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You're goddamn right.

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Lucioball is gay.

t. suck at lucioball


He has a one hit kill for most characters so that's not a problem.

No Mad Max themed Junkrat skin. Sad.

>Right clicking as McCree
>Any day of the current year

You can only marry/fuck one person in this game for the rest of your life, who is it?

What are these voicelines that suddenly establishes McCree as a beaner?



>die a lot
>get focused and killed
>get unga'd by winston
>get sprayed down by tracer
>get 1 shotted by doomnigger
>sperg out when shooting
>miss all my shots, even on big targets like winston
>get bullied by my teammates, get shit-talked by enemies
>keep playing widow because i love her
60 hours in and i still can't use her. One of these days I will.

Soldier. He'd be a good husband

His regular skin is his mad max themed skin, you doofus. Unless you want him to wear a leather jacket.

Probably Mei 'cause she won't get old. She looks ugly sometimes though. D.va is he I want, but Mei not aging is a big deal.

I don't mind OHKOs if they take skill to achieve. Coonfist sometimes hits me around fucking corners and after I've jumped into the air.

I mean overall he's kind of shit still, but he's very unsafisfying to die to.

>Hardass military man
>Always about the job
>Good husband
lolololol you have no idea

I'm never going to win a single round of this BS

Mei ages. She just didn't age because of cryo, but that's not a permanent effect. If there's one that may not age is Mercy cause fucking nanobots and resurrection shenanigans.

why did they change it so you can't double up on heroes any more

>we're all soldiers now

I just climbed from 2800s to 3600s in lucio ball and I've noticed the higher in rank you are, the more stubborn everyone gets about who plays goalie

>jumped into the air

With genji/pharah/winston. I don't hust mean a regular single jump.

Then either D.va or Mercy. Mercy is such a good older woman but there's something about her that is just cold. D.va on the other hand, I'd die smelling her feet if I could.

Taking a guess and going to say Efi will be added to the game as the next African hero.
She will wear/drive a power armour/mech suit.
Like a Goblin Scrapper from Warcraft.

because that's literally the only person who matters in Lucioball and Rocket League

You're a bad guesser then user.

Does the new highlight/replay thing allow freecam in said highlights? I'd start playing this game again if it means I can take cool pics.

How do we make Bastion viable in all levels of play and not just a shitter destroyer?

They're not gonna have an underage hero.

>adding another hero that nobody wants

Blizz (hopefully) learned their lesson from Sombra and Orisa.

If I'm a top tier goalie in lucioball will I get ez SR?

They have said they have multiple african heroes lined up after Doimfist. So it makes sense.

Rein would be the perfect husband

Why would they add a hero they already (kind of) added?

how do i win at lucio ball

>They have said they have multiple african heroes lined up after Doimfist. So it makes sense.

[citation needed]

aim above the ball to launch it in the air. if the goalie is good, aim for either side so teammates can shoot it in when it rolls down

Because shes already been introduced and the concept of a little girl from numbani driving a mech already existed.

score more points than the other team

did you not play sportball in highschool

Why is mercy's pistol so much fun

How it will happen.
Orisa and Doomfist will have a fight.
Orisa will lose but survive.
Efi will say she used the data from the fight to make a numbani gundam.

>more africans
>when player population and interest went down immediately after doomfists release

people forget that they dont like blacks especially asians who are the majority of the playerbase?

Delete his minigun form. The DPS on it is simply too high to change it without making Bastion even worse or just too good. He needs a new shift ability entirely.

You can apply this concept to any mediocre hero. Just rework the part of their kit that's teetering on this hidden line of UP/OP. Every single shit hero has this problem.

Because it's humilliating to die to.

Also stronger than some DPS weapons

Liberals always doubledown.

How the fuck do you get an assist in Lucioball?
I punch it towards a teammate standing just to the left of the goal, and he boops it in, but that's not an assist for some reason.

