Has Veeky Forums ever cranked down while driving?

Has Veeky Forums ever cranked down while driving?

Be honest. We're all friends here.

Hell yeah. Beats having an uncomfortable stiffy in your pants and not being able to concentrate.

yeah one time I was driving on 35w through iowa and I was bored as shit because I was in iowa and I blew my load into a jimmy johns napkin bitch whaaaaaaat???

yup, long road trip at like 1 am in the middle of nowhere

nothing like blowing your load at 70 mph


>We're all friends here



No, seems pretty stupid and gay

I bet you wouldn't even chaturbate in a robot car. You'd just sit there with your legs crossed and frown at the world going by.

Done it delivering pizzas and shook hands right after.
While driving stick.
No shame only pride

Butt plug and drive a lot

>You'd just sit there with your legs crossed and frown at the world going by.
yes that's the dream

Trains and greyhound buses are better for that desu. It's like riding in the back of the family car for 6 hours to get to your aunt's house so you can go through some second cousin's birthday party or whatever.

Driving your own car is the polar opposite in terms of freedom and being alone and at one with the world around you.

>charturbate in a robot car

so like....

>be me, driving to work in the year 2025
>bored as fuck
>go on chaturbate
>"oooh, thaaaaaank you BIGDICK_69 for the tiiipppp

You'd get free chaturbate rebates from autobot reward miles because you signed up for recharge prime, so why not? You know?

the future is bright

I started to once, then realized when I was getting close that I had no idea what I was gonna do with my cum and stopped.

did it in my car but not actually driving

leave it to wh*te people to make the worst threads on the entire board

Misko is that you?


Buy rubberized winter floor mats. Same place you ash.