Who's the most Veeky Forums car reviewer on YouTube, and why is it Doug DeMuro?

Who's the most Veeky Forums car reviewer on YouTube, and why is it Doug DeMuro?

Fuck this cunt.

Hi Doug

He is just like Veeky Forums. Only good for spouting facts and opinions. Doesn't really know how to work on them, just drives them. Cringey as fuck. I'm not sure why he isn't more popular here.

>developing a 6th sense that allows you to feel a cars quirkiness at just a quick glance


the benchracing here the last 5+ years in insane

>I'm not sure why he isn't more popular here.

you know its only one person making these threads right? just do a quick search. every single video doug has posted in the last few months has been posted by ONE person. its really weird

You are surprised by this? This has been happening for years.

It's whatever the flavor of the season is. Just goes through cycles with whatever contrarian baity shitposts are getting the most replies. After the memes get tired, they stop getting replies, and it's on to the next one.

he understands quirks like no other

Y'all hating on doug but everytime he drops a review, Veeky Forums discusses that particular car

Why do you keep making this same fucking thread

are italians white?

no its only been a few months this person has been doing this.

Im not surprised, im annoyed actually im tired of seeing dougs face

>Doug DeMuro
Literally who?

I'm in the middle of doxxing him now. every time he posts a thread I'm closer to pinpointing his location and finding out who he is. By the end of this week I should have all of his information.

Im pretty sure he is a NEET.


>that ghibli review where he has his blinker on for the entire ride

kill you'reself, OP

He isn't Italian!
He is a JEW!

Burn this rotting JEW!

Lol. I kept waiting for him to point it out but apparently he was too embarrassed and just hoped nobody noticed.
