What's the right thing to say when a qt compliments your car...

What's the right thing to say when a qt compliments your car? Do I just say "t-thanks m-maybe I can take you for a ride sometime?" MY situation is coworker said I have a cool car, said thanks smiled and went on my business like a dumbass

Jesus Christ you sperglord, people are allowed to compliment your car with no other intent. You acted like a normal fucking person.

>being this autistic

Offering a ride to a coworker interested in my car isn't too forward you don't think?

Are you forgetting where you are?

>why don't you join me for a ride to hell? it's okay baby, i know the boss


He's probably not a faggot so it wouldn't work out desu senpai.

i almost did this once and wew would it have been bad

This, don't shit where you eat.

Just because a woman interacts with you doesn't mean she's attracted to you.

I don't get it

>OP invites girl to go in a drive with him
>By some miracle she says yes
>Driving around pointlessly as a crushing awkward silence fills the car.

That's obvious.

just say thankyou i appreciate it or whatever. She just complimented your car because she wanted to talk to you and it was an easy ice breaker. its not science

dont forget
>well under the speed limit cause nerves

>tfw an 8/10 I know is deciding to get the same car as me in the near future

>nice car user
>thanks you should let me take you for a ride in it sometime
>we go get ice cream
>she sucks my dick in the backseat
>everything went better tahn expected

Best and only successful car/female story i have
>drive 5ltr Holden VR 1995 ute
>going to uni
>follow another exactly the same ute only 1996 model into carpark except with twin exhaust
>park next to it
>qt with long brown hair gets out
>complement her ute and say I wanted one like the but could only afford the 95.
>took to uni bar that afternoon.
Didn't get to fug because she had a boyfriend but she hooked me up with a couple of her friends.

Dont get your meat where you get your bread homeboy

Right thing to say? Oh gosh, I need help there too, user.

>Years ago at shitty retail job
>QT co-worker walks home everyday, says she enjoys walking
>She's always somehow talking the manager into working with me
>Few days later 101F + extremely high humidity
>She's asking me if I'd like to go to her place and check out her tarantula
>Not really a fan of arachnids, start talking about 8 legged freaks
>She's telling me how hot it is outside and mentions she walks to work
>She doesn't have a car, crashed her last one
>Offer her a ride because it's fucking miserable outside
>Compliments ma ride, I just said thanks
>Finally get to her place and asks if I want to come inside
>Didn't know what to say, just said no thanks
>Everyday she waited by my car and asked for a ride home afterwards
>She was always mentioning how nice my car looked, couldn't believe how clean it was
>Told me my car feels soft, like her leather loveseat
>Always complimented my gains
>Everyday she asked if I wanted to come inside, I always declined
>One day she didn't come into work
>Just up and quit
>Drove to her place after work with some food
>She up and moved spontaneously

I had never felt so empty afterwards.

>disgusting mexican scene chick compliments your ricermobile
>tell her "thanks senpai"
True story.

Don't dip your pen in the company ink.

>people like this actually exist
Jesus man what the fuck is wrong with you