Buy a 3k civic

>buy a 3k civic
>10k in simple mods
>15k on maintenance to keep it running for a year
>not even close to performance (or to any other aspect) of a new camry
>LITERALLY could have just bought a brand new wrx
why are you guys pushing this meme?

Where the fuck so you get 15k from maintenance other than your anal cavity

>15k on maintenance

>taking your car to the dealer instead of doing the work yourself

Who is suggesting 3k civics to people who want performance?

The secret to understanding Veeky Forums is knowing the three types of posters.

20% of the board is teens who just bought their first car, their info comes from a combination of youtube and ignorance about the world
79% are poorfags that don't own a car and have never driven, this group parrots the retarded ideas from the first group
1% are normal people (by Veeky Forums standards)

maybe he forgot the hyphen
>1-5k (assuming you may blow your k20

Who the fuck is spending 15k on maintenance? I mean holy shit, are you paying a lead Honda engineer to do anything on your car? Even then you'd have to blow the goddamn engine to rack up that much shit.

Also the point of a 3k Civic is it's fun even when it's stock and you can slowly put money into and watch it grow and get better.

>15k maintenance
It costs me 100 bucks a year unless something goes wrong then its an extra 2-300 max
Dont buy a nugget

>buy 3k civic
>b18 ls swap
>mild cam

he proceeded to compare the money spent to a brand new wrx so evidently not

You'd have to blow the engine several times over to rack up 15k in damages.

>posting obvious bait.

This. Don't forget just over 2k lbs. That hatch will be scary fun to drive.


Go gsr and mmmmmm
>eg sedan
>ys80 trans with locking lsd
>good times roll


You literally just have to put a ebay turbo on it.

>rips engine to shreds at 20k miles

Oh boy junkyard honda engines are so hard to find

Git gud pleb

First of all, there is no fucking way you'd spend 15k on a 3k civic in one year

That's pretty much all I wanted to say, since youre such a fag that wanted attention so much

oh boy the cost of another engine and ebay turbo sure is cheaper than just paying a few hundred dollars more for a quality turbo

>tfw too stupid to realize getting new engine and turbo is more than than buying not shit parts
>tfw too stupid to not be poor fag and afford a real car to begin with


>buy a 2k civic
>1k in simple mods
>$500 on maintenance to keep it running for 5 years
>not even close to the dullness (or to any other demotivating feeling) of a new camry
>LITERALLY saved my ass tons of money not being jewed into buying a new car
I'm content with the civic meme. Also nice pasta.

Buy a civic all youl need then is a new head, starter, main relay, four belts, distributor, axles, transmission, water pump, thermostat, radiator, heater hose under the oil-leaking distributor, wheel bearings and hubs, oil pan and a small lawnmower battery

so like, fucking replace everything?

>$15,000 for maintenance

>he doesnt have his friend juan over at the junkyard hook him up with cheap totally "legit" engines for 150$ cash monie

i cant even understand how you dont understand bro

>his china charged 250whp "monster" breaks for the 3rd time.
>Can't get it fixed cuz mechanic was deported
> Fired from McCuckWage Burger because can't get to work cuz he depends on illegal slave labor to keep shitbox running
> tfw doesn't understand why he can't get a break in life

>he tarbocharges his daily

nigga thats dum

> misspells turbo
> recommends using cheap parts on any kind of transportation
>mrw when someone this stupid calls me dumb and implies I'm a nigger

When I worked at Honda I'd go track day at Irwindale with co-workers that had 3k Civics and Integras with a few simple mods.
Few of them had an H22A swap and the others had a B18C, those were good times and it wasn't expensive to do at all.

> civic meme
> shitty Honda Del Sol
nice try user, you're not fooling us

get your facts straight kid

Honda's are fun

maybe in the junkyard where you picked it up from

lemme guess, you can also build a gaming pc for 20 bucks?


the $8 lights
oh boy thats good