Proof VAG build quality isn't a meme, RS6 literally totals the brit cop car with its back fender. Also maintains traction under repeated PIT attempts.
This is why I drive an Audi.
Proof VAG build quality isn't a meme, RS6 literally totals the brit cop car with its back fender. Also maintains traction under repeated PIT attempts.
This is why I drive an Audi.
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>le german engineeri-
Until you realise the chase car was a 330d. Nowhere near enough weight to knock the RS6 off the road. We need crown vics desu.
>german quality is a meme
>understeers into a curb going 40mph on a faster corner
great video there m8
Left wheel's on the rim
the only reason the rs6 stayed on the road is because it weighs 2 tons
P71 master race
>bongistan police cant stop some pikey in a stolen audi
hey, at least it isnt some chav on a scooter getting away from them this time
>VAG build quality isn't a me-
nice try dietrich
Why didn't they just mag dump into the back window when it stopped?
Oh that's right, bongistan.
Common tactic that can be used with any car. Reverse hard enough to break the radiator and your'e good to go. Damage to the bumper won't do fuck all.
Here's the photo of the cop car the footage is from
Bimmercucks BTFO by VAG build quality
>French cars near the top
it's not land rover. scroll down for land rover. rover was a small ecobox maker that went defunct
renault are pretty solid, even so just make it to 10th place, the rest of french cars aren't near the top
I know what rover is m8, they were notorious for being utter shite. Guessing they improved in the early 2000s before they went bust, but the damage was done in the 80s and 90s
But Rover is defunct since 2005.
well the ones on the list are probably from the last batch of 2000s since quite a few are still on the road in britain
I'm not british but one of my mates has a 75 with a 1.8 manual (non turbo) and it's solid for a beater. yeah it's not clad in leather and soft touch plastic but w/e
>what are crumple zones
you are living proof that vag fags don't know shit about cars.
Who drives Rover? lol Then the sample sizes must be very small. Not good at all.
idiot this is UK market only
Why did they even bother? The moment they saw it was an Audi they should've known that it would be impossible. If it was a Bimmertrash they could've just let them drive away they would've ended up in the bushes with a broken down engine anyway. And if it was a Taxicedes all they had to do was go to the local Taxi station and they would find them there.
It's sad how in 2018 overhyped trash still gets compared to an unstoppable Audi.
hahahaha all this delusional rant about a rebadged lolcantturn volkswagen
A challenger appears.
>t. seething bimmerfag still waiting on his waterpump to be replaced so he can drive his ratling garbage for another 5k miles before it breaks down
I know. That shitty chart is meaningless to Americans because of the small sample sizes. How many Rovers out there? Maybe less than 100.
>>understeers into a curb going 40mph on a faster corner
Volvo vs Audi
hahahaha enjoy pulling the engine for the 90k km timing chain replacement deluded audikek
at least cooling system bits can be DIY'd
wtf that volvo looks intact
It had 2 flats you delusional bimmerfuck
>outperforms your shitty rebadged understeer mobile on corners and straight line
>hurr durr understeer audi huhuehueheuheuhe i mention issues that were fixed 2 decades ago heueuheuheue
Imagine if it was a beemer with 2 flat tires.
with properly set up AWD like in the new M5 you have no understeer
>mention issues that were fixed 2 decades ago heueuheuheue
Audi are still mounting long,heavy engines ahead of the front axle
Understeer is still very much an issue
audi fangirls dont care about handling because they all suck at driving anyway
hence all audi RS cars are automatic only lmfao
Volvo stronk.
That's because DSG beats everything BMW (Beta Males/Women) have
Why are audis so slow then?
Why cant DSG compete with BMWs DCT?
Old VW van vs Volvo
>van has a stronger chassis than a car
Truly groundbreaking
Volvo driver was squashed like a bug.
Imagine the state of the vagcucks inside
>dersteer is still very much an is
There is no understeer on an AWD. You pathetic cave-dwelling bimmercucks still cling onto that 2 decade old issue so each time your beemer oversteers you can feel better about yourself.
