America literally has police helicopters for chasing speeders

>America literally has police helicopters for chasing speeders
>they still can't apprehend anyone

The absolute state of America

No more computer for you, Lukas

Not an argument mongrel

> Speed limits enforced by aircraft

Also, helicopters are a poor choice for chasing cars. They will literally fall out the air if you go too fast.

Apache is f* slow it can't even Chinook.
249 mph with optional door gunner and is to be retired.
Get your local cops to search the usual milsurp sites.


America is boring as fuck.

Over half the cars in the Stockholm Open are LS powered my dude

They just rip off the US so it's no surprise.

>more corvettes
americans have shit car taste

Don't forget the Civics and LS RX-7

>LS RX-7
Seriously fuck people who do this

At least the car gets used instead of sitting in your driveway or backyard with blown apex seals.

because the ls1 will beat the rotary any day

If you can’t do a simple engine rebuild, why bother owning any car?

If the rebuilds were so simple there wouldn't be hundreds for sale with blown engines. It's still a multi day job for the average person.

Keep it at stock power and you'll get smoked by brz's and minivans, Boost the power and it becomes even more reliable. It's a pretty hopeless engine. inb4 some $50k 4 rotor.

Because other cars don't need engine rebuilds every oil change


>he waits 150k miles to change his oil

>V8s are boring

found the hipster snowflake

V8s aren't boring when they're actually good. Mediocre, generic, snorefest V8s are boring. LS is eyeroll tier.

>he thinks a turbo rotary can make it 150k miles

>has never owned a rotary ever

LS v8s are boring. A 1uz is interesting. A Hellcat motor is interesting. A big block anything is interesting. Hell, even a modern Ford 5.0 is more interesting than a fucking LS.

So you should swap in a shittier engine just because it's "exciting"?

LS isn't that good so it's easy to swap in a better more interesting engine. LS is the "It just works" of engines. No talent hacks use it because they don't have the brains to do anything better or work with what they have.

All of those are heavy and pigfat as fuck. People use the LS for a fucking reason. It's light and compact and can make stupid power without power adders.

Less weight, smaller packaging and 10x the power potential and it's not good?

Ok we’ll have you owned a fucking rotary? Even if the service interval is 50k miles, at a healthy driving rate of 10k/year that’s one rebuild every five years. They’re not cars for the average person, they’re for people who like being more involved with their cars, as well as the performance benefit of a naturally high redline and light weight.

LS makes shit for power. People use the LS because it works and requires no talent. Fastest LS can't even beat the fastest 2JZ.

>Being a faggot obsessed with weight when it means fuck all lol

>the fastest (engine) can't beat (some other engine)

Man you ever think theres more to a car than just an engine?

>at a healthy driving rate of 10k/year that’s one rebuild every five years.
oh please, 10k miles a year is fucking nothing when an average work commute for a year puts 17 on the clock

10k is that limit that insurance agencies say you qualify for a fucking discount because you drive so little

>hurr it's not the LS's fault it's slow

Yeah it is. Shit mediocre engine for talentless fucktards. Even the classic SBC gets better results.

Rotaries aren’t commuter engines my guy, especially not turbo rotaries. But you already knew that, right?

I should be surprised by how fast this degraded into an LS thread, but I'm honestly not. Good job Veeky Forums

Americans don't race their cars to and from race sites or block miles of traffic for extended periods of time to run drags. The Swedes took everything to a whole new level. Most of the LSs they use are proper non production LSX drag engines and not truck versions as well

Their car market is shit and they can't import anything interesting under penalty of death. They're just working with what they have.

a lot easier than rebuilding a piston engine, the rotary comes apart so easily

>whiter than you mutt!


All the the fastest rx7 are rotary powered get a corvette if you want something similar

>Americans own cars that can out run helicopters
>the absolute jelly of eurocucks

If you watch the video he's referring to the fact that they apparently had no evidence to charge him with anything. It's kinda weird the chopper wouldn't have some kind of speedometer for comparison or radar or something to show how fast a car they're chasing is going

The way it works is that there are white lines painted either across the entire roadway or on the shoulders. There is a certain distance between these lines. They time cars from one line to the other and know the speed. The helicopter knew they were speeding but probably didnt light them up in time to see when they passed the first line. They got stuck in the car because the car has video/audio in it that police use to catch people incriminating themselves. Those guys just got really fucking luck, thats all.

stuck in the cop car*

They didn't have these on the road in question. Though couldn't you also do this after the fact with the lane markers? They're a consistent distance right?

I know there was a different video where the car was outrunning the chopper because he stole some high-end car, ended up going out on foot after he drove way the fuck out of town (60 miles). He was found by the police.

It'd be sweet if they installed automatic bollards on the highways that police can deploy when someone is speeding. Like, the heli or a cruiser tags them and then just flips up the bollards at a specific point in the highway, blocking any cars from getting past. It's not like any of these cars would last 5 seconds off a paved surface either, so you're basically guaranteed to catch them.

Best case scenario would be the richboi faggots try to beat the bollards and end up exploding like Vanishing Point.

I'm not even a bootlicker and I want to see these stupid cunts get rekt, none of them know how to drive and they're ripping 200mph on public roadways with other people.

How would that even work?
>the bollards would either be plastic (they'd get destroyed) or concrete (which would destroy cars and potentially hurt the driver--speeding or not that opens up the door for lawsuits)
>the offending driver changes lanes or an innocent driver happens to get hit
>someone enters the highway before the offending driver gets there
>all cars are going above the speed limit and thus only one person gets fucked
>the bollards malfunction and go up at the wrong time

>They didn't have these on the road in question.
how the fuck do you know?

>hack bollards
>all roads go full red on google maps

Because I didn't see them?

This would be fucking awesome