
What are you saying? He drives?



hot damn this is old

>turtle is now a rich normalfag nonvirg
>tfw almost a wizard and still NEET

>Give her the goofballs

Oh wow, that's actually Zaush!

Veeky Forums is pathetic

Who the fuck is this person

kill yourself newfag

You've been here a fraction of the time I've been here, tripfag

Oh shit

Alex Dosantos of Oakville Ontario got himself a girl

How is it that every fucking tripfag on this board's name is known?


>calls a namefag a tripfag
>"I'm totally not new!"

end urself

Veeky Forums used to be a magical place full of friends

Also they're not all tripfags, newfag

I came here from /pol/ in 2014. I must've came far too late

>I came here from /pol/ in 2014

kindly go back then

In 2008 Veeky Forums was friendly fun zone.
Super slow board tho.

i remember i once baited someone so hard that he mimicked my name but only ended up looking like a tryhard retard who is obsessed with me

don't reply to me

Hitler did something wrong.

I remember that thread, it had Soviet in it too.

I was namefagging all of you and you were all sperging so hard, it was great. Shitposting galore, literally crying u were all so mad.

t. dumb and fat amerimutt

I run this place kid, your kind is not welcome here

I think he was talking about soviet

My slave Prez/o/ is not allowed to directly reply to me, thats why it was sort of confusing

look at those legs

Doggo in the back has noice haunches eh?


>came here from /pol/ in 2014
classic nuChan reddit tier newcunt faggot