Final Fantasy General DCLXIX - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released on December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer closed beta has begun:

New villain(s?) character to be "revealed" on August 7

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
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FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy:
Anniversary event ongoing all month.
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>Other game information


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Way to go, losers.

You motherfuckers let us get eaten by the void

Lid 6* is here!

There better be a Sarisa version.


FFT is kusoge

8th for Thief!

I finally have my dream team. Time to embrace the power of darkness.

Lisa's Lisas > Tifa's Tifas

Literally only reason I want to get back into that shit game

Holy shit, i just got judge magister from the 1 sumtick ability banner!

Die a thousand deaths

You are pulling for my USB aren't you?

> grinding for support alcrysts

sucks balls man. I have a easier time grinding for giancryst.

So I just got my 6th Ashe today thanks to the daily pull.

How good is her TMR? Is it worth stacking multiple times over?

>Ashe's Ring
>30% MAG & 30% MP

How tier is this TMR, S+?

I love this card

fucking grats user. what deck you gonna build with it?

>Garland centric event
>tfw WoL BSB never ever again

Don't know yet, im still focusing on my s1c

Thats a pretty solid team user.

Removing the "dark" part, would Tidus ideally be better than DKC for the "best in slot" parties?

I got one off the free summon this morning, grats user

Is there anything in the 14/15 banner that's really good for this?

im still new to the game but im told the Zidane weapon is the best there is?

some other anons will have to confirm

DKC can do 100% dark imperil. Also good finisher for that team. That's why he's there. Tidus won't fit well being waterfag and all.

I've heard that too but zidane is another legend job. Probably not worth prioritizing your pulls for, but regardless you'd have to pick a regular banner to pull on anyway.

What? Tidus fulfills an entirely different role

no way fag

30% MAG on an accessory is great, but it's inferior to Vanille's because generally speaking SPR >>> MP. Still worth farming if you have any mages.

It's only A-tier at best.
Magistral Crest destroys it because it has a shitload of SPR (aka the most important stat), and MP is useless on anything that isn't tilith.

Two enhanced Tidus with dark weapons are capable of retardedly high damage when benefitting off DKC's 100% imperil

thanks. didnt know Vanille has the superior version. i think i have 2 of her

Hopefully she's amazing

I mean, it'll do just fine in place of Vanille's. Depending on your genji glove status, you may only need one or the other.

She's absolute dogshit, worse than CG jake even.
Among the worst 5* bases.

yea but that's fucking annoying as fuck to get. You'd need two delitas to get two dark swords...

Poor Lid

Uh, no sweaty.
They have their own 100% imperil to bank on brotherhood, and DKC is suicidal until ayaka. There is no reason to use darktidus.

I'm actually more interested in Ulrika's 6* upgrade. She's one of the most interesting units since she's built around counters.

You could also use a nonelemental sword and Glauca's greatsword

>6th Ashe
>When I only have one and only want one more

Well, at least she still has big ti- no wait, is it just me or do they look kinda small?

Do we have all the stats already? The event hasn't started yet. I just know she's a character that focuses on breaks, which does not say good things.

>nonelemental sword
such as?
nobody has randi, we didn't get the enhancer+ from the anniversary.
Glauca isn't for forever anyway.

Her skillset is focused on breaks and RNG.
And those are the highlights, so you know there's nothing better.

>we didn't get the enhancer+ from the anniversary
That's not really something you should be saying now that there literally is an Enhancer+ in JP.

i got randi, tho i never rolled a tidus...

I'll probably be farming for crystals for the next two weeks to get all the shit needed for his enhancement. Thanks goodness raids doesn't take up nrg. I'll be able to do nier raid while farming vortex for crystals.

Based ESL

They're okay, but seem somewhat inferior to tifas, aras and lulus. I think more evidence should be submitted.

Are we gonna see a reveal for XVI before the FF7 remake is out?

We already did.

XVI will be another MMO.

Fuck, forgot to bring Ramuh. There goes 90 stamina.

Wasn't that just a tech demo?
If not, that's okay because it seemed pretty neat.

Probably not until production team 2 has completed their work on FFXV. Which means Comrades properly completed and Episode Ignis out. All together, it will probably be in the months leading up to FFVII-R's release.

Not likely, XIV is still doing amazing. Stormblood was a huge release. I imagine we won't see another MMO entry for 3 more years at least.

>3 years
The game would have to be doing really poorly by then.

Hence the "at least". Could be longer if XIV keeps its steam going. Every patch is a potential misstep, so who knows.

Anyone going to the new york fan festa? I'm considering taking my saturday shift off just to attend this one.

It's almost impossible but I'm actually hoping that Aiden's enhancements will make him good or at least usable. I like dedicated male healers.

i almost forgot that Aiden is a global exclusive unit. Would be interesting to see what he gets.

You fucking children. Get your shit together. I swear to god, I leave for an hour and you let it die again. Where's that guy who said mobile posting keeps the general alive, huh? Where is he now?

I'm still here and I made this OP. The general was very much alive to its last second, it is only laziness in OP crafting that let it hit the void. We were voided for all of two minutes.
I don't like making general OPs but I'll do it if I have to.

Mobile posting keeps the general alive, all the way to page 11. But it can't make new threads.


