Forced induction

>forced induction

this is the average gt-r owner

>corvette gets BTFO by 10 years older platform driven by children

>he makes a joke about GT-R owners so he must be a Corvette shill

All motor is an expensive way to go slow tho.

>this little man child thinks Na is the only way to have fun

>he will never know the joy of stu stu stu

What would be faster/quicker, an NA car or an FI car with the same Specs (Hp, tq, weight, distribution, etc), and in different situations (1/4 mi, track, highway, etc).

NA every time

depends on the fi set up
against a single large turbo like an evo, na gets better instant acceleration due to turbo lag of fi, although itd be faster later on as itd receive more air than an na
but when you get into parallel, sequential and staged turbo set ups then its a whole different matter, although twin generally beats out na
sequential negates lag as a smaller turbo spins first and feeds the engine around the same speed as na and then a large turbo kicks at higher rpms
parallel can feed one large turbo with half of their max pressure which negates lag
staged turbo i have no fucking clue aside from a smaller (or multiple, dunno) feeding into a larger one so it compresses the air in the larger turbo quicker and furtherly
superchargers are just better than na as they can get instant boost since theyre span by the engine but generate less power than turbos generally as well as cutting off at mid rpms
if i fucked anything up feel free to correct me as i know little and am still trying to learn

meant to say parallel can emulate feeding the engine instantly as one large turbo through filling up half way which cuts off lag mostly

It's pretty much impossible for them to be identical like that and there would be a lot of variables even if they were.

Modern turbo engines can hit peak torque low in the rpms and hold it for a long period so my money would still be on turbos.

So let’s say there were two cars each with the same HP, tq, and everything else, but one of them had some form of forced induction, whether it’s a supercharger, turbo, or whatever. The one that had the FI would win out even though they make the same power figures at the end of everything?

theres insane amounts of variables, systems and setups that make the fi vs na question almost impossible to answer without going into personal preference
imo due to developments in turbo cars and upgrades in modern times, i say fi can usually win as the higher air pressure at later rpms than na and negation of turbo lag in modern times allow it to win

Too many variables. It could go either way. Could be a down low quick spooling turbo that runs out of gas against a high revving NA or a low end torquey all motor against a turbo that pulls for longer.

Twin screw style superchargers basically mirror NA curves but make more power. Centrifugal superchargers build up over the entire rev range but usually makes worse low end than the others.

If goddamn image uploads worked this would be so much easier.

the weakness of anyone who wants to explain things clearly:
a lack of diagrams

Lol tell me about it. It’s frustrating that I had to hijack someone’s thread to ask. But I digress; so what makes the FI cars 320 hp & torque better than the NA car’s 320 in different driving situations? I just pulled that number out of my ass by the way.

a generic large turbo can give the car higher air pressure (or boost) at later rpms, giving it better acceperation and speed than na, but na can get air instantly allowing for better off the line acceleration but worse later acceleration

As opposed to gently-ushered-in induction?

DESU mass adoption of forced induction on shitboxes is probably gonna fuck over future generations of new, broke ass drivers, especially in states with emissions testing like here in california

When the time comes to buy your first 300k mile, 20 year old Chevy Cruze shitbox off oldfolks Stacy and Chad for 1000$, it's probably gonna have a blown turbo, or have an expensive ass rebuild waiting just around the corner. Anything with a decent service history ain't gonna be that cheap, and that still wouldn't tell you if the previous owners really let it warm up and cool down like they should have over the past two decades.

Forced induction is a great suppliment to displacement, but it's not a direct replacement. the only real replacement for a lack of displacement is shitloads of cash and willingness to accept less reliability.

Bout to slap a m112 onto my boat anchor holden 304. What should I expect?


>The transport industry clearly has no idea what its doing.