League of Legends general /lolg/

Best starboy edition

>20 posts early

Skarner belongs to the void!

>20 posts early so you can show off your favourite boipucci

Delete this

Xth for Starboy

Just to BTFO the lulufags



>no Cypher champion

wtf riot?

Xth for best husbando.


>Make a new Ezreal skin
>It looks really good
>His kit is still dogshit
At least this will spawn some nice fan art.

>Ornn literally makes your team better by being picked

You can't balance this.

And Riot won't.

Stop posting my wife (Tris)

xth for Syndra

Should caster adcs like ezreal, jhin or mf have their own sheen upgrade(100% total ad instead of base ad)?

Every champion does that
You just need to make sure Ornn alone is bit weaker than your average champ and his team influence is balanced.

Lee Sin is the champion that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by his wits alone.

Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents in lane (if he is) because he isn't strong there. Weaker jungler.

He is like invoker put into a champion. No one will reach peak with him for years probably.

Do you have a marriage certificate?

>Healthy Enough

Star guardian was one of the biggest mistakes in league but their voidlings look badass

Is LS a good coach?

So make him so shit he feeds the difference?

Riot needs to stop making gimmicks overpowered and using MUH IDENTITY as an excuse. When half of the pick/ban champions in the game right now would be balanced if Riot would cave and finally nerf the ONE THING making them cancer instead of literally everything else.

Don't you have better things to do than post here LS

friendly reminder that jungle mundo is the new meta now that mao and cho are perma banned. Hop on the mundo train and get your free climbing

(d5 mmr)

I love my boyfriend Kled!

I LOVE Syndra's feet

haha surely a game completely over and worth running down mid after a 1/4 ff vote at 20

No because coaching is a scam. It's all just hindsight hero bullshit and obvious things that you should've learned by the time you reach 30 and if you didn't you never will.

running it down isn't about ending a game, it's about sending a clear message to somebody on your team that they fucked up and are going to be punished for it

>12 AP

its 3 arrows newfriend

Try meme arrows mang

No you see thats the process of being "Riot'd"

Riot knows that in order to nerf Caitlyn we need to literally nerf the fuck out of everything else before we actually address the problem of her traps. And then tell us 6 months later they plan to rework her.

>Janna doesn't have a sightstone or even T1 boots.

That's an autofill.

yeah the talon player had to send a message to himself he was hot garbage for losing to a yasuo

>Fiora confirmed white supremacist

Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?


Yordles are VERY susceptible to hypnosis. It's in the lore!

nobody that has cuddled Lulu has ever contracted cancer. coincidence? Doubt it.

As long as she can beat Garen by virtue of just never using her E, then no. She is not our girl.



You crop one Poppy lewd and now everyone and their dog has it.

who is this artist?

Why did they crop off his chiseled jawline /lolg/? Was he making all the other jawlets insecure?

Have fun warding gank paths nerds


but user, rushing ardent censer before anything else is the strongest thing on janna right now
if you keep snowballing you can even get redemption and make your adc absolutely unkillable
sightstone feels pretty underwhelming right now compared to other support items, i wish they'd remove it and buff trinkets instead.


no idea how her E is supposed to counter anything

>Teleports into my arms

>what are masteries

I should stop answering these.
BandleBro, tumblr is named bandlebroblog


Please make a boots + sightstone item

Sincerely fuck you

>New Singed on ARAM

I thought Riposte was her W, but the wiki made me think otherwise. Either way, dumb french poster.

He doesn't have Ignite.

>buff trinkets
Like some seasons ago when no one would upgrade their trinkets, DESPITE one of them turning it into a sightstone and the other gave you a fucking free pink

Will Ornn's E break terrain from his own team too?


But when people have to lane against her, they do.

but riposte is her W
are you alright user

i mean, remove sightstone AND buff trinket.
like, giving another charge at lvl 6, 11 and 16.
getting sightstone is pain for all supports nowaday and you know it.

Does Kayn have no respect for privacy?


>thought riposte was her W
but it IS her W.

>warding gank paths
That shit has been pointless ever since they released Zac and with jumpy plants it's even more so. Just ward the camps nigga.

delete this

when the fuck is the PBE going back up?


I like the extra-health and cdr for items Ruby Sightstone gives.
I can atleast build a locket, and Sightstone wards last much longer than the trinkets.

wait what source

Careful with that edge. You might cut yourself.

how much do you need to fall for a bait to realize it is bait.

I'm getting tired of you, Poppyfag.

I'm pretty sure you and the Lulufag are the same fucking person, but shitposting dialy about my waifu with the same fucking images on every single fucking thread is starting to become annoying and stupid.


dingus ! ! !

i wanted to make sure I wrote the right letter, so I checked the wiki, but they don't list the letters, so I looked at the order of the skils and counter down until riposte and riposte was three so I thought oh fiora riposte must be E but I forgot to exclude her passive meaning riposte was actually two which is her w but because I didnt see I said E which is her bladefury but the point is I thought it was w first until I looked at the wiki so that means I was right to begin with and the wiki made me make the mistake

do you get me??


The only thing getting deleted is Poppy's free will!

don't post a meme 20 times a day
it gets boring

I'm aware of 4 to 5 Poppy-fags.

>>It looks really good
no it doesnt

Stop Poppy ABUSE

very well drawn image my man, for real, give buttslaps to the artist

Maybe don't act retarded twenty times a day.

stop I already fapped today

thanks rito for making a thing that will make my fps blow up like a ziggs ult

im saving all your Poppy pics :ะท





make me fagboy.

What's your ping?

> enemy jungler picks kayn
> our jungler picks shaco
> shaco spends the entire game justifying his worthlessness with "kayn is just op"

Well it's more my mistake for giving them more stuff to post and take. They just went wild with it.

>It's in the lore!
Where? Could you give me a link?

41-54 senpai

Usually 60ms

that's your opinion nerd
50-53 usually

they shouldve hugged her instead

mute shitters

29 on na

>this keeps hapening
>no one at riot seems to see a problem with how many times they keep reworking champions becasue they absolutely gutted them

I miss old Fiora. she was fun and really only needed a better parry & an potion to cancel her ult early like kayn