I'm completely new to cars. I want to learn about how they work, the terminology, everything. where did you guys start?

I'm completely new to cars. I want to learn about how they work, the terminology, everything. where did you guys start?

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not on this shitty board


I've read car and driver since I was 12. I researched shit when my parents and my vehicles had problems. took a year of auto tech in college and just read shit online since.



start by not being a homosexual

hmmm i'm 80's child maybe it was just better we had shit like magnum pi in his ferrari, knightrider, a-team, dukes of hazzard, fall guy k204x4

Parents bought me and my twin a truck to share for our 16th birthday, and there was quite a few things wrong with it. didn't pay it any mind until the engine went, and my dad didn't want to admit he was wrong to buy it, so he threw a new engine in. After that, my brother bought his own car (mazda 3), and I'm left with the truck, and that's when it became my baby. It really started when I fell asleep at the wheel back in high school and fucked up the whole passenger side. I remember going to the junk yard just to look for new parts, and the time spent fixing it up. After that, it was history, and she's still going strong at almost 300k miles. drove her out from Ohio and cali and back this past summer, and driving down to florida this summer. I plan on keeping this truck for a very long time. As for interest, I was super into cars when I was like 8, I grew up playing Gran Turismo and Midnight Club and shit like that. Had a huge ass hot wheels collection, and just generally liked them. Best way to start working on them and terminology wise is hang around forums and get some friends who already know their shit, and maybe go to some car meets if you can find any. Youtube is also really good if you know who to watch. If you wanna start fixing your own car, grab a shop manual for whatever shitbox you have and start fixing what needs to be fixed. Fixing cars is super rewarding imo, but is also a huge pain in the ass for one reason or another, but definitely worth the gratification and money saved.

TD:LR, dad bought me a shitbox when i got my license, and i grew to love it through fixing it.

Scotty Kilmer

sounds like a waste of time when u can just pay someone to fix it for u

I read haynes sport compact performance when I was first learning and I really liked it. It's from like '03 so most of the computer stuff and brand names are outdated, but otherwise it's nice if you know next to nothing yet.

t. richfag

I bought a shit box, bought a repair manual, bought tools, and started working on it, learning as I go.

LS = good

You never know just how much you love your car until you have to choose to fix it or scrap it.

Buy a cheap shitbox

When it breaks, try to fix it yourself

Only then will you learn

watch chrisfix and engineering explained

nerd out over small details and look up anything you dont know

buy a 90s shitbox thats easy to work on, when something is wrong or you want to do a mod look up how to do it

Thats how im learning and its tough but fun

Go to a pick your parts junk yard with tools, and just check out cars, take stuff apart. This will help build confidence and it is no big deal if you break stuff.

Buy a shitbox, perform maintenance and repairs on it. Join a forum for your car for walkthroughs on said maintenance and repairs.
Wikipedia and YouTube for miscellaneous on car specs and concepts.

Especially when you consider that cars made in the last ~25 years have lots of electronic bits and tight spaces to work around that really make things harder than they ought to be

LS = literally shit

gas goes boom boom, car goes vroom vroom

when you learn how cars work you realize the mechanics rip people off who dont know how cars work.

pro tip: cars are not that complex and you should do anywork that can be reasonably done with basic tools.

Obviosly its hard for a normal guy with a normal life to remove his engine or work underneath a car without a hydraulic lift or something.


A library.

>Started out by doing research online about cars that I thought were cool.
>got a job changing oil and tires at a shop.
>Eventually moved up to being a Technician.
>Got out cause there is no money to be made working for some elitist prick busting my back
>Know how to fix/take apart anything on a car
>Didn't spend $50k on a useless Auto Tech Degree