend's grandpa*

Since there is Infiniti, where is Lexus and Acura?