Life is trash if you aren't an instagram male model.
This is happiness beyond anything you can fathom. It's impossible to appreciate how easy, stress-free, validation filled, and endorphin-releasing these lives are but we can guess.
They've escaped the rat race. No 40 hour weeks, no hours spent in traffic commuting, no deadlines to worry about, no essays to research, no projects to lose hair over. No forcing yourself to wake up early, force-feeding for energy even if not hungry.
You wake up at 10am after a full night of GH-releasing sleep. Your hair looks effortlessly styled even when messy. You eat your breakfast and take a shirtless selfie "cooking eggs!" "it's bacon time!" and post it to IG.
You put on a plain white tee and some jeans. You haven't shaved or showered and your wardrobe is as basic as it gets but NONE of it matters because your face just makes everything work. It's the uglies who agonize over which direction to style their hair or how much stubble to trim or what shirt to wear with what pants to look good. All irrelevant to you.
Then your ride comes to pick you up. A limo from the agency to take you to your photoshoot of the day. You spend 2-3 hours in good lighting with a female model, posing and cracking jokes with snack breaks in between. You collect your fat paycheck and head out.
In between all this you've gotten literally hundreds of IOIs from women - on the street, on the train, in the grocery store. The entire world is like a runway because women keep GAWKING at you. You have to hide a shit-eating grin - how can life be so amazing you wonder as you shake your head and laugh.
Now you go to the gym for some weight lifting and briefly glance at the bloated pimply moonfaces high-fiving each other over their 4 plate squats. You see a chick secretly snapping a pic of you from the corner of your eye but ignore it and laugh.
Austin Wood
80th text message of the day comes in. It's the desperate chick from tinder who has messaged you 3 times in a row, begging you to be her FWB. You don't feel like smashing though and just want to play video games. This thought doesn't give you any second-doubts or cognitive dissonance or anxiety over turning down sex because pussy is a never-ending stream for you, a commodity.
Quick check on instagram - your unshaven unshowered selfie has 80000 likes with jailbaits posting kissy emojis and tagging their jb friends
"@kayley this is the guy i was telling you about!" "future husband" "I.CANT.BREATHE" "@tiffanyyy @jessicaxo @amber92 ohmyfuckingGOD"
Another stream of endorphins release upon seeing this validation. The tenth time today. Better than any drug out there. Heroin without the side effects. You smile as your self-esteem is satiated. Your genetics are celebrated. You are intrinsically desired Women want you for you. Not your money or your social connections, then want YOU.
What - you think I am exaggerating? That no male's life is like this?.... I got news boyo, not only does this all happen, but it happens EVERYDAY. ALL THEY DO IS TRAVEL TO EXOTIC LOCATIONS, TRY NEW DISHES AT TRENDY RESTAURANTS, AND TAKE AESTHETIC PHOTOS
Daniel Scott
that's nice honey
Hunter Torres
Yeah that would be cool
I'm misogynist and hate women so it would never work even if I was good looking
Liam Collins
not everything is what it seems.
If you have so much opportunitys, you have stress the whole time thinking about what you miss. everything has its downsides
Parker Howard
t. ugly sub human
Ayden Rogers
This is not
Most of us don't care so much about female validation here, aside from the faggots who make money solely to impress women.
Christian Howard
I think OP is a closet homosexual looking for excuses about why he spends so much time looking at photographs of shirtless male models.
Gabriel Hall
The suffering is eternal
Owen Hall
if i was one of them id realize after some hedonism and hot flings that nothing really is that great and hang myself due to boredom
Ryder Russell
Tren hard op. You'll get there
Jonathan Hill
Jesus fuck that guy is attractive and I really do like women so idk how to deal with this feeling
Robert Ross
Carter Brooks
This might be the lamest post on the internet.
Michael Fisher
What about fame and ever-lasting glory?
Zachary Sanchez
So you discovered that life ain't fair. If you can't eat lots of pussy at least push some kids off their bikes.
Josiah Lopez
>Now you go to the gym for some weight lifting and briefly glance at the bloated pimply moonfaces high-fiving each other over their 4 plate squats
This is so fucking sad. You see huge faggots like that every time you are the gym. Mostly because it's the only place they don't feel like total losers.
Thomas Watson
Male models are bad in bed though, they don't have to work hard to get beautiful women to sleep with them.
Hence it's said fat chicks give great bjs because theyre so desperate. You can be an ugly fuck and still be good in bed.
Remember the fun house scene in Revenge of the Nerds? >"Are all nerds as good as you?" >"yes" >"How come? " >"Well, all jocks think about is sports. All we ever think about is sex"
Jason Russell
brotip: practice makes perfect
Wyatt Hughes
That's why we at Veeky Forums want to acquire wealth though. So we can buy those endorphins.
Jace Morales
Exactly. Problem is, very good looking people don't feel the need to practice if they're constantly surrounded by people who want them.
Oliver Hughes
/r9k/ is that way
Gavin Peterson
I... I think I'm gay now.
Nicholas Hernandez
Damn this is some gay ass shit. Why do you even have these pics saved you literal fag
Samuel Nelson
When did r9k infest this place
Isaiah King
Remember how Veeky Forums always says
>sure, you can find the advice on >>/r9k/
Well, /r9k/ has been retaliating and doing the same thing on their end. Now neets come here thinking they are gonna learn how to make a million dollar with 5 good boy points.
Elijah Cruz
>says the virgin
Brody Sanders
1) a lot of these male models are literal homos, and their money and work will run out when they get old
2) if you're rich you can still get hot girls regardless of what you look like.
Gavin Jackson
tfw your chad you don't even need money.
Camden White
I bet 1 BTC that the dev will dump the premine and never give Milo a penny
Anthony Parker
This lol. The dev should put the premine in escrow. No way some user would not run with $100k
Grayson Jackson
Did the trumpcoin fund ever make its way to Trump? I bet Milo coin will be the same. What if trumpcoin dev is MiloCoin dev...
Ayden Gonzalez
>It's impossible to appreciate how easy, stress-free, validation filled, and endorphin-releasing these lives are sounds like the life of an animal at the zoo, you pathetic degenerate
Austin Gonzalez
please explain these political coins. This seems like a very complicated way to donate some money..
Ayden Edwards
It's a way for people to profit. Someone creates coin. Generates the coin for free shill it on social media. The price goes up. Then they dump.