>Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle. You know non-autonomous automobiles are generally forbidden on Fulton county streets, right?
In a few decades
Other urls found in this thread:
in a few decades there will be only mulattos and the west as a whole will be as desolate as a south african ghetto
Luckily there will still also be upset white males.
This. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
>implying human cops wouldn't have been replaced by automatons by then too
not until the military replaces soldiers with robots
they still need human LEOs as a way of giving employment to dangerous veterans with PTSD
This hasn't happened with bicycles and horses (apart from restricted access highways), it hasn't happened with steam vehicles in most jurisdictions across the world, and it hasn't happened with manual transmissions.
What is it with some people and constant slippery slope paranoia?
>What is it with some people and constant slippery slope paranoia?
Because the slippery slope usually turns out to be right
NB4 Red Barchetta
It does happen you mongoloid. Computers eliminated countless jobs, while creating countless new ones. The difference is that those new jobs aren't directly filled by the people who lost theirs. Dumbass truck drivers are not going to be electronics engineers or be capable of maintaining the new vehicles. I'd say they could be ditch diggers but we'd have automated that too. One kid with a college degree and an Xbox controller will be running half the excavations for a 40-house development.
>Because the slippery slope usually turns out to be right
[citation needed]
Your rambling in honor, but it has very little to do with the topic.
you will still be alowed to drive your own car, but the insurance for those cars will be so fucking high that only richfags will buy cars that have the steering option.
Its just like how guns arent illegal in europe, but you have to jump trough so many hoops and burn so much money that most people dont bother with it anymore to get a gun.
honestly if they actually tried to take away peoples' right to drive cars they'd have riots and people actually dying in the streets
that's a direct threat to the freedom of mobility, and it's easy to justify not following it
cops would get really tired of being shot in the neck every time they tried to pull someone over for driving their own car
>right to drive cars
What amendment's that in? Driving is a privilege, you get licensed for it, and if you abuse it you can already lose it now. It's not protected by the freedom of movement. You're still free to bicycle or hike across the country.
Leaf here, we have a constitutional right to freedom of mobility. It's nearly impossible to have someone's driving license taken away from them, basically only if they've killed someone with their car on purpose or they're medically incapable of driving.
>driving is a privilege
t. rightless britcuck
kys you bootlicking faggot fuck, enjoy your robotic prius
>It's nearly impossible to have someone's driving license taken away from them, basically only if they've killed someone with their car on purpose or they're medically incapable of driving.
b-based canada?
And I'll repeat myself, freedom of mobility doesn't encompass driving, otherwise you wouldn't have to get a driver's license. You can't get licensed for rights, or do you have a walking license and free speech license as well?
.t flag poster
If someone lives in a rural area without public transportation and you revoke their driver's license, you're effectively moving their right to mobility. The implication would then be that they spend copious amounts on taxis and/or impose on others to drive them. This might not be financially feasible, further compounding the consequences. This is why courts rarely revoke someone's license - it'll go the Supreme Court if it's anything other than "user got drunk and drove into a playground and killed 3 toddlers then laughed about it".
And your "free speech" comment is not without merit. We're witnessing people like yourself attempting to stifle basic rights through backdoor shenanigans. Telling people what they "CANNOT" say as well as COMPELLING them to say things are both infringing on those rights, but your camp insists they aren't.
The driving thing is effectively saying "you can still get around, but you have to do it in this exact manner - with a self-driving car".
>you can still say what you want, but you must use THESE pronouns and refrain from insulting THIS religious group
Stop being such a fucking brainlet.
>freedom of mobility doesn't encompass driving, otherwise you wouldn't have to get a driver's license
A driver's license serves several purposes, and driving is a regulated activity like many things. You need a passport to travel, too. You need a gun license to own and carry firearms in many states, despite it being a Constitutional right to bear arms.
Rights can be regulated to a certain degree, but actually REMOVING one's ability to drive a vehicle would be absolutely impossible in a country like Canada or America.
>It's nearly impossible to have someone's driving license taken away from them,
You can lose your license tons of different ways, too many tickets, points, DUI or any of that shit.
>but actually REMOVING one's ability to drive a vehicle would be absolutely impossible in a country like Canada or America.
