Hyundai Accent Blue- Anything I can do to make it better?
BMW M4 wheels.
sell it and buy a civic for 3k.
This meme is shit, stop.
Dont spend money on shit cars.
if you have a shitbox, don't let it become worse than it is. Keep up with maintenance, get good tires, good pads, etc. You could get the alloy wheels from a higher trim model if you want to, but avoid shitty cheap aftermarkets that are fragile as fuck and will break with a pothole.
Yeah don't be a car enthusiast unless it's my approved list of cars.
>car enthusiast
>hyundai shoebox
Yeap, like I said you can't enjoy a car unless it's on my list of approved cars.
It's like being a wine enthusiast and declare you like cardboard box wine.
Snobbery is a shit user. Makes the world a boring close minded place with no originality.
but all these people are right on here. OP's car is beyond aesthetic repair. its a Micra clone FFS
its useless to tint windows or get rims. the basic shape is so shit that nothing can fix it
that's called being a snob, not an enthusiast
That's your opinion, I think all the meme shitboxes on here are ugly and awful but you don't see me telling people not to get them.
its a fact not opinion. the fact is that in the showroom they look good only coz they're heavily waxed
Your car is shit OP, just leave it stock and save your money.
Who cares? There are people who like things like Aston Martin Lagondas and Fiat Multiplas, if op likes it it doesn't matter what you think.
seems like you are very defensive. looks like you cant afford anything more than a fuckin shitbox and are forcing yourself to like it
end it
>I don't like this car so I will project my life
I guess you should give up OP, people here don't care about cars and only care about their image to other posers. Get a Miata or MR2.
Hyundia is truly cucked
first they cloned the bmw hatchback. now they bothered clonin an fucking micra
Are you talking about the accent? Cuz the design for it predates the k12. The k11 hatchback looks nothing like the x3 or the lc.
Grandma sure is defensive about her shitbox.
Veeky Forums sure is a bunch of insecure posers.
Of fucking course its a QC plate.
welcome to Veeky Forums
70% shilling
20% furfaggotry
10% actual posting
Says the guy asking how to make his Hyundai "cooler"
just save for a better car or buy an older accent with irs an use it as a track/rally car.