/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

>Got nerfed in PvP

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FUCK this boss. Worst boss in the game by fucking far.

It is
By the runes if ya need me.

>he hasn't done a FTH/DEX and/or a STR/INT run yet

Are you frustrated?

what game

I can't decide, should I play through ds1 again, beat SotFS, or try to make a sorcery build in ds3.

Please make my decisions for me dsg

Kill the Demon in Pain first.

>implying either of those builds exist in DaS3

Daily reminder that DaS3 is the worst in the series, mechanically wise.

dork souls
any of them really

Is journey 6 ng+5?

Either play DaS1 or beat SotFS. Sorcery sucks shit in DaS3.

you are correct

the only thing good in ds3 are most of the animations
they still haven't made a decent critical animation for reapers

What difference does that make?

I'll make it easy for you:

DaS3 is a shitshow.
DaS2 is the "good ideas, purely executed" game. However, if you plan on playing NG+, definitely play this one.
DaS1 will forever be a masterpiece, sadly low online activity now.

If you haven't completed SotFS yet, do play that one.

Well, that wasn't supposed to happen to either of us. I got one shot by Pain in his uncharged state, didn't even know that could happen. What killed you?

DiP Prince performs a lot more Anime-style Fire Magic moves than his other version

oh man ;_;

Can someone drop me the demon's scar? I can't be fucking bothered fighting the trainwreck that is Demon Prince on ng+2.

I meant to use Projected Heal, but instead did a Great Heal and could not roll.
He double fisted me...

I know this is contemptuous and arrogant, but have you considered trying tongue but hole?

guess i'll beat scholar then
thanks fellows

Why on Earth does the Club moveset have a leaping attack for the strong attack in DS1 and 3?


If I make a pretty poster for a jousting event on archives rafters and spam for a couple of weeks, will you come along /dsg/?



Strong men need strong moves.


If it is pretty enough and not duing my holidays

Ahh fuck, I'm on PC. Have about 5 different characters I could spare it on.

It's the difference between dodging a shitload of projectiles and an arena-wide spirit bomb attack, or dodging a single slow laser that moves in predictable arcs.

Doesn't mean you have t=o throw yourself at the enemy.

You could just...y'know...smack it with your stick.

Why couldn't they at least patch in boss ascetics, or let the purging monument revive any boss? I really like most of the fights in this game, but playing through the entire game again and having to find all the ashes, coals, etc drains the life out of me.

I gotcha.
You're the fellow I'm helping right?

Last weekend of August I suspect.

Also PC primarily but if there's enough PS4 players I'll happily organise two.

If I want to do a manly leap, whilst yelling the Wilhelm scream, I'll do that.


there's a boss rush mod out now for dark souls 3

I'll solo Demons for you if you want.

>implying FTH/DEX isn't my first build in every game

>Hosts of Embers who spew Poison Cloud on bosses, making it hard to see the enemy and their incoming attacks
Don't do this /dsg/, please
It's so fucking annoying.

Same place and same sign. I have no need for fire...

epic name bro CONFIRMING that dark souls 3 is better than dark souls 2

this hick retard literally has a different opinion every day why would anyone take his opinion seriously

Meant for

Did you really think that would be a shortcut to the boss, or did you know exactly what you were doing?

I'd really like to see you try, put down your sign.

Is an SL1 run in DS3 worth the trouble?

Controller is broken from having thrown it into the wall too many times, sorry

I've been playing both 2 and 3 pretty often lately and its easy to like the one you're playing at the moment because both of them are really fun games.

>tfw no more lore discussion
The Ringed City had some nice stuff but there are still so much questions left awnsered or wasted potential

name 1 (one) weapon for both of those builds

Goddamn, what NG you on? Was not expecting to take that much damage.

Launching DaS3 is barely worth the trouble, you do the rest of the math.

Ng+2 or 3 iirc

We all agree that Gael is unequivocally the best fight in the entire souls series, right?

Das2 was more fun than 1 and 3 imo. Loads more gear variety in killing 1 hit asceticed bosses, base ADP, more of a satisfying challenge.

