Sorry but the TX license plate design is clearly the best.
Sorry but the TX license plate design is clearly the best
Unfortunately for you, Arizona exists and has much more aesthetic plates.
Also, what kind of gay ass states requires you to have a permit to conceal carry?
>my government mandated ball and chain look cooler than yours!
what a stupid thing to feel proud about
it's even stupider when you feel proud about paying more money every year to have a custom identification tag that makes your number even easier to remember at your detriment
I'm in Texas right now, comin from Michigan.
Gettin my dick sucked by a latina thotty from a club.
I love you niggas. I mean "y'all". Haha these bitches bad af.
And yea them plates, those hoes are clean.
Shit I might just move here. I'm in San Antonio, what should I visit?
>his jurisdiction doesn't provide custom combinations for a one time twenty bucks fee
>there are states where license plate frames are illegal because they cover up 0.01% of the state's name and website
>there are plebs on Veeky Forums who actually want to put license plate frames on their car
It's better than the design from 2009-2012
Laredo, but it’s really best to vist in July.
I miss these
Texas is full of KKK and they breed with their sisters and the all the blacks have aids and the mexicans carry jungle flus that will kill you and its 125F in the summer and the winter brings only ice and tornadoes every fucking day everywhere and rattlesnakes come up through the toilets and scorpions like to hide in the sun visors of cars and the cheapest houses starrt in the 1.5 millions and apartments start in the $3000s/month and the whole state smells like shit and our water hate bugs that will eat your brains and microbes that will eat your flesh stay out go away.
Well if you like it so much, STAY IN YOUR OWN GODDAMN STATE.
The Coloradan who is sick of seeing TEXAS license plates trying to drive to ski resorts in the dead of winter in a mustang going 5mph over mountain passes.
california is the cleanest and you can have it in black as well
that's what people in Amarillo do for fun in the winter, there's fuck else to do in the panhandle
And then there's Hawaii..
You are all plebs, fuck off.
Behold a plate for real men. Your state will never put a man gripping his sack and spreading his seed around because they are afraid of feminists.
Bonus points because it's a real Statue capping a giant penis shaped tower rising out of the plains.
I agree Cali plates are aesthetic
Who did it better?
SC used to be kino and now we have some gay blue shit
Louisiana by default because California is gay
Used to have these here, and are fucking impossible to read at a distance, I don't know how they got approved.
wrong on so many levels. only thing even close to right is the weather part
Not you again.
shut your mouth faggot.
this whole thread is bait to trick people to come here. dont fall for it!
Aside from the KKK you accurately described cuckafornia
>not having a qt pupper on your license plate
I agree, it's like the japan plate of the states
>Including the KKK you accurately described Texas.
I know m8.
beep beep, best plates coming through.
>not the bright yellow alaskan plates on a black car
>California having ice and tornadoes
>dangerous wildlife attacking people
C'mon now you have to try harder than that stay in your flyover shithole state
They stopped being cool the moment they allowed to you stick them on any car, not only '60s classics.
hey hey hey, California has a few mountain lion attacks every once and a while.
I like Nebraska Special Interest
So do you need to provide proof for a special interest, or can you plop a plate saying SPECIAL INTEREST onto any car?
You just check a box saying its for special interest
>flyover state talking shit
Kansas is King because we don't require front plates also no permit required for concealed carry.
Virginia because they use a reasonable font for the State.
All plates of the USA, Canada and Mexico.
I really liked that one, now we have one that just looks like a really faded version of that
The Alamo of course. I'm in SA but loitering in Kyle right now :^)
>no California black plate
only good thing about living here imo
I’m a Texan and I find this license plate absolutely disgusting
I Don't know if I like these or not. Kinda clean and retro looking.
90's-style throwback ftw
So outdated it's not funny
If I ever got a b body or panther body I'd get one of these for it.
chad licence plate > virgin other states plates
>bold yellow and black so you can easily see it even if paint fades
>Instantly catches your eye
vs shitty other plates from other fag states
>cant even remember color combo
>dumb poopoobum
>not getting the official burger plate
Veeky Forums confirmed retards
I still have mine and refuse to replace it
We call the capitol the "Penis of the prairie" here because. Look at it.
Bonus optional mountain lion license plate.