Who did this?

Who did this?

That image is nearly a decade old. Even if someone from Veeky Forums did it it's likely they don't post here anymore.

thanks for making me feel old

go the fuck back to reddît

>a post that is finally interesting
>not NA/EU shitposting
>not badge whoring
>instant pissed off

you are the reason this place is shit

hell is other people

>a post older than I am that someone has reposted again*

and? its still a fuck of alot more interesting than the 10 b8 threads and the other 10 threads about "what car should I larp about buying"

Better than shit doesn't mean not shit.
You are the reason this place has such low standards.

>stale memes all around
good lord I'm having flashbacks

>Better than shit doesn't mean not shit.
still in the right direction, faggot. Are you just assmad that your b8 thread isn't getting attention?

fuck off ledditor

dear god

if someone being smarter than you leads you to accuse them of being from Reddit, what does that say about you?

you're the one whining that the autism in the OP is somehow a good thing

>when you find the rest of the set on a index of/

Wowee, I remember using that shit on google to get mp3s back in like 2005.



>he doesn’t realize the dude in full damage control mode is actually OP

>So butt angerey he thinks I'm the OP
How embarrassing.

I am genuinely nauseated by this

few years ago /g/ found a ftp server with almost every big movie by searching "index of/" they also did it with public google drives.

>lost the game
Jfc why did i have to be reminded of that stupid meme


I kinda wish those are recent and he kept driving this for a whole DECADE

From a historian standpoint, this is quite interesting.
With those memes alone you can pinpoint those photos to between 2005/2006

I wanna say it was more around 2008 but fuck it could've been out a couple years before I ever saw it. I didn't come here regularly until 09-10 so who knows. I know it was before 09 because of the plate tho.

You would've hated Veeky Forums back in the day.

rawr xD the car

God it feels like I’m on /b/ in 2006

Fuck I feel old

If I could wipe the whole car and leave the tires, I would

that typhoon is so cool, those tires are fucking ridiculous


if only....
too bad those photos are older than dirt

i like this

delet now

except I probably wouldn't have considering how faggy I was back in the day

You can tell who here is a newfag