Yea it would, remove their drivers license and if they get pulled over they get arrested
To actually suspend someone's license (and it's only for short time periods) in Canada takes a shitload of effort on the part of the Crown. It's not like "oh 3 speeding tickets no more driving for you".
You need a million infractions just to get called in for a meeting, at which point you still don't lose your license. Even the "Street Racing" laws in Ontario don't end up in auto license revocation as the law permits.
man its way easier to lose your license in the US
In NY one DUI gets your license suspended for months, another can get it removed permanently
>take away basic rights
>start arresting people when they defy your tyrannical laws
>people start shooting enforcers
>literally start a civil war because you wanted to give your friends at Automatic Goymovers Inc. an unfair market advantage
lmao get a load of this cuck
>>take away basic rights
Your freedom of mobility does NOT apply to cars or the use of public roads.
If this wasn't true then you'd see tons of people with numerous infractions on their driving record suing the state for their "right to drive"
Driving drunk is stupid and dangerous, people deserve to have their license suspended temporarily for that. If they're repeat offenders, it should increase in duration.
But we're not even talking about people who do stupid/dangerous shit and act irresponsibly. You have a right to mobility but if you just walk up and down the street fuckin stabbing people for an hour you're probably going to prison - losing your right to mobility.
What we're talking about is the government simply placing a massive, unjustified restriction on your freedom of mobility. You no longer control that "autonomous" car, some company/software/guidance program does. It's like public transit, only worse because you have to pay to OWN the piece of shit you can't control.
Again, without justification. Removing rights works in highly congested urban places like Europe, but not in places with low population density like America and Canada. I routinely drive all over the province for leisure and as part of my work. A self driving car simply would not be an option for me, and would not be a reasonable restriction on my freedom.
Not to mention it simply wouldn't be tolerated. As people said, enforcers would literally be getting shot over this kind of thing. People will hit strangers with bricks and bats for using the wrong pronouns - how the fuck do you think they'll react if you tell them they can only get around using the Autocuck9000 Mobility Device?
>What we're talking about is the government simply placing a massive, unjustified restriction on your freedom of mobility. You no longer control that "autonomous" car, some company/software/guidance program does. It's like public transit, only worse because you have to pay to OWN the piece of shit you can't control.
This is hardly a constitutional issue, the autonomous cars don't infringe on your mobility because they don't arbitrarily or subversively or purposely limit your freedom to go virtually anywhere as you can simply tell the autonomous car to go to the place you desire.
>ow the fuck do you think they'll react if you tell them they can only get around using the Autocuck9000 Mobility Device?
The people who you're describing who get pissy over pronouns and stupid shit aren't the people who are going to revolt over this. I actually assume they'll be proponents of it. They'll advocate against your right to drive because they believe you're dangerous with it, they'll call your sports car a "death machine on wheels" and say shit like "no one needs more than 4 cylinders in a car" and "no one needs high capacity engines"
>freedom of mobility
Good Lord you stupid fuck
there's literally no reason to ban manually driven cars, once there are a majority of autonomous cars with car-to-car communication they'll be able to easily react to anything a manual driver does.
it's like banning motorcycles, if anything the motorcycle drivers have to be safer to stay alive
It's going to be stories about cjildren in car crashes that will make driving illegal outside of a track. There will be a ton of news stories justifying higher insurance on manually operated cars first followed by autonomous only streets followed by needing a special permit for cars with a "manual driving option" which still requires an adapted autonomous driving retrofit device installed in your car to use public roads. Followed by that option only being allowed to be used on a track.
People's dead kids won't be satisfied until 0 manual driving related death occur each year. Those dead kids don't care about people driving around for pleasure or exploring. You can just enter in random locations around your town to simulate cruising. Nobody has a NEED to drive themselves in (future) current year.
source on gif?
>the use of public roads.
That's where you're wrong. Public roads are just that - public. Paid for by taxes. People actually have a legal right to use them.
And people do contest suspensions all the time, and they usually get thrown out because of some extenuating circumstance or procedural error.
You can bike on a road.
>sorry sir can't let you drive there that land belongs to MEGACORP. 9001
>sorry sir you need to subscribe to GoldPass Parking Service in order to enter this lot
>sorry sir you've already had 3 sodas today can't let you enter that Wendy's Drive Thru again - it's for your own good
t. I have no rights and like being a statist piece of dogshit
What is your point?
