Friends and gf refuse to ride with me anymore

Something incredibly stupid and awful happened. My friends and gf refuse to be in a car with me if im the driver. It's all due to the fact that I like to have a little fun . How do I make them realize their faulty logic?

What did you do

you kill yourself.

Maybe you're just being too autistic and overboard about it for them to enjoy. I had to dial it down a bit and then they wanted to try having a little fun, too.

Why are you pretending to have either of those things? It's ok to admit you're just a shitty driver user.

If you are a professional racer, they can feel safe

What did you do OP?

haha op is a fucking retard

>driving my friend and 3 other random college kids to get chicken
>accelerate to 45 in a pacey manner, not even making any rash turns, just a straight line
>same girl often texts and drives

It annoys me when i take a turn a little fast and my passenger bitches. But there is a fucking limit op. At the end of the day I highly doubt you are a professional driver so their lives are in your hands. You should only take those kinda of risks when at worst, only you would die. Have some consideration faggot.

>Being a shit head on a public road
>Being a shit head with people you ostensibly care about in the car, not looking for a thrill
>Making this shitty thread
Three strikes, you're out

this post reeks of soy

>three strikes you're out

You'll reek of soy when I'm done with you.

if serious, tell them you can tone it down when they are in the car. it feels a lot faster when you are a passenger. Girls especially are scared about speed, but as another user mentioned, will drive distracted because the danger is less apparent.

I like to shift at 8 grand and stop only when it's absolutely necessary or if I don't well hit a wall , go off a cliff etc. I've never told anyone this but when I can tell something in doing is scaring someone it gives me pleasure , almost sexual. Is that uncommon?

Yeah you deserve it. Don't drive like a jackass in normal everyday driving, ESPECIALLY with people in the car.

Just go to a drag strip senpai

Even better, take your friends for a ride around the track, they'll shit themselves and you get your satisfaction.

It turns me on tho.

Then you're even worse, as you're some kind of freak who puts his rocks before the safety of others.

I got banned from my local dragstrip . Owner threatened to call the FBI, rather not rest his patience .

Give them white board markers so they can write the words on the windows in all-caps when they really mean it.

Then give the wheel a quick tuck so they faceplant into the marker.

OK OP is just role-playing, we can all go home.

I can't help it , it's how I am

I'm not role playing lol. I was playing with his little girl and tickling her as a complete stranger . I know that's far from appropriate but at the time it was an impulse.

Slow down when others are in your car?????

Yeah, you have awful impulse control. That's your problem. Also you're a social retard, you don't ever touch children in any way unless they're direct family.

She was really cute and waved at me tho. I felt something special and couldn't help it.

Something I also learned the hard way.
If you're driving other people around, you should go significantly easier so the lateral G-forces are almost undetectable. Unless your passenger is scared and clutching the "oh-shit handle," going around a curve swiftly pushes them around more because they aren't holding onto something to steady themself like the driver (steering wheel)
The combination of holding onto a steering wheel and focusing on and mentally preparing ahead for all the car movements makes fast (and/or shit) driving more tolerable for the driver. Jerky motions and sudden G-forces--both side-to-side from turns and front-to-back from speeding up and braking--makes inattentive passengers uncomfortable or, at worst, carsick.

You better be memein, if not call a therapist before you ruin some kids life.

you're a sadist. Seek therapy

Unironcally this.

But what if they call the police on me?

This. Any retard can floor it and engine brake towards the next light without stopping.

It takes an actual good driver to transport others in a comfortable, but still quick manner.

If you haven't touched a kids bits then they probably won't. Just seek help for your impulses before they get worse. (if your being serious and not jerking us around)

>when I can tell something in doing is scaring someone it gives me pleasure , almost sexual. Is that uncommon?
you're an edgy faggot

>t. never got a blowjay in the car

Why can't I make threads?

Only people AE86s or GT86s can make threads.

>Just go to a drag strip senpai
>drag strip
>interesting or fun
lmao learn to turn soy boy

Agreed, my gf really hates it when I push the throttle in too hard, also understeer on the passenger side is scary as fuck for them, feels like the front right tire is slipping right under them. Learned to calm down a bit, I always feel more comfortable driving like a madman when I'm the only one in the car.

Hiro has fucked the site again. All that can be posted are ASCII memes.


Yeah you're correct.

If you've been to a track you'll eventually learn to drive /smooth/ which makes it much easier on the passenger as the forces are allied gradually instead of as a surprise.

But that is a skill only learned on a track where you change speed and direction all the time.

Nah you can learn it on the road, too. Especialy in a jankey old car that darts and wobbles about on its own. The smooth thing I learned early on from people who do actually go to the track.

Years later I sometimes get compilmented about how smooth, firm, and safe it feels when I'm driving. Also helps heaps when getting slightly hektic around so you don't bash into a tree or run down babies or whatever.

Guys, I can't make theads, it says upload failed. Hoping this comment goes through.

I just said only people with an AE86 or a GT86 can make threads.

I only drive aggressively alone and on clear roads. Kill yourself

Just get into bdsm and stop putting others' lives at risk

I know I'm late to the party, but here's my two cents on the matter. When I on rare occasions have normie passengers with me, I don't drive much over 50%. Essentially, I drive casually, as I would when daily driving. It's still naturally a bit zippy since I drive an RX-8, but to them it just feels like a quick and exciting, but not scary ride. It's never a "fast" car just on acceleration, but it can be enough to scare kids and old people, or just people who have never driven anything but an econobox. I have to be really careful in the corners since 1.4g peaks will utterly terrify almost anyone. I do enjoy making the ride exciting, but I try not to scare them to the point of hating me.

When I have carbros with me, I'll drive flat out in acceleration whenever I want to, and get to 80/90% around corners. I'll also drift in empty parking lots, since they aren't scared by a bit of sideways. I don't drive too much harder when I'm on my own, largely because I don't have the funds to handle a wrecked car. The only car you can drive flat out is the one you can afford to total, and so I never drive absolutely to the limit unless I'm in an open parking lot screwing around with what it takes to lose control.

Consider suicide
