>this is a selling point for a car in India
Literally anti rape headlights
This is a selling point for a car in India
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my 1999 bmw has this lol
My 2002 325ci has this too lol
So does my 97 Pontiac...
it must be really painfull to be a car enthusiast in india
Not even VW is safe, is India stuck in the 70s ?
cars have had that feature since the 90's dumb nocar
>it must be really painful to be in india
For you.
One day I want to become a very wealthy man (by first-world standards) and ship an S-Class or Lexus type car to India then fly there and vacation for a week or two.
Being bet
India has very high taxes on foreign made cars
I think it's 120% or something stupid like that
Why are the rear tires smoking?
That's a common feature in cars. Are you 12?
>common feature
>it's the first thing that you see while browsing the brochure
Do they also advertise the 4 wheels and the fact that it has a gas pedal?
>Hip Hop Black
u avin a giggle wit me?
It's written in the same language very old people use here in England
It's embarrassing to call that an Abarth.
>no poo in the loo brown
you had one job fiat
i actually couldnt contain my laugh at this
dear fucking god fiat
Sounds like pasta
thats not the tires thats the exhaust
i actually cant stop laughing at this help
You can laugh all you want to. The reality is that India is in the same position that the West was 120 years ago. Massive population growth, easily corruptible politicians, industrialization taking hold and a nation that lacks even some of the basic laws regarding safety. If any of you (me) had any fucking brains we would go to India and start a bare bones car company and be the Ford/Chevy of India. India is the Wild West.
Parece que has cometido un error en tu publicación. Afortunadamente, los usuarios de Veeky Forums siempre están dispuestos a ayudarlo a resolver este problema. Parece que usaste un código de viaje cuando publicaste, ¡pero tu identidad no tiene nada que ver con la conversación! ¡Ups! ¡Siempre debe recordar dejar de usar su código de viaje cuando el hilo para el que se utilizó desaparezca, a menos que se inicie otro! Publicar con un código de viaje cuando no es necesario es de mala calidad. Siempre debe intentar publicar de forma anónima, a menos que su identidad sea absolutamente vital para la publicación que está realizando.
Ahora, no hay necesidad de agradecerme, ¡solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo para ayudarlo a acostumbrarse a la cultura anónima de las imágenes!
>interior colors are the main selling point
People in India ride donkeys and take trains to get places. Cloth seats can be a fucking selling point. Those fuckers are like 100 years behind us.
I have never seen somebody call a CVT an automated manual transmission.
>automated manual transmission
fully semi-automatic
Parece que cometido um erro na sua publicação. Afortunadamente, los usuários de Veeky Forums estão sempre disputados e ajudam a solucionar este problema. Parece que usaste un código de viagem quando publicaste, ¡pero tu identidade não tem nada que ver a conversação! Ups! ¡Sempre que você deixe de usar o código de viagem quando o hilo para o que você está usando, desapareça, a menos que se inicie otro! Informe o código de viagem quando não for necessário de mala qualidade. Siempre deve intentar publicar de forma anónima, um mundo menos que su identidade absolutamente vital para a publicação que está realizando.
Agora, não há necessidade de agradecer, só pode estar no meu trabalho por ajudar a um acostumbrarse à cultura anônima das imagens!
Uhhhhhh, tu puta madre
coming home lights are a common feature, for cars in countries which don't often have a garage or carport.
S I P B O I Z 2 0 1 8
The Tata Nano was actually a failure though. With all the hype around it everybody knew it was the cheapest car you could buy, so no one wanted to be seen in it.
Thats not the point though. That car could never be made in the West. The only thing that went wrong was the marketing.
>no in car defecation system with automatic designated street disposal
It's like brazilian cars then huh
Seriously though why do Pajeets love Fiat so much? They have a load of India-specific models
Well they couldn't call it shit black
>peak power at a MIND BOGGLING 5500 RPM
Why do these pajeets get the coolest cars?
I think the car burned oil
My 2007 car has this feature, you can set it for 0, 15, 30, and 45 seconds
What if my car doesn't face where I'm walking to?