>using any form of magic
absolutely disgusting

for me it usually goes like this
>playing dark souls X
>"fuck dark souls X is fucking shit, look at all these glaring problems this game has, dark souls Y is much better"
>switch to dark souls Y
>play a couple of days
>"fuck dark souls Y is fucking shit, look at all these glaring problems this game has, dark souls Z is much better"
>switch to dark souls Z
currently on "dark souls 3 is shit, dark souls 2 was so much better" cycle

have fun with oceiros lol

Kalameet will forever have a special place in my heart, for DaS1 DLC date, it was an insanely well-made boss.

Same feeling, DaS2 felt right in some areas, even though it was doomed from the start.

Whoever invented the Agape Ring to force Soul Memory meta should of been shot though.

That's not as bad as I thought, guess I'm just shit.

All the Dark Souls games were good and pretty fun to play through in my opinion.

FUCK. Got one shotted again. Well, we got close at least. Not going to do that again. Thanks for the demon's scar m8.

We got closer than we did before, fortunately. If/When we finish this, want me to put a sign down at the Mausoleum Bonfire?

But.. He's fairly easy.. I'd fear Friede more desu.

I guess its true. The world of Souls really does travel in cycles

One more try, just sit back lad.

Fine. Don't die again pls.

They're pretty crazy at those + levels.
We most likely need better coordination to take advantage of all the stuff.
And you're welcome. Enjoy!

Friede was hella frustrating to do alone.

Having 3 separate health bars for one boss was fucking mental.

Friede would have been a great boss if not for lmao 3 health bars. it totally ruins it imo


What was any of that? I think I almost got a plunging attack, but the next few seconds were just a massive clusterfuck

>die on the drop in

Well that didn't go so great.

The second phase is pretty fucking easy too. It could've easily been Ariandel + a slightly less insane blackflame friede and it'd have been fine imo

Okay, fags, would it have been better if Friede had one big healthbar instead of three smaller ones?

It has no impact on the fight, she just has her HP split between phases.

It's more of a:

>I wish Dark Souls X had this element, or Dark Souls Y had some from Dark Souls Z

As an example, I wish Dark Souls 3 had the Poise from DaS2, but actual numbers. Also I wish the Spice had been put in, for people who want to use Buffs and still put stats elsewhere.

Lifegems I miss, I don't know why though.
Also miss the personal journey that DaS1 provided, no shitty Hub having to go to constantly for literally everything felt pretty sweet, also the no fast travel from the get-go (why the fuck did they decide to add that shit in both DaS2/3).

At least it was an actual decent Boss, unlike 50% of DaS3's core game.


Is it possible to make an effective pyromancer for low level invading in the 20-30 sl range?

I dunno why FROM decided that making a boss a damage sponge with 3 health bars was a good idea to be frank.

2 Health bars? OK, that's fine
3 Health bars? Now you're taking the piss.

Just imagine if they gave Gael 4 health barsw to 1-up Friede


>Good idea since when

Eh, if you want to troll the living shit out of people, I guess?

She'd be much easier to cheese with a single big health bar, since you could still bleed her. Each proc would deal triple the damage otherwise.

I really don't the layout of the iron keep. Like I don't get what inside of it is supposed to be most of the time.

Not like "levels that make senses" was the focus of dark souls 2 anyway. I really liked the forest of the fallen giants though.

Give me a FTH/DEX build, I want to try this out.

>ds1 rolling system/stamina
>ds2 backstabs
>ds2 magic in all forms
>ds2 buffs
>ds2 weapon variety
>ds2 armor
>ds3 animations
>ds2 covenants
>ds1 soul level ranges

would this be perfection?

You know how Maria in Bloodborne did her 3 phases?
Friede would have been better if she was even more of a clone of Maria

I sacrificed myself so the boss invader would die. Probably not the best trade.

>>ds2 weapon variety

Hopefully that means keeping unique movesets

Fucking boss invaders.

>being able to invade infinitely upward

Which game do you wanna try it in?

Fuck that goddamn invader glitching into the boss fight.

I landed right into one of their attacks.

>ds2 backstabs

Why? They are way more vacuum than dark souls 3 backstabs.


You can just BC the invader out, you know. Check the phantom status shortly before entering the boss battle.

>The only decent part of DaS3 was graphics and animations
Yup, sounds about right.

DaS2 for me. I'm going to complete the DLC for the first time.

Also powerstancing

Git gud m8

they seem pretty close to me

Fighting Midir in co-op was such a fucking mistake. he is 3 times as hard because he's so unpredictable