It's okay though, because now after 5 centuries BMW will finally make AWD cars so you don't have to worry about that 1 inch of snow.
>there is no understeer on an AWD
>Imagine the state of the volvocucks inside
You know vans, especially work vans like that are supposed to be loaded with heavy construction equipments and supplies so they are tested with them.
>audi kid in charge of basic physics and car handling
I always knew audi fangirls don't know shit about cars.
Thanks for backing that up
As a Subaru driver, you my friend are completely retarded.
Is this how AWD drivers all look like?
yeah but why no dummies and cable for checkerboard timing mark? It looks that went too fast against the wall.
You're baiting at a solid 9 right now, you need to dial it back a little to be less obvious
>t. asshurt bimmer oversteer cucks
>reading comprehension
Go understeer in a corner and cry.
Not that user, why on the wet?
For easier drifting (but the audi still understeers all over the place top kek)
>british police
Will be purchasing this week, when I get paid. Even though I have 2 3k civics
The RS6 and RS7 use a torque converter auto because the DSG can't handle the torque from their 4.0l twin turbo V8.
British police is pathetic holy shit.
>I want my front end to completely crumple when someone backs into me.
what dreams are made of
That's how modern car safety works retardo
That was far too slow for a pit manoeuvre. They were just making sure their car took the hit so he couldn't ram all the coppers out of action.
older cars that were all steel were way safer
solid steel is better than the soft plastishit they make cars out of today.
>small collision
>write off
>implying even burgerfat cops would shoot pursuit suspects unless they're heavily armed
>mfw even the police in bong land are cucks
“We’ve been rammed, I repeat we’ve been rammed”
Why are the cops in burger land so much more alpha bruhs?
>t. poorfag who can't afford basic maintenance
would've lost control and spun out at the first turn or the first pit
understeer is easily corrected by entering slow and using AWD to pull you out
>by entering slow
Yup thats why audi sucks for track driving and is btfo by the competing AMG or //M every day
>shooting people makes you alpha
I'd say chasing armed criminals without a gun is pretty alpha
Volvo a stronk
Fiat a shit
He just wants to start shit, is most likely false flagging.
Because bong cops aren't niggers who magdump everything that resists
Looks pretty nice, not a bad price either.
Jesus christ, how did porsche manage to score lower than fucking Alfa Romeo?
Their whole appeal is that them breaking down every 3 minutes gives them a "soul" and "character"
what is this your first time talking to a vag fag? They are literally the normiest of normies, they care about noting but badge.
They don't even know the difference between oversteer and a smooth downshift.
Nobody who likes cars and driving has any reason to ever buy vag save for a few rare cars like OG golf
t. drives a focus st and gets butthurt when overtaken by golf rs
risk of spontaneous combustion on every single model probably doesn't help
fat kitty
i saw that crash IRL during my euro trip
>a $8000 audi timing chain job is basic maintenance
retards who don't know how crumple zones work
look at this volvo getting destroyed by a mercedes
watch from ~2:38
>calling other poorfags
>while his car is completely cheap garbage and has no qualities other than badge normies think is good
>implying "badge normies think is good" is anywhere near a redeeming quality
What point were you trying to prove with this video?
"Sluta! You're under arrest for being male"
that all modern cars have weak front ends, no matter of the marque.
that's how modern safety works.
So you proved my point.
>small collision
>car written off
Yeah but its not like modern safety affects you anyway because you'll never own a modern car
>35mph head on collision
>car is in tack because of glorious steel
>driver is dead because he took all of the force
yeah steel is awesome
Why don't Euro police cars have bullbars like American cruisers?
>you're poor!
Just lol. The new car market is accessible to anyone on minimum wage.
Why does modern safety standards bother you so much then? You should be thankful that there are less deaths on roads.
Because I don't think it's financially or environmentally sustainable to scrap a car because of a parking lot tier collision.