Disappointed in the Junkrat skin and nothing for Roadhog (wanted speedo).
I thought Jeff was telling a thinly-veiled lie when he said piggy's not getting anything.
At least that leaves less for me to try playing my ass off for because I'm under the weather and shouldn't be playing much.

Because it got legit maximum annoying. I think it's still in the arcade playlists, you just have to wait till they cycle it in or just make a custom game mode yourself.

Maybe because it kinda seems like it's literally going "pew pew pew" and is surprisingly powerful. You're also gunning for survival while knowing that's not your duty.
That's how it is for me.

Well lets say Efi is one. Maybe they'll add another omnic or maybe a white african.

>Just rework the part of their kit that's teetering on this hidden line of UP/OP.
What in Sombra's kit is teetering on the hidden line? Sombra is literally just a worse tracer.

>orangekissess refuses to acknowledge Zarya's actual body shape
>even posts delusion redlines which are obviously wrong

Jamison, definitely! I bet he'd be a great husband!

Here comes T.Racer.


She can hack banks for money while I'm under her desk hacking her panties.


I've been to Switzerland. People over there are INDEED cold. They're like a sad version of germans.

Her stealth. Alternatively, her gun. However I don't have enough playtime on her to make solid statements such as those. Besides, Sombra is already good for defense. Especially in 2CP.

>You're also gunning for survival while knowing that's not your duty.
if people are flopping about and not really doing anything I pull out the pistol and start chipping at the enemy

and dunk on trash sombras who try to 1v1 me

or you just nerf it to make room in the kit for other things
bastion has a unique niche of being immune to headshots from the front, they should focus on that rather than him dealing absurd amounts of damage, hes legitimately the only character currently capable of body tanking and it all goes to waste because of the stupid number of drawbacks he needs to have to keep the minigun from raping everything always

how so?

Doubt. Considering we finally got bikinis in the game.

maybe it is just the sombras I play against but it feels like her gun does nothing at all

stealth is cool, but it isn't a great escape mechanism and isn't as useful for getting around as tracer's shift. I wouldn't say it is overpowered, and certainly not since the duration is so short, just good.

I feel like the stealth should be the core of sombra's kit, and not the questionable hacking.

Change your sens.
Practice tracking
Practice headshots (Ana bots, vs AI, whatever)
Focus on priority targets, fuck tanks.
Use hook any time you're spotted or after killing someone more than once.
Use your ult only if someone else has ult ready
Only pick her in QP until you become REALLY good, else the stress of comp might be worthless weight.

Never relent.

What else would they buff though? If they nerfed his minigun at all, nobody would be inclined to use it except maybe to damage down barriers. There isn't really anything else you could meaningfully make better about him.

>his heal
>his ult
>his recon mode gun
Already all decent.

It's his sentry mode that is the problem.

Sombra has close to the same damage per second as Tracer, it's less but it's enough for it to be not trash. She also has a little more than double the range of Tracer due to damage falloff memes as well as her spread being about 30% tighter than Tracer.

You just need good tracking with her. The only gripe I have is it's a pain in the ass to damage anything with a slim hitbox.


Junkrat of course.

Jack and Gabe are having a fun summer vacation together!

>the bottom half is covered. So are the shoulders

Sombra's problem imho is that she's too tied to cooldowns for mobility while Tracer sharts Blinks.

Getting off a successful hack should halve her CDs halved.
Hacking through barriers would add a lot of value too.

give him back his front shield

back when he had a shield, he had a role. Force the enemy team to have competent flankers or risk never being able to push. Now anyone can kill him from the front.

>finally got my lucio ball win

thank god now i can stop playing that shit game mode

I must play against some terribad sombras then

still, sombra's ult is pretty meh. I could see it being really good if you want to safeguard a push against ults if your team is coordinated, but it doesn't really jive well with the rest of her kit (teleport, invis, and right click hacking suggest she should be off-sides like tracer, but super hack wants her participating in team fights)

fix her ult I think and she will be in a much better place. Give her something better suited for her role

>being the goalie
>leaving the goal ever

Actually yes, you're right. Her playstyle revolves around farming for EMP since that's her only good ability (and it's almost overpowered to me).

