proudly bought to you by /kerosene/ lets start a landrover thread.
Proudly bought to you by /kerosene/ lets start a landrover thread
calling out for any land rover owner........
post and discuss landrover stuff in here.
oh yeah landrovers yeah here is one for you. most likely its a image that has been posted before on here but anything is better then nothing.
This might not be a landrover, but this is some kind of jeep.
how absolutely fucking retarded is it for me to get one of these over an FZJ80? Is a Disco 1 a better choice?
my reasoning being:
>pay at least $6000 for >200k mile Land Cruiser with a trashed interior
>spend another $3000 on restoration
>pay $3000 for clean low-mileage P38
>spend $4k or so on maintenance - resleeve block and reseal motor, etc
>have restored p38
Is this a reasonable prospect? Is there anything that would preclude the rover from being a reliable, dailyable vehicle once properly gone through by a specialist?
the 38a really is a bad choice of vehicle.
>is there anything that would preclude the rover from being a reliable, dailyable vehicle
Yes, being a P38 Range Rover. Their unreliability is bordering on legendary.
420 and trips don't lie I guess
someone put a low mileage, white, triple locked FZJ80 for $5000 on the local CL a couple of days ago
fucking booked it over to the car lot but the dumb bitch manning the dealership said it's "sold" as she had a guy call from 3 states over saying he'll send a deposit.
Offered $6k cash on the spot, she just said "Sorry" and put on a smile
The anger that still reverberates through me made me want to hurt myself, hence the desire for a rover
fzj80 what the fuck are you talking about.
this is a landrover thread.....
fuck you
i have had it with you now fucking piss off i aint got time for you and your pissant jap shit.
Thing with an FZJ80 Landcruiser, is it's kind of like a Landrover, just better in every way.
Meanwhile, at the Landrover dealership;
>ah geez, this gearbox has busted again
>better start removing the passenger door
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>buying a P38
>considering an 80-series meme truck
Don't know which one is more retarded
what's wrong with an 80?
other than hurr meme truk hur
Veeky Forums isn’t letting me upload an image.
Woooo landie thread.
1968 ex military series 2a
why is she dressed in curtains from the 50s?
what a busted gearbox on a landrover...
never heard of that. i dont think you have ever owned a landrover. ha a toyota what a piece of shit, i bet your so called better landcruiser which is nothing like a landrover wont make it to 50 years old probably just be a pile of rust by then.
>drives a freelander
I want one but they're too expensive for 50 year old shitboxes
>inb4 they still make them
still old
My landie is 50 this year Running like a black guy that just stole every watermelon in town.
Girl I know drives a freelander. I hate them. Better than a Prius though. I spoke to her about it and she said
>”there’s a really nice series 2 down *street name* road”
>”it’s the type my dad had and I really want one”
>Tfw qt3.14 is eyeing up your landie and honks at you when she drives past when you’re working on it.
Maybe life isn’t so bleak
thats a series 3 you cunt that is not 50 years old you austistic aussie cunt.
you have to try harder you fucking looser
get fucked you cunt
i think you have no idea what you are talking about that current design dates back to the late 80's
and the landrover is 70 this year go and get your facts right and stop being such a cunt.
oh wew they put the headlights on the fenders stop the presses
>it’s not a series 3
You idiot. I’m assuming that you are going by the grille? You mean the plastic grille that can be changed in a matter of minutes. The old Maltese cross grille decayed and the previous owner put a series 3 grille on it.
Late 1960s at 1968 for export and 1969 for domestic series 2a had the headlamps on the wings instead.
It’s registered as 1968 as the serial number on the bulkhead says.
Also. Series3 had a dashboard with the displays behind the steering wheel. Series 2a didn’t. They had a central panel... something like my pic related (of my series 2a).
Also note the windscreen joints. They are triangular. A standard of the series 2a whereas the series 3 had rectangular windscreen joints.
Series 3 had an all synchromesh gearbox. This SERIES2a has no synchro 1+2.
Also not Australian.
If you’re going to try and tell someone what their car is then at least know something about that car and have an understanding of which parts are commonly swapped out over the 50 year lifespan and which are unchangeable or at least unlikely to be changed.
Fucking idiot
The only gearboxes that didn't break in them were still powered by a sidevalve four. Compared to the H-series Toyota gearbox, the Landrover unit is rather pedestrian. I guess combined with 10 spline axles though, the LR unit is adequate
oh what a dumbass you posted an actual pic of your own vehicle.... you have to be stupid.
everyone knows you never post your own vehicle on here. as it can be traced.
your comment TLDR go and annoy someone on a landrover forum.
they redesigned the interior you cunt.
oh thats right you are a stupid americunt.
In a thread about Land Rovers you’re sperging at him for knowing shit about Land Rovers?
what the actual fuck are you talking about.
I will miss your squared aesthetics
Okay now THIS meme needs to die right away. The Murano Crosscabriolet is already too much.
>tfw daily a 2010
Maintenance must be a bitch I'd presume. Land Rovers aren't known for reliability nowadays
>tfw user post on here about landrovers and have no idea what they are talking about.
>only fags drive modern cars
not impressed at all for you are nothing more then a samefag that drives a modern landrover cause you see others drive them.
you all need a truck to drive get some real balls
Maintenance is fine honestly, when something breaks it can usually be traced to an electrical problem which is costly to fix and can only be done a land rover dealers. But I luckily haven't had any serious issues with it.
Its not any less reliable then your average SUV in my experience.
bullshit you can buy a diagnostics device for quite cheap and do the checks yourself. yet proof of a sucker on Veeky Forums.
how about now dubass bitch.
you fake assed nigger go and find a white bitch and do us all a favor.
By seizing the means of posting through the removal of captcha, the post quality has increased.
Bishwal are you always this angry irl?
what the fuck is going on here.
im ok with the russian lada...
but all this other shit i am not impressed.
>truck on club reg
fuck, now i've seen everything
go fuck yourself cunt.
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warning....... /OVG/ user detected please report the spammer this will ensure they wont be a hindrance.
tripcodes are more then fine on here.....
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bishwal said if anyone sees a post like this they are to report it immediately, it is /ovg/ spamming.
and no one is to engage talking with /ovg/ as that will trigger a spam attack.
>bishwal said
I think you mean Hendra AKA, bishwal, CAZADOR, communist
who are those people. never heard of them. i think you delusional
God Save the Queen.
I guess I'm well prepared for this thread. Between my dad and myself we have a Series I, Series IIA, Series III, a NAS Defender 110, and a P38 Range Rover. The IIA was my first car.
Here is my Series III
You are like a dog.
You hear your name and you come running like it is feeding time
oh do you work for animal welfare
nice pic of your series 3 ex military landrover. i found this a week ago 6x6 civilian version on the internet.
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Land rover series 1 + barbour jacket + hunter wellingtons = comfy
> forward control 101
If you want to go into the wilderness, drive a Landrover. If you want to come back, drive a Landcruiser.
t. honda civic onwer
good job fellas.
Gearing up for a little jaunt in the country
Probably because of her age, I mean look at those calves, I can see the veins from here.
Well what do you know, there's a Barbour tuned Defender
good pics.
British racing green + Labradors
Zambia 1979
Windsor horse show 1985
>Hi there!
>You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
>Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my job to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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