Will my VEE DUBB pass inspection? as long as it is sealed it will pass am i right?
Will my VEE DUBB pass inspection? as long as it is sealed it will pass am i right?
that's why you have 80 mph speed limits, cletus.
What am I looking at here? Cant quite make it out.
is that the camshaft or something
No you dum dum thats somewhere in the dash cam
It's the exhaust
Stop being retarded, you're making us look bad.
>Is that the camshaft
M8. You could have taken two seconds to Google what a camshaft is. Why would a camshaft be an under-body component?
As expected of the busriding Veeky Forumsraeli
Hey, Im just trying to learn. I have been reading workshop manuals lately and am now able to point out most automotive parts, but this was just too difficult to make out. Must have been the lighting.
Thank you. I can see it clearly now I think.
can your 1.3L VW even go 80?
No, you fucking idiot, stop and think for a moment. The camshaft (in a car) controls the valves for the engine. What the fuck would that be doing UNDERNEATH a car?
You. Stop falseflagging or outright stop posting if serious, and think about what you're doing. We have enough /int/ leakage, don't encourage more of it
How am I supposed to know whether OPs pic is above or below or inside the car? I cant even tell hence why I asked. As a matter of fact, how can you be sure that it is even under the car?
Its just too close to call this one so Im staying out of it and reserving judgement.
Dude is learning. Fuck off.
You can clearly see a rusted and dirt-covered surface in the pic, that's usually what a car underbody looks like.
Plus there's a fairly obvious exhaust hanger on the left.
>stop shitposting on Veeky Forums
I think there is another web forum you would have a better time posting in and interacting with the community of.
Look at all the gunk and shit, and in other pictures you can see a brake drum and control arm. Engine internals (should) be fairly clean and look like the inside of, well, an engine. A cam will either be in a head or in a block.
This is the fucking problem today, all these fucking reddit, Facebook shits come here and think every board is /b/. Furthermore, if it's not actual comedy, why the fuck WOULD you shitpost? How the fuck is garbage entertaining? There's funny shitposting and there's just garbage. Int leakage is garbage.
All visible parts are covered in dirt/ rust, and you can literally see the brick ground in the first and third picture. You can also see the suspension + brake lines in the third pic
just go to some fuck ass mexican inspection joint
the kind where they painted the price on a brick wall out front
Sorry you can't handle the bants m8
I bet you weren't even here when treequinox or 'I'm converting my MR2 to AWD..." shitposting was a thing
The Chinese are coming in droves now
if you can get another decent muffler you would be alright, i cant really see why they cant pass you.
what you do though is say to them that you dont have enough cash to replace the muffler and in the next few weeks you should be able to get one then and they may just give you an advisory on the muffler.
If this thread is alive long enough i will post update
>As long as my cars are before 09', I'm good
Used car master race
I always knew you were beyond retarded
>tripfag says something retarded
why do you insist on derailing every single thread you post in? You're single-handedly dragging the whole board down
>water=liquid dihydrogen monoxide
>wet=solid object covered with or soaked in a layer of liquid dihydrogen monoxide, aka water
If you think about it, is water really wet?
Each water molecule is typically covered with other water molecules though, which is what being wet is. I suppose if you could separate one single water molecule from any others it technically wouldn't be wet.
>trip fag
>cant identify a very identifiable car part
>How am I supposed to know whether OPs pic is above or below or inside the car?
>As a matter of fact, how can you be sure that it is even under the car?
well you can see a wheel and the fucking road you mental midget
MR2 to AWD was funny because it was so ridiculous, and equinox bullying was funny because he was a retard trip and the shoops could be funny. HURR AMERIFATS HURR YUROPOORS doesn't seem to tick the funny boxes.
why would a camshaft be part of an inspection?
Parece que has cometido un error en tu publicación. Afortunadamente, los usuarios de Veeky Forums siempre están dispuestos a ayudarlo a resolver este problema. Parece que usaste un código de viaje cuando publicaste, ¡pero tu identidad no tiene nada que ver con la conversación! ¡Ups! ¡Siempre debe recordar dejar de usar su código de viaje cuando el hilo para el que se utilizó desaparezca, a menos que se inicie otro! Publicar con un código de viaje cuando no es necesario es de mala calidad. Siempre debe intentar publicar de forma anónima, a menos que su identidad sea absolutamente vital para la publicación que está realizando.