I would honestly be okay with the first second or two of activating stealth not revealing her if she takes damage.

Sombra's ult prevents the enemy from using their ults for long enough that it can determine the outcome of some games. God help you if they combo EMP with Grav. I don't think her ult needs a change besides that it charges too fucking fast where good Sombras can have it up every teamfight almost.

This was posted as a "body type reference" image, and it completely ignores the fact clothing is two inches thick in the OW artstyle, a fact that is apparent in the very screenshot the redline is layered over. Look at the thighs on the actual skin compared to the redline, the image is conveniently cut off where it would show the redline is completely off.

>I have never played a sport in my like

you push up to keep the ball in your forward line

his total health, his ability to move, his ult
he should be a encroaching suppression character not a stationary dps rapestick, his tanking is and should be more important than his damage output if youre making him a huge slow target thats designed to antitank and bust turtling, all he does now is facilitate it

What is your sensitivity and DPI

I'm assuming you have direct input enabled

>Lucio is the best healer!
>Mercy still exists in the game, can basically solo-carry a team because of how fucking good she is at being a passive defensive bitch, and Rez is the best ultimate in the game

Why do people still think Lucio is the best healer?

i see you suffer from autism

I don't think her ult is bad, just that it doesn't fit with the rest of her kit

>Force the enemy team to have competent flankers

You mean invisible flankers? A team of sombras?


nice game you got there

>passive defensive bitch
that is the wrong way to play her

blizz gave mercy a pistol for a reason

get gold healing AND gold elims

>wearing a skirt whilst swimming
what did blizzard mean by this?

I mostly just mean that she can use the entirety of her team as a meatshield because Mercy is lame as shit. Literally every Mercy I try and kill is using their entire fucking team as a shield and it's impossible to kill her, depending on who I'm playing. I just have to hope her team is stupid enough to leave her open for a few seconds, but fuck.

Killing Mercy is so goddamn annoying.

I suffer from waifu not having enough lewds, and the only person who draws her well and regularly, being convinced she's some sort of a landwhale.

Bastion's ult is underrated. It deals 200 damage on a direct meaning you can 1 shot all the important targets if you're good. The projectile travels fast enough and has a wide hitbox so it's really easy if you're already good at Pharah, for instance.

My issue with his sentry form is that it's too team-dependent (barriers). He gets instagibbed every time by a competent team, unless his team is making an effort to protect him. But then the game becomes "defend the Bastion" instead of defend the point, and that strategy is really weak to a lot of the best ults in the game (Genji, Zarya, Tracer). Yeah you could increase his health or make him able to move but he'd still be dependent on his team to even stay alive.

anyone got the mercy face comparison?

>tfw all the lootboxes I've got have been sprays and voicelines
At least give me coins to buy shit, you jews.

>main hitscan
>get to mid plat
>play mercy a few times
>team stays alive forever, 40%+ team damage healed, rez every teamfight
>gain 400SR in a day

I see why the mercy main onetrick meme exists.

I face tank shitters as mercy and when I die it is usually because I am waaaay too deep in there trying to be aggressive

I even pistol down reapers when they are really bad

POTG mercy pistol is always hilarious and unexpected

>comp still glitched the fuck out

Did these niggas just hit the event button and call it a day?

At a pro level Mercy aint shit.

For the common folk she's the best healer because her ult is broken as fuck.

>the way Mercy is looking at you in the blizzard app
brehs i think she want in. im totally in

will twitch boxes be summer

It looks fine. You're retarded.

Holy shit you think Zarya looks that small? Sorry, you're not retarded, just brain damaged.

why are mercy's tits so big now? Did someone buy her implants?

she's a doctor, who knows what she does to her own body

she might not even have a vagina anymore

>get new mercy skin in first summer

guess I'm done for this event


>tfw no sweaty wrestler Rein skin
