League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Best waifu!
wait, if all the SG girls and faggot are supposed to be pure, why give any of them SG skins?


Other urls found in this thread:


ADC mains, how to you feel about braum supports?

xth for fuck ESPORTS

ornn is playable one PBE RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Vayne tweaks INCOMING

Why do you let this faggot make threads when Ahri just got a new skin?



>Silverbolts text changed from "Autos and Condemn" to "Autos and ABILITIES"

>Q is currently being counted as an ABILITY

>Q empowered auto and E procs W instantly

so basically all of Vaynes Buffs on PBE are currently:

-Tumble now apply TWO charges of silver bolts
-Vayne heals for 20% of max HP during Ult now
-Silver bolts ratio buffed from 12% to 14%

xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.

Ornn is a jungler

star guardian kled WHEN
he's a better anime girl than all those thoties!!

>Riot keep making alternate announcers and alternate map skins
>never make them purchasable

tank babies reply to this post or riot is going to come in your sleep and make cleaver shred 100% of ur armor

So how does it feel to be wrong about Lux X Jinx?

>tfw Neo PAX Twisted Fate is a possibility
>Especially Neo UFO Corki, since they updated his splash art not too long ago

Yeah boy!

xth for breast metal waifu

>Guy posts lissandra thread at around the same time every day
>Doesn't do anything else but that
Get a life

First for shit Ez skin. Here's ult and q

Hype for SG Ahri! Also regardless of where orrn is supposed to be played I will play him top.

With his kit, only retard gonna bring Ornn top

He is better suited to be a jungler / support

Jinx is cute, I wanna cuddle her.

>Q>AA>E auto procs silver bolts which have been buffed to do 14% max hp true damage
>Ult now also HEALS on kills

fuck tanks

every champion has it for if it starts with smite
fucking retard

ADC is only my secondary but I love Braum players. They seem pretty chill and don't get mad at me if I mess up. I got Santa Braum so I'm saving up for him now. Thanks for reading my blog

ORnn's items

>They're playing around with Azir now
>Keeping him very Azir-like by cutting some range during laning phase so they can just make him stronger
>Now they're going to get a bunch of mains to see if old problems arise

At least its progress

There's absolutely no way tumble applying 2 stacks of W is going to make it through PBE. I think the intention is just to allow condemn to proc it, not to make Vayne a terror who tumbles and autos to take 30% of your HP in lane with zero counterplay

He's super cool!
Star Guardian Draven when?
Heartseeker Draven when?

Skarner belongs to the void - and Kog'maw!

>Ornn is a better jungle than top
You're a retard.

xth for Syndra

If it wasn't intentional they wouldn't have changed the text bro.

pay attention

>Rabadons Deathcrown
>175 AP

>Riot actually shoehorned Skarner to the void alliance
How much does the lore department get paid again?

>+30 AD

Is there a side by side with the original items I'm too lazy to look this shit up

Stay Bronze kid, Nothin personal kid. His brittle damage is insane. really stupid.

>Forgefire Cape
>625 HP
The tank meta is here to stay bois

So is Dark Star supposed to be the counterpoint to the Star Guardians? If so, when do they get more skins? I know we just got Thresh and Oriana, but there's only 4, while Star Guardians just got another fucking 5.
I unironically think Zillean would make a pretty good space monster given his abilities.

>Fiora pings like crazy for ganks
>Go to gank and he stands still as i move in
>Forces me to flash away

>Feeds his lane 5 more kills under 4 mins
>Blames me for not ganking enough

Fuck top lane autist
All of them are as bright as Dyrus and just as retarded

With refillable potion, as a jungler he can keep roaming / ganking infinitely mid game

That super telegraphed kit is gonna get your face raped if you try to bring it top. Like, you fucking moron, his kit works best in conjuration with other champ and you think it is a good idea to bring him to the desolate island of top?

It's better than being some shuriman faggot.

>all nunu had going for him late game was 7th item for ADC
>omnn now gives 2 items to his teammates each

nunu back to being worst champ in the game status

stop being bronze it huuuuuuuuuuuuurts

>That T Force upgrade might actually be the strongest thing on that list.

extra Movespeed aint nothin to fuck with

>new skins for all these champs that have a million skins and good ones
>none for Illaoi or otherwise
>half the champ roster has rubbish skins
>half the default visuals and voice for the roster is outdated and trash with a total of 2-4 voice lines

>all nunu had going for him late game was 7th item for ADC

lockets looking pretty solid with the upgrade


>this is the answer to maokai and zac ruining the fucking game
based rito

>the vasiliar or whatever the fuck Xyaha and Rokock are are supposed to be completely inhuman
>Xayah is a proud vasaline, and hates all things human
>she's literally just a human with bird feet, cat ears, and one wing

What champs should I learn to jungle on? In general, what champs should I buy to learn the various roles?

t. just hit level 11

>top laner didn't pick a tank
don't even bother, just dodge

auto q against wall auto is going to be retarded in lane

too much, it's Trundle all over again.