Ahora, no hay necesidad de agradecerme, ¡solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo para ayudarlo a acostumbrarse a la cultura anónima de las imágenes!
i cant wait for you to get doxxed and flamed irl
First convert to disk brakes from a vr6, the whole subframe can be replaced with ease, second, as long as it's plugged it should pass inspection
>Florida doesn't have inspection so idk
Finally an actual response that corrects user instead of JUST calling him retarded
oh those faggots from shitpostingaustralia are posting shit on here id take anything they say like a grain of salt.
Number 1, I cant see shit in that image that tells me otherwise, and number 2, did you take the pic? You could only be sure what that was if you took it yourself and since you are not OP you cant be sure, so go on, get outta here.
Leave Chinese. Leave Chinese. Leave Chinese.
You never know with these shitty emissions laws these days.
I have no personally identifiable information anywhere on the internet, not even a name. I have no phone and I have no social media garbage. SO where you gonna pull this information from Chinaman? Leave Chinese.
oh hey its the cazador oh the cunts on ausfag think we are the same.
Holy shit discord is fucked up now. I cant send you a message because it keeps failing because the chinese that run the place have royally fucked the airwaves around here.
everyone itt is retarded. it obviously looks like a muffler.
calling others retard is really mean.
cazador. this is falcunt. we know who you are and we're coming to smash your faggot ass in qld. you better prepare yourself for the beatdown
what's the matter cazador/hendra?
had enough shit talk?
cabron weon weonado
We are all
I see no problem here
>he painted his drums red
you have the wrong fucking person i hope you get cancer you faggot.
stop CALLING ME FUCKING THE CAZADOR im hendra you dumb cunt bitch ass whore.
ahhhhh i have had it with you fucking no good asshole
get fucked you fucking cunts
its does take 1 minute to do a new post you and your bullshit on that kiddies discord piss off you fucking children
you both will be perm banned.
I will report back if it passes inspection or not...
keep thred alive until then
bump from page7
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
bumperino with extra pic
oh hello /ovg/ faggot i thought id mention you so the others on here know who to avoid..
HEY EVERYONE the spammer is the cunt that has the /ovg/ discord and makes the /ovg/ posts on Veeky Forums
remember everyone if you see the spam post with hi there that is the cunt that owns /ovg/
reddit spacing
What fresh hell is this.
Spray paint it rust brown and the inspector might overlook it.
fuck you... i dont use reddit you stupid slow cunt.
tell falcunt he is a try hard and he should push harder then her mother did.
cum isn't a good adhesive user
oh are ya.
yoda knocked down nanny's water tank and now nanny has nothing to live in.
inb4 very long nap
bet the window caulking OP put on his exhaust caught fire and burned his car down.
inspection due in 24 hours...
i am surprised
oh what a shame people have to go to desperate steps to get a response on a joke site (Veeky Forums)
Veeky Forums is a very serious site. in fact Veeky Forums is a SERIOUS board
Is that a drive shaft?
Falcunt here. Cazador you have crossed the line.
Poopoopeeepeepee you gonna get it!
Based minion
Cars a door... there is no user anywhere here called cars a door.
just plaster mud on it they won't fucking notice
not only does it cause a risk for another commuter at some future undesignated time when it fails, it also does nothing as those hose clamps have the least clamping force of anything sold in stores,and so toe will creep as it did before the repair. +1 street cred for wasting scrap
Well today is the day the VEE DUBB gets TESTED.. lmao
I clean the car up real nice and left a surprise for the guy who test it.....
Cuz he ran scared
nah he never existed so quit it.
I bring car to shop, tomorrow i will get result.....
keeping thread alive...
>that cumstain on the drivers seat
Results are almost in
When i get a call...
>not having the money for a new muffler
I just got a call from my guy... YOU never GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!
did it pass??
oh YES lmao i forgot.
the guy gave me a funny look when handing
the keys over tho.
Tripfag mad