Also I love how many people ITT are rushing to the defense of self-driving cars. I suspect most of you are underage b& faggots with anxiety who can't drive anyways.
>n-no more alpha Chads rolling c-coal on me while I drive m-moms minivan to get milk at 20mph under the s-speed limit
>internal combustion engine
I'm now putting forward a motion to make all true patriot cars right hand drive. The jew will no longer subconsciously sway god-fearing Americans through control layout.
I'm just saying it's a stupid defense as dozens of those sovereign citizen retards try it and they get blown the fuck out every single time.
As a person has an alternate means of vehicular travel, it's not denying them mobility to say they can't drive a car. Think of it like a DM rules lawyering you out of a fun plan in a tabletop RPG.
fucking horror movie f a m
my negro
>I'm just saying it's a stupid defense as dozens of those sovereign citizen retards try it and they get blown the fuck out every single time.
They're refusing to get a license to drive you idiot, not an apples-to-apples comparison at all. I have no problem having a license to drive, it's a regulated activity subject to reasonable regulations.
We're talking about actually REMOVING the activity entirely. You're no longer ALLOWED to drive a car. Sitting in a car while it drives around is not driving at all, it's akin to taking a bus. You don't need anything to ride a bus, aside from some change or a bus pass.
>live 30 miles from town
>need to get groceries
god damnit this is what I get for entering halfway through this. I thought you meant in terms of license suspension, not banning manual driving. DURRR me intelligent.
Like it or not, those sovereign citizen faggots actually have some legal points. "Immigration" checkpoints are completely fucking illegal in every possible way, yet the states allow people with kevlar and guns to randomly stop you and demand answers to their questions.
I don't agree with driving around without a license, but the aforementioned shit really gets my blood boiling.
>driving along peacefully
>on your way to visit some friends a few hours away
>some spic who barely finished highschool puts his hand up, tells you to roll down your window, starts asking if you're a citizen
>alright sir u can go on ur way lol we just wanna keep people safe u kno glad u understand sir bye now
I've never had experience with those up in the frozen north, but my experience has been that if you look and act like you have your shit together, the better things go for you.
>you better look a certain way user
>or we'll arbitrarily detain you even longer
>I am literally suspending your Constitutional rights because I don't like the look of your face
>Yes, im American.
>Have a good day, Sir.
>Continue on my way.
Whats the problem, user?
>You're American? Oh good to hear.
>oh by the way, what's in the trunk?
>uh what?
>you're not hiding something in there are you?
>why won't you just answer my question lol? you must be hiding something
>no I just-
>I don't think I have to ans-
>*shoots you in the face with a Glock*
>lol why didn't he just answer my question what's so hard about that what's the problem he wouldn't have been shot in the face if he just answered my arbitrary and illegal line of questioning
What happens when everything and most jobs are automated and done by computers and robots? Will we all just lay around and live in virtual reality? I bet they just kill off like 90% of the world population simply because that many plebs are no longer needed. Then they'll start the year back to 0 and there will be a few hundred thousand humans and lots of technology at the beginning of a new age. I hope they get serious about eugenics and start exploring outer space as a top priority
You are one spaztic bitch arent you?
t. bootlicking cuck
Space is fake. Humanity will never leave Earth.
>muh bootlicking maymay
Ive been through those check points many times and never had any kind of issue. Half the fucking time they just wave me on and I dont have to even stop. People like you are the ones getting gunned down and for good reason. We need more killer cops.
You get called in for a meeting for a 30 over ticket, m80
Don't worry about it kid. Once it gets to that point humans will only exist as pets for out AI overlords.
Not your face dumbo, your outfit, demeanor, papers, etc.
