As a car driver, what is your opinion of motorcycles?
As a car driver, what is your opinion of motorcycles?
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>swerves in and out of lanes doing 90mph
>see car ahead merging over
>biker going so fast he barely has time to react as hes swerving through the lanes
>watch him kick the car and give them the finger
>as if the car with his signal on doing the speed limit is the one whos driving bad and endangering others
Motorcyclists are shit. No sympathy for anyone who rides a bike and gets into a crash. They act like they're exempt from the rules of the road until someone does something they don't like.
bikes are nice but bikers tend to be dicks who think they own the road
You're talking about motovloggers, aka scum of the earth. Moto Madness is filled with these primordial savages who will chase down a car if they forget to use a turn signal within a fifty mile radius of the faggot on an SV609_uu and then chastise them with
I hoon like a mad cunt, but not when there's traffic or possible road merges around.
most of them are alright, only bad if they're vloggers or they lecture everyone else about how lanesplitting is somehow safer for everyone.
riding a motorbike faster than the car traffic around you feels like you're a cattle dog around sheep.
The fact they chose sheer speed and freedom over practicality is cool. I let them pass me when they're behind and I make sure to let them enough space. Just like cyclists, except I'm the one passing bikes.
I don't understand mad manchildren who can't just share the road.
It's not safer (though it's not any LESS safe) but it is definitely better for traffic.
As a motorcyclist, I hoon like a shitbag, I blow over mediums, road dividers, and barriers on my dual sport and have little regard for turn signals on my bikes. I do stupid shit all the time, primarily offroad, and constantly go where traffic isn't supposed to because I'm less restricted on a street legal dirtbike.
However, I too hate moto-vloggers with a passion. They aren't all bad, don't get me wrong, but 95% of them are newmale soyboys looking to make a buck off Youtube. They smash mirrors, swerve through traffic, chase down motorists, and do generally dangerous shit, not to mention they have shitty personalities.
Then they proceed to be obnoxious throughout the video, complete with clickbait title and overwhelmingly loud and overbearing voice that annoys the fuck out of you.
Not all moto-vloggers are bad, some do great tutorial vids, vid themselves riding on and offroad, do maintenance videos, etc. The biggest tip on good moto-vloggers is finding ones that do more riding than talking, and are generally quiet through the vid.
Ditto, also dual sport master race up on curbs and between cars wherever there’s a millimetre to spare (although I signal and shoulder check religiously).
It’s simply a fact that (at least taller) motorbikes are maneuverable as fuck, and I see no reason not to take advantage of this as lower speeds; it makes things faster for me for sure, but it also speeds things up for the cagers since I take up effectively no room in traffic. But what I can’t stand is sport bikers riding way too fast, FAR out riding their brakes, such that the onus is on others to look out for them (whereas I am fully aware and fully prepared to get myself out of trouble at all times).
Basically, IMO do whatever you want on a motorbike so long as you accept that you’re INVISIBLE and that no matter whose technically at fault you’ll be the one who gets hurt. this spirit I beep at / flash EVERY vehicle I pass, which I’m sure is interpreted as aggressive by some car/truck drivers, but is what every motorcyclist should do IMO since it’s suicidal to ‘assume’ anyone sees you.
if it stops me getting directly read ended by some fucker on their phone, its safer as far as I'm concerned
they're cool, I'd like to get one eventually. I'd rather have a really nice car than a really nice bike though.
YOU watch out for ME, not the other way around bucko.
Mostly 2 lane highways around me. So they tend not to weave around. I treat them like other people's kids in public.
> stay away from me
> don't look at me
> please don't fall and scrape a knee
I'm extra vigilant of things like gravel on the road, I'll stop acceleration if I see rocks so I don't throw any at them. If I'm smoking I'll either ash in my floorboard or used a water bottle for an ash tray.
I really don't mind any of them around here, as long as they have a loud exhaust. I like being able to hear them instead of having them sneak up on me, and I'll happily give them all the space they want. Usually they're going about 5-10 above the flow of traffic and so they're not around me for very long at all.
Often they're just fine. Wish I had one.
25% of the time they're squids and will get themselves killed by being so boastful. Or worse, other innocent people Killed. Doing wheelies on the highway or weaving in and out of traffic. Just in general not realizing that their gotta go fast badass fantasy can end forever because my daughter didn't check her blind spot
>+look good
>+sound good
>-no interior
>-exposed to weather
>-no music
>-long distance travelling a shit
>-likely to get assaulted/jacked by future engineers/doctors/aspiring rappers
Most of them i don't mind. In heavy traffic i make way for them. (as is mandated since they are allowed to ride between rows of cars.)
However, certain types of behavior should be stopped.
>LOUD exhaust. just for shits and giggles/compensate penis
>swarm behavior in groups. Where they use their ability to get away quick, and their large number to claim the road, and hindering and even intimidating other motorists in the process.
I was towing a car on my trailer with my truck going exactly 70 mph and a motorcycles zoomed past going at least 100 mph a few inches from my mirror between the other car and me, scared the shit from me.
>swerves in and out of lanes doing 90mph
>biker going so fast he barely has time to react as hes swerving through the lanes
>They act like they're exempt from the rules of the road until someone does something they don't like.
These kind of guys ruin motoring for everybody. Opening her up on an empty road is fine, endaring other people is not.
>No sympathy for anyone who rides a bike like an idiot and gets into a crash.
You seem to be confusing bikers and motorcyclists here. One is an asshole, the other is a regular road user.
As someone who has been rear ended in both his car and on his bike, I'll lanesplit thank you very much.
This. Ride like nobody can see you, because they won't. Being in the right after an accident is fine and dandy, but you're the one going home in the ambulance.
>they lecture everyone else about how lanesplitting is somehow safer for everyone
It improves traffic flow and is generally safer for motorcycles depending on traffic speed. Just because you don't like that motorcycles don't have to sit in traffic with you doesn't make that false.
this is what i think of bikes
>>-no interior
>>-exposed to weather
>>-no music
>>-long distance travelling a shit
Pic related comes with airbags, a fridge, panniers for days, fairings that keep you out of the wind/rain ar 100MPH, it has a complete audio system (Bose iirc), and it's as comfortable as your couch.
Get a touring bike like a concourse or a goldwing. Comfy af
>-no interior
But there are cool dashes and buttons to press now
>-exposed to weather
Good and bad, desu senpai
>-no music
There's been in helmet Bluetooth systems for like 6 years now
>-long distance travelling a shit
See uncomfortable
>-likely to get assaulted/jacked by future engineers/doctors/aspiring rappers
Don't ride in the ghetto. Or don't live in somewhere like Bongistan or Brazil
I want to get a motorcycle, since they get better gas mileage, are more compact, and are more efficient for going to work and back (only need myself, no briefcase because lol part time job). But I hate bikers who weave in and out of lanes, lane split, run red lights, and are generally just assholes on the road. And yes, as someone who drives home at midnight from work, I see this shit almost nightly, because apparently there is a race club who gets together at a gas station I pass coming home from work.
Made to be cheap commuter vehicles or hobbyist vehicles, big road hogs and status symbol bikes are cringey.
I view it like this: motorcycles are in the same category as nice little convertibles, but better.
Think of it this way:
- You can't really enjoy either in bad weather
- Both are much more about the driving experience than getting from point A to point B
- Both have shit luggage capacity, meaning you really can't tour with them easily
The plus: motorcycles tend to be more fun on average, thanks in no small part to less weight and more engine (in good bikes, anyway).