Thanks for the link, just signed up. I'm definitely going if I get accepted.

It'd be nice, to be quite honest with you

Man, why are these things so far apart?

She's cute.

It can, it's just super annoying to do it on mobile

>Eve's TMR is shit
>Gumi is surely gonna rig the raid summon to make his trust moogle appear more often than the others'

I always imagined it would be easier since you can just copy the whole post in one click on the phone.

It's harder to check the OP for errors since you can't expand the post box like on pc.

Now that would be a bit of a problem.

Chancing upon /ffg/ anons in pub raids is always a nice sight to see.

I didn't enjoy this story event nearly as much as the previous ones. Maybe it's because it felt so light on story.

I think what got me more than any of the others was the fact that all of the actual banner units weren't even present during the story. I expected Victoria and Tim to have some connection to the Veritas since that's what every other story event did but nope, not even a passing mention. Felt weird and I didn't like it.

Yeah, that was a major oversight. I mean, we had plenty of Mysidia, Victoria could've shown up there and lots of walking through forests where you might find a fairy like Tim.

I'm really confused by all the various level up stuff you can do to cards in mobius, there's like 4 different things to level up per card?

What are all the things I have to do to max out this card? I can level up phantom rush itself, the skillseeds, the level in the top right, and the 4 star thing on the card can level up too? how does this all work?

Also what is overboost lv

>Last two chapters have fucking one scene each
>Nothing on Vic/Tim
>The ruggles thing was just a meme
Yeah this one was super gay

>Tfw downloaded the translation for the original Type 0 instead of downloading Type 0 HD but by the time I realized this, I had already gotten half way through the game so it's way too late to restart
Torrenting was definitely a mistake. The moralfags we're right

Not just that, it's also because the characters are completely one dimentional, even for Exvius standards.


They could have instead showed what the Veritas were doing on all these centuries since the betrayal. Surely they didn't spend 700+ years doing nothing but working on their "brilliant" revenge plan.
Or heck, maybe show events that could have fueled their desire for revenge.

>but by the time I realized this
You know, the way you worded it made it sound like you were unaware you were playing a PSP game.
I'm guessing you mean you were unaware Type-0 HD even existed? Silly user.

>900 power at ability level 1

You raise it's exp level in the top right. That affects your deck level and overall stats.

It's ability level is what actually raises its damage. You can combine cards to raise this, but for a supreme you'll have to use ability tickets. Those little squares are extra skills that you unlock by using the skill many times at a certain ability level.

The rarity affects its max ability level. Raise it to 5 and you'll be able to take it all the way to aLvl 10.

>There is an in game help function, google, and a pastebin in the OP that you could have looked up for basic trivia
>You instead decide to ask here instead of looking up easily accessible easily understandable basic knowledge
>Inb4 "wow no bully just tell me because I'm too lazy to figure it out myself"

will the nier banner be up for 2 weeks like everything else? i feel like i should wait to pull and farm the raid because i feel like im not gonna get moogles for 2B or even get her at all

Hope you two spammed Mr. Typhon

How do I raise the rarity of the card? and 5 is the max I'm assuming? also you said to level up phantom rush I have to use ability tickets, is that done from the shop?

Oh, dear user. You are going to get a RIDICULOUS amount of moogles for 2B whether you get her or not, the moogles for the 5* characters are more common than the 4*s which themselves are more common than the 3*.
We saw this in the easter and bahamut gachas already.

"""""mobius players are friendly and helpful and not at all like BEapes""""

2 weeks probably. I feel like I'm going to get a rainbow because I haven't pulled one since the anniversary

>Unaware Type-0 HD even existed
Yeah exactly, I'm dumb as shit. I guess it doesn't matter since I can still play it but posting screen cap now with a fake translation would look silly. I wonder if the save could work in the HD version. Probably not.

> (You)
>How do I raise the rarity of the card? and 5 is the max I'm assuming?
Augment card from the menu, and yes. You'll need pneumas too which can be gotten from pleiades lagoon

>also you said to level up phantom rush I have to use ability tickets, is that done from the shop?
That's fusion from the menu. There's a button that is like select mode or something, click it and you'll get the option to use tickets

falseflagging BEape detected

Thanks man

I suddenly feel inadequate Card Augment option, it might not be available until you do more story.
You need shit like glowstars and special element components you might not be strong enough to do yet.

I'm almost always helpful but that I don't need to be friendly. You seriously did completely ignore 2 sources of information you could have read. In fact, the in game help is forced into your screen to explain this stuff at the beginning of the game so you obviously didn't read it at all.

Why is Lid so fucking hot bros

Hey /oneguy/ this is the fourth time you've pulled this, the "rude response to a Mobius question" followed by "hurf durf where da nice Mobius players at"

It's a stupid meme and an obvious shtick. Fuck off.

I didn't check the names before we started so I was puzzled that there was an unusual amount of fungaah.
Poor Ingus got a load of beating. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to utilize Cloud USB now that I got his BSB2 too.
So far my strategy was to build 3 bars with Cloud and 2 with Ramza.
Unleash Shout and Chant, and go USB-BSB2-USB.
I think just spamming Omega Drive would have been better.

The better question is why did they make the hot character fucking annoying and a terrible unit.