No you don't.
t. someone who's had 2 tickets - 31 and 37 over - in the last 3 years
end urselves /pol/tards
>he thinks cops are on his side just because he's white
you just haven't been patrolled by the wrong cops yet
Criminally underrated post
those cops work for whatever administration holds power
keep in mind it might not always be the one you like or agree with
this is something that is fundamentally lost on most of you retards
>samefagging for damage control
wew lad
no I just don't act like an uppity entitled subhuman around them
only on the inside, m8.
the irony is that most of those officers are less educated and competent than the people they're stopping
>submitting to some braindead half-mexican retard because he has a baseball cap and a badge that say CBP
kek stay cucked
>[citation needed]
>early 00's
"gays just want to be able to live openly, that's all... "
Shitposting aside, would you prefer to be pancaked by someone on snapchat?
Why are some people absolutely losing their shit over the idea of automation?
they're afraid that muh hellaflush and muh muscle will one day be outlawed.
i don't care about driving, it's just that niggers ruined public transport so you have to have alternatives.
no idea. didnt even know i had it
>you can't be licensed to your rights
What's a gun license then chimp boy?
which it won't, it's just that everyone other than us Veeky Forumstists will be in autodriving cars making life a lot fucking easier for us enthusiasts tbqh. nobody is in favor of outlawing human driving, even if it's outdated. just like how you can legally drive a fucking horse and buggy on roads to this day.
>You know non-autonomous automobiles are generally forbidden on Fulton county streets, right?
Autonomous police vehicles have been developed with working prototypes than can also launch their own drone aircraft to increase their surveillance range or perform inobtrusive surveillance while the main vehicle is parked.
The features of the autonomous driving police vehicles are to perform patrols, speeding checks, license plate checks, and check both pedestrians and people in cars against photo databases to see if they have warrants out.
>And your "free speech" comment is not without merit. We're witnessing people like yourself attempting to stifle basic rights through backdoor shenanigans. Telling people what they "CANNOT" say as well as COMPELLING them to say things are both infringing on those rights
But that is what Black Lives Matter does for anyone that effectively opposed them. They make accusations of racism to shut them up. They also doxx people who speak at city council meetings and report them to employers to create fear and make those people never comment again.
>>you can still say what you want, but you must use THESE pronouns and refrain from insulting THIS religious group
>Stop being such a fucking brainlet.
>muh Black Lives Matter is oppression
fuck off faggots stay on topic you stormcucks
Did you just assume my car's level of autonomy because it has a steering wheel? I'm gonna have to report you for sensitivity training, officer.
>you're effectively moving their right to mobility.
Not at all. They have feet.
>cannot fathom his own backwards logic and is mad when such is used against him
>calls others cuck
Image for your viewing pleasure
>having a meltdown because a policeman isn't white
wow congrats i guess
stop projecting faggot. I just came into the thread and i'm calling out off-topic shit. The whole "normal cars will be outlawed" is already stupid enough.
Since the Republicans repealed the Affordable Car Act, I can't afford to buy an autonomous car even though it's mandatory.
>Be officer at the border entry where drugs and illegals are smuggled in daily
>Stop a car
>May I see your passport please
>drive off
>cop has to run and get back in his google shitmobile
>have a bunch of fake baby toys
>toss them out the window at the google cars following you
>they e-brake to avoid plastic baby
>get away
>shine 50W infrared flashlight at them
>car shits itself and drives off a cliff
In a few decades we're just going to have even stupider looking cars with even more extreme safety regulations. That's all that's going to happen. Safer cars, stupider looking, maybe more enforcement on speed governing.
In reality, not much is going to change from now to 2050 as far as driving goes. Transmissions may change, we may have more electric or other fueled cars, but nothing will be fully autonomous.
It's like back in the 40s-50s when they thought by the early 2000s we'd having flying cars, hoverboards, jetpacks, etc.
Alloy air cars when
>giving employment to dangerous veterans with PTSD
Don't you mean implementing an additional tax stream while avoiding calling it a tax so they can pay for the public de-educational system?
"am I being detained!?"
t. cuck
But I live in the next county. And I and my vehicle are legally licensed there. Your county is required to honor visitor's licenses and registrations as a condition of receiving those piles of federal road subsidies.
Stop by and visit the next time you are out my way. And say hello to my brother-in-law, our county sheriff.
Are you one of the pencil dicks that equates the right to bear arms as the right to fully automatic assault rifles?
It's amazing how consistently americans are a gaggle of bootlickers, whether they're left or right wing, soyboy or kek worshipper. it's always about appeals to authority with you retards, you never seem to think for yourselves