>and hates all things human
Makes me want to fuck her that much harder.

>dash next to opponent
>fire instant charm
>mash keyboard
>dash out
>[All] BreastWaifuFox (Ahri): outplayed bitch boi xD

KYS ahrifags

Still waiting on Quinn skin worth a damn, with voice overwork and shit.
Sick of smoker croak Quinn

I preferred Skarnar to be a neutral alliance from an ancient race of monsters. Fit's his personality and design more. Void kits/lore revolve around destroying things, while Skarnar is just a dude trying to do his own thing.

5 decides my smurf's main.

Is the Jinx the most /k/ waifu of League?

Except they already confirmed he can't buy potions and refillable isnt going to be infinite

personally they should change it from MAX HP to BONUS HP and make the buffs a bit more targeted.

Don't try to learn jungle until you're comfortable with every role. You need game sense and experience to play jungle decently.

So ornn does primarily physical damage with some magic damage. Skill order is probably Q W E. E has resistance scaling on the damage, W bas a Max health ratio, Q has a 100% total AD ratio.
R has NO damage ratio
Also the damage on his w is insane, flames are 25% current health, brittle deals 16% max health on immobilizing effects.

Random Champion select

>t. faggot tank main
get fucked, kid

Behold your new goddess. Killing the tank meta one W procc at a time.

I love Veeky Forums

b-but my favorite stream fuckbois said she's hard

so what even is ornn

his passive made me think support but his kit feels incredibly generic in terms of role

nothing about him screams "i am a tank/bruiser/top laner/support/jungler" he just has a bunch of random abilities so he can be in lane and do shit

>Shit on Skarner's skin pool with battlecast
>Shit on Skarner's kit with his rework
>Shit on Skarner's lore by making him some void creature instead of a badass crystal scorpion who wakes to make sure the world is good enough for his kind to wake up into

can't wait for tomorrow when vayne buffs are reverted and I will slap my nutsack in your fucking faces

Right, wrong name

Ofcourse, it is a given that early game you will have to recall back to base several time

PLEASE F my wife

>MFW love the champion but I'm still bad with her while I destroy with mechanically hard champs such as Yasuo or Draven.

As a GP main I'm pretty hyped for this. Can't wait to be full build with swifties, PD, and Shiv zooming around with my barrels

>tfw you get yo touch a Vayne-like girl and she's rock solid
>even her hair is like an iron whip to your soft flabby gamer body

Riot's lore department should be fired and put against a firing squad

White is right

>leona Q cd is now 5 at all ranks
>ornn exists
prepare to literally never move again

yea but it kinda seems dumb to be so anti-human when you're a pair of large boots away from passing as one.

I don't see you playing Ahri and getting challenger. Deny it all you want but she relies on positioning and instant reflexes to do anything.

Christ Almighty. Ahri eats rats!

Are these the general kinds of champions for other lanes? And if so, what are decent ones to learn in each category

>Top Tanks
>Top Assassins
>Mid Burst Mage
>Mid Assassins
>Healslut Support
>Poke Support
>Engage Support


>that laugh at 1:05

Don't be mean user, it's not her fault that Vastayans are less intelligent than Humans.

Her weapons are too customized to look like they could have come from a market and she holds a lot of sentimentality to them so I'd say she is. Cait is a strong second place but her gun was literally given to her as a birthday present and it looks like something that would be a standard model of its kind.

>ends up exasperated trying to save his race from the destructiveness of humankind
>becomes corrupted by the void ala malzahar in an attempt to gain more power, only instead of being a religious fanatic he just hates everything

I would be okay with that

You know, does anyone even build Deathcap nowadays? Before it was like a must have along with Hourglass, nowaday i rarely see niggas build it anymore unless they are ultra fed

She looks really comfy inside

why did it take riot this fucking long to start nerfing orianna? FOR FUCKS SAKE

I have no other comments on the matter, but i would greatly appreciate it if you posted more Xayah

the one true smug laugh

Comfy and tight user

I don't agree entirely. What you need is an active mindset. You can't just auto pilot farm. Biggest issue in most lanes really, people just go on auto pilot. The only difference is that in lanes it doesn't hurt your lane just auto piloting.

I would argue, you can only get good at anything by playing it. And with time comes the experience to know when and how to do things. You won't magically understand how to remain active mentally while jungling if you arejust learning how to lane.

It took Rito two years to nerf Kass"nice spells you have there bro"adin and Ni"AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUHEU TEN GORILLION SPEAR DAMAGE EVERY 3 SECOND"dalee

Not like it matters, there are only like 5 guys who play Ori in soloq and her team fighting potential is a fucking beast

>thinking about how firm vayne's ass must be
muh dick

So do Lux mains instantly pick up Ahri as their secondary champ now and spam laugh?

>Moisturize with with the tears of your enemies
>Implying the salt wouldn't dry up your skin
How fucking retarded is Ahri?