League of legends general /lolg/

new skins: web.archive.org/save/http://www.surrenderat20.net/2017/08/88-pbe-update.html
not giving you jews my money

traps are not gay

First for best girl


>stuck in silver for 400+ games
>Gold V to Plat V in

you improved

>Thirty minutes later
>Still cannot find a game in Draft Normals

Is the game actually losing players? I'm finding queue times are way higher across the fucking board.

It's early in the morning and there's also a patch hitting in a few hours.

So you're gonna go down 17 points into the resolve tree specifically for 15% tenacity to counter Ornn? Good luck buddy. You do that.

Why can't she be real?

Ofc i do. Because i play tanks. Only manly champions in game

Lads we still going...


>17 points to counter Ornn
what do you mean?

>Lower elo friend struggling in silver
>He mains top lane
>Over 200 games bouncing back and forth between Silver 3 and 4
>Asks me to teach him adc because his adcs are incompetent every game
>Just started playing soloq again, mainly mf and ashe to start
>Silver 26lp after a day of ranked
>Now has a real chance at making gold by the end of the season

God speed

Why rito cant give her real buff? So she become relevant

You were stating it as a blanket thing in the last thread. The point is that no one but a tank is going to go down that tree or even buy merc treads. There's no point in spending the gold/points as an ap/ad carry to try to counter his cc because it takes away from your power spikes and the champs that are going to be building this can probably live through his cc anyway

>adc in the resolve tree
you guys really do run away from everything lmao

>be me
>"stuck" silver since season 3
>recently discovered a good streamer
>pick twitch jungle
>climbed from silver to Gold 1 and still climbing

ADC can have Qss

So you're gonna waste QSS AND Flash to escape from his 2 knockups?

Start with Potion and Talisman
Red > Chicken > Wolf > Machete > Blue > toad > Knife > Krugs > Long sword > Inferno Dragon
how do other junglers fare?

>cucks still playing Caitlyn

How does this image make you feel?

adc can just stay away of his range, like wtf

nothing is purer than a man and his abusing of lulus

This is what i've been trying to tell him but he'd rather waste mastery points and gold on useless stats for adc. Not gonna be my losses lol

No i will stand on place and tell support to do nothing too so you can pull off your fany combo

ahhh yes. Sexy Lulus

are you trying to say that only tanks and bruisers buy merc threads?
because thats quite dumb
most junglers, even assassins get them, and adcs can do or mages, happens all the time in high elo especially vs veigars and whatnot

Now you're talking

I've done it with vi at lvl 3
>buf>wolves>other buff>scuttle>drake
or 4 with a second point in w

My top lane champ pool is kinda shit what's a really good pick? Preferably some sort of a tank. Is there anything better than Malphite?

Please god give me the strength to hit on cute league cosplay girls at my next con

and time wise??

No but most adcs need Greaves no?

He's so cool!!!
I'm really bored lolg, say something cool!

CLG Academy's next support btw

>its another your yi is absolutely trash, feeds and flames, then hits 3 items against a 1-cc comp and starts shit talking his team like he's a god because he pressed R and took his hands off the keyboard
oh boy

Nice. Drag at 6 minutes? as long as it's not warded that's pretty good

xth for Syndra

LS said Vi is bad. Is this true?

if the enemy has point n clicks or near unavoidable cc merc can save you. a good example is veigar. with mercs you can dodge his combo, without you never will.

greaves are usually preferred but not mandatory

I went to Emerald City Comic Con this year and there were so many. Got a lot of pictures.


xth for cute syndra posters

>Dota 2's sticky is still up


Holy shit Draven in urf is so broken. Don't even need to position to catch the axes and you just spam the shit out of w. So much fun

>silver bolts buff
>vayne will heal 20% of an enemy's max hp for a takedown


>infernal is stronger dragon buff
>litteraly only benefits for ADC and AP mid cucks
Why i cant have some dragon which gives like 4/8/12% bonus max HP

Anything that LS says is true because he's the League Daddy

>Teamwide damage buff only applies to two members of the team

You got me to reply.

>Ornn calls pots cherry-flavored
>SG Ahri calls them strawberry


what a cutie
kinda wish it was better quality though

But this is like a very specific thing. Plus being hit with a Brittle stun seems like it would negate the whole tenacity thing which was the point of this conversation anyway

I think it can be done faster if in an actual match you get leach on teh 1st camp

I know me too. My camera wasn't focusing well with the lighting in the convention center.

>Ornn items are cost efficient

So basically you can rush these things first item now which is not what I liked to see

If you play Tank or support infernal gives you nothing, You dont build AP/Ad and dont have scales.

did you talk to her?
she looks cute

Nami and Shyvanna have scales. They're tank and support.


>Ornn dance


yeah but not by much. Component items are gold efficient too, just start building towards your next full item.

>Rush 30 AD IE instead of more crit and attackspeed
>Rush Trinity force for some mana and HP while this iteam needed only for passive

He's working them stubby legs

Yeah I had to ask her to pose for the picture. Remember cosplay is not consent lmao it's this rule that was posted everywhere

>tfw bad

I love the way he builds items. With the 2 BIG hits and then the tiny *dink*

>there are different flavors of pots


play some norms and fuck around for a day, then come back to ranked
you play much better when youre in a good mood/having fun
if you play norms and dont give a shit about winning and play to have fun, the attitude will carry over into ranked for a day or 2 and you can play way better than when youre stressing

I've been playing urf. It doesn't transfer to ranked lol I still tilt off the face of the earth

Kek I will remember that one

Imagine raping an Ahri and in court your defense is "Ahri needs semen to survive so I tohught I'd help her"

Court day was worth it at least

>"Volibear made the first river. You do not want to know how..."

What did her mean by this?

She's on FLY right now. Is she actually going to be CLG academy or you just meme?

what's a good mid champ boys

It's piss

Ornn spooked Volibear and made him piss himself


shut up gayboy


>those thunder sfx

my dick

I've now been looking for a Normal game for one hour.

>flame shitter mid and adc carry
>get two honors to show off how much of a good girl i am in my next game


lee sin

yo wtf is wrong with your font?

I've restarted the queue five times now.

>tell my support to kill himself after he fucks up all cs under tower
>tell them if i get matched with this support again and im jumping of a building
>call him a nigger
>"a teammate said you were tilt-proof"

man what was this show called again
tomodachi something

careful user, it may catch up to you one day as someone who has been perma banned before, it always catches up to you

>always honor flamers because they save me having to flame and worry about a ban

No, not tomodachi something. A certain magical index or in Jap, Taoru Majutsu no Indekkusu

>step 1 : flame
>step 2 : get good KDA
>step 3 : get honored
>step 4 : ?????
>step 5 : profit

oh shit youre right, im confusing her with that show with the nun who has a heart on her headpiece

Oh, you that one is boku no Tomodachi something or other I think. Never watched it myself.

>Just want to play Kayn
>Enemy vi bans him
>Go Nunu and make her life an absolute hell

That was cathartic.


>someone on my team bans my champ when i was first pick
>insta lock nunu and run it down mid


>play normslas cause ranked down
>ban nothing cause its normals
>people go fucking apeshit, ban my hovered champ or int to troll me
Why do people go so apeshit over this in a normal?
is it the bronze/sivler playerbase leaking out cause ranked is down?

How empty must someone be on the inside to play a video game they don't enjoy?