French cars in USA ?

A question to our burger friends : how popular (or rather, unpopular) are citroens and peugeots in america, especially midwest and southerrn states? I am not talking about old cars, but about new (or mostly new) models.

So are they just rare, or are they complete 1 in a milion unicorns?

they can't even pronounce them dude

They aren’t sold here and the only ones are old

We haven't had French cars sold here since the 80's.

The only way to get a look at a French car is if some Mexican took their car up North for vacation.

Well unless you want to count Nissan, in which case they're relatively popular.

they think Alfa Romeo is some newfangled yuropean thingamajigger, let alone surrendermobiles

you haven't missed out on anything worthwhile other than fwd rustboxes

>90's Peugeot, Renault and Citroen

There's no dealers here and can't be individually imported unless they're at least 25 years old.

I've only seen a picture of a twingo here.

Maybe the de lorean counts

So more of the same of what we already had. This car pretty much ruined our opinion on French cars back in the day.

you bet, francois.

I live in the south. No one is stuck in 1897. You guys do know we have the same internet you have right?

They are nothing cars here. No one cares about them/talks about them. They are super rare to see on the road. I've seen hundreds of Ferrari and Lambo, only seen one Citroen on the street.

They all pulled out by the 1990's here in the states, couldn't compete against Japanese imports.

Even when they were being sold, they were so uncommon that nobody today even remembers them anymore.


OP here. Thanks guys , thats what i wanted to know.


they are the future

villeneuve has forseen it

they were pretty unsuccessful
and to this day are remembered as being shitty unreliable cars (at least for the people who know they exist)

i've never seen a single peugot in the U.S. aside from the occasional Mexican tourists

Ohio here near a Air Force base and I occasionally see a newer model Peugeot sedan as most likely a Air Force family bought it in France and had it shiped to the USA on the taxpayers dime.
That's the only way to really get one here in the States.

We already have enough consumer Italian cars that A) break constantly and B) nobody wants to buy. The market is crowded!

>what is product placement


I'm not even sure man. Peugeot never even mentioned a word of it in advertising as far as I know. Think it has more to do with rooting the film with the original 1980's techno setting (a la the atari and panam holograms you see in the movie).

we have twingo
it's gay

jej, imagine being french. the shame.

Only 2 seats though, and an over-inflated price tag

Literally never seen a french car in person in the US. They stopped selling french cars decades ago in the US.
99% of people never heard of Peugeot, Citroen, or Renault. Even less can pronounce them correctly.

I had a side job as a parking valet at a big hotel a while back at the tags we filled out for the cars had Peugeot as an option, I have no idea why.
Also when I was a kid my Aunt had an AMC-era Renault that everybody called a "Ren-Awlt", she sold that and bought an Audi...which everybody called an "Awdee". It was South Dakota in the 80s.

I've seen exactly two Peugeot 504 diesel estates in the US, I have no idea how or why they got here.
I've seen some old Citreons, but they were collector imported.

I've seen three Peugeot 504 sedans in a local junkyard. My high school auto shop has a red 1985 Renault Alliance in pristine condition. I haven't seen any registered cars driving around though.

I've only seen peugots at an electronic flea market in the bay area, where everyone has really weird/eccentric cars because they're all EE spergs in tech through the last 30-40 years so they all own weird import/sports cars from the past few decades

I've literally never heard of, nor seen either, I'm in western pa btw.