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fags need to go

Do you guys ever play this and wonder if your team knows what contesting is?



Here comes T.Racer!

Yeah, sometimes.

well done OP

I wanna date Tracer!

>Love tattooed girls
>Love when people get triggered over tattoos

>Mfw widow has ANOTHER tattoo confirmed thanks to this skin

Blank skins need not apply


So how many things did Blizzard break this patch?

cheers love

God, I want to pound Pharah so hard.


>playing DF in total mayem

"I'm your huckleberry."

>these rein ults

holy shit thats bad

>No "sombra in a hoody with the hood up and shorts" skin

lemme know when we're out of beta


I wanna fuck and cuddle Pharah

Don't know if it's canon since she doesn't have her back tattoo in that skin.

I'll huckle your berry.

do you feel like it's a waste to solo earthshatter a nanoboosted ulting genji?


did they change Rein's swing hit sfx on that skin? to sound more "slashy"? or was that always there?

also vid tl;dw

>no qt arab gf

The axe skins got a new sound effect. No need to watch the video, that's why I linked the part where you see people get team swapped halfway through a match.


not at all.
its a very good use of earthshatter

Hard counters was a mistake.

>the new McCree skin replaces the tumbleweed that his ult spawns with a beach ball

>tfw got a irl pharah because of all the culture enrichment in my SJW uni
Thanks Obama

>did they change Rein's swing hit sfx on that skin? to sound more "slashy"? or was that always there?
The skins that have axes instead of hammers (Blackhardt, Bloodhardt, and maybe the Chinese one but I haven't checked that one) now have that slashing sound effect.
Maybe it's been around for longer and I just hadn't run into anyone using those skins until now, but I think that it was just added with the most recent patch.

That's a huge fucking champaigne bottle

Most arabs are ugly and smell like shit and the prettiest ones don't lower themselves for betamales, sorry buddy

Little tracey stuck it up her ____

True, would be a good motivation to finally start lifting.

>open Blizzard client to play HOTS
>Overwatch update
"Ah right, the summer games"
>Log in
>Open the free chest
>2 legendaries, 1 epic and a rare


>No need to watch the video, that's why I linked the part where you see people get team swapped halfway through a match.
When you post a YouTube link with a timed URL, the embedded version that shows up on Veeky Forums just starts at the beginning anyway.

Go to 3:53.

I don't know how people play this when the playerbase is easily the dumbest I've ever seen in a videogame where unless you personally switch off and do it yourself nothing ever gets done but then there's no character strong enough to carry.

>lifting for girls
Never gonna make it



Because it's still the best class-based shooter out there

You're more than welcome to go play Paladins or Dead Fortress

We need a cosmonaut Zarya skin!

Pics or never happened.

>About to break 2700
>Matchmaking gives their team TWO (2) former diamonds which is "balanced" because one of them's qd with a silver
>Get shit pushed in
Should I just play Mercy and climb? I'm sick of trying to actually play this bullshit.

Thanks for doing my job~ My upload speed here is really bad.

Wow user... TWO former diamond players??! Wow... I'm surprised you're alive to tell the tale.

>Enemy has Pharah
>My team has Widow
>Pharah never dies the whole match
>Wasn't even pocketed by Mercy

Have you never played ff14? Besides being the most garbage general here it is literally stand here and press button to win and mouth breathers still fuck up and wipe

Eh, why not



>can't beat 2 diamonds
>has a silver deadweight on enemy team
Sorry user but that's your actual unironic real rank.

I'd shitstomp that scenario.

Your dumb image isn't even applicable. Their post only has 3 words.


A picture is worth a thousand words you goddamn lemon

I guess this would explain why I thought I was hearing unusual lines from him yesterday.

>First husbando to get a sexualized beach skin
If this doesn't prove McCree is the absolute best I don't know what does

Proof that aussies speak another fucking language. I don't understand any of this island felon speak.

I've probably gotten like 15 loot boxes overall since this started, these are literally the worst fucking drops of my life (don't even fucking get dupes anymore to ), only skin I've gotten is D.Va's summer games. Also, every quick play game is the worst I've ever had.

This game is fucking shit.

>Win after a close-ish game with gold damage, elims, obj kils

>Lose after an absolute shit show of a match where some autist picked Mei on defense, we lost, and then decided to stay mei for the entirety of the attacking round
>But still gold damage, elims, obj kills and fucking silver healing
>-21 SR

Whats the actual fucking point

I've opened 5 boxes and gotten Widow's Epic I missed from last year, her Legendary was in my first free box, 3 poses, and Cricket Junkrat.

I love Angela and I love her new skin!

I'm going to play a lot until I unlock it!

Good luck in your box openings user, I hope you get what you're after!

>majority of post is about loot boxes
>oh and I don't have fun playing the actual game

Get lost nerd.

Her new skin is her worst skin.

I assumed it was some kind of... I don't know, cricket terminology? Like the words people use to describe plays in basketball.

it's like I'm reading my own comment if I raged this hard.
I also only got the d.va summer skin and rest garbage graygraybluegray and every quickplay game is horrible.

>I hope you get what you're after!

I don't think they included the will to live in these boxes user.

Thanks. You too :3

This is Mei! Say something mean about her!

It'll be a good skin if they ever fix the weird puffy cheeks. It's similar to valkyrie, but only similar.

>tfw still no Summer Amélie
Just give skin so I can stop playing this game. Swear loot boxes are more rigged this time.


Muh sexualization

tumblr needs to accept that nobody in this game is fat but roadhog. They're all fit as due to their job of fighters/ warriors.

If you're playing only because you want to increase your SR then you're playing for the wrong reason and your results will reflect this.

It'll be the best skin after they make her finally spit out that water she's holding in her cheeks.

Just bought the skin outright.

Nah she's fat

Goddamn T.Racer has a lot of skins.

Goddamn I had to solve 6 fucking captchas to vote in your dumb ass strawpoll no one cares about

You have a point user, Mei is a pig....and you wouldn't call a pig fat. It's just a pig being a pig! Seeing a skinny ribcage pig would be bad!

She doesn't have a worst skin, they're all beautiful, because they're all different Angela's.

I had trouble with anomie and associated troubles a few years ago too, but I found happiness working for others. Now I'm pleasantly satisfied in life. Find something to work towards, not just to work. That helped me.

This made me surprisingly hard..
where can I find more?

Slipstream or bust!

guys, can someone show sombra ass with the new skin?

doing this trick


Artist is a qt korean girl that doesn't want anyone following her and locks her twitter very often, so I'd rather not say. There's a bit more I don't have on me.

Something is off about her jawline with the new skin... It's quite possible I'm blind and retarded but it looks a little off. Chubby.

when did McCree become asian?

He's always been asian. You seriously never noticed? Hey, hats off to you for not seeing race.

Singaporean Ass Mother Fucker

They just fucked up the shape of her cheeks, that's all.
They'll fix it like they did with the Mei skins in the Chinese New Year event.

Thats dumb logic and doesn't make sense.
I play to win to increase my SR and thus I try to win

How would playing to win make me play worse?

Doomfist is fucking incredible in Total Mayhem, why can't he be like this in the normal game?

Why do people act like Jeff is God? From what I hear he's a nu-male supercuck who gets angry at the drop of a hat, intentionally slow drips content, and is killing the game with his shit management. He's not even charming in the update vids or anything.

He's buff with beer belly and Hank Hills' ass, though.

I understood that reference

So what's with her face?


Thanks you Cap'n 'Murica.