/25+vg/ - 25+ year old virgin general

what is the essential car/truck/motorcycle for future wizards? checking out a 91 180sx today after it stops raining

26 year old virgin aussie reporting in

I'm not a virgin, but my first 2 sexual experiences were rape and the only time I loved a girl, she cucked me 3 years into the relationship. I'm all sorts of fucked in the head.

i prefer to drive a GEO METRO because it will kill me on impact

de fuq?

story time
based metrosexual

hyundai minivans

when I was 4 an older girl, 8 or so, took me to the woods and did stuff to me.
And then when I was 17 a drunk chick forced herself on me and took my virginity. I didn't want to since I knew she was in a relationship.

>And then when I was 17 a drunk chick forced herself on me and took my virginity. I didn't want to since I knew she was in a relationship.
this sounds ok
>when I was 4 an older girl, 8 or so, took me to the woods and did stuff to me.
this doesnt

>this sounds ok
not him, but it really isn't at all

eh i'd be fine with it.

each to their own

nah the drunk chick was in a 6 year relationship, and when she admitted it to her dude, it destroyed the relationship I had with my childhood best friend. We knew each other since kindergarten, and he introduced us because he was friends with her bf.

The childhood chick I'm still on good terms with. ironically enough she is my 1st love's cousin (the girl that cucked me).

Fuck off you fucking keins this is a virgin thread

get a hooker, you're not missing much nor making any progress wallowing in self pity about it.
Once you hurdle the wall it gets better.

lucky you none of my childhood friends even respond to me when i rang/talked/dm'd them years ago

fuck em

I still feel bad about it. We were the inseparable kind of friends. Like you'd never see as apart. I can tell he's become a bit more miserable since then, but never returned my calls or accepted my apologies. I miss him more than the gf imho

it didn't happen to you fuck off. It's one of those situations where people really don't act like they say they would.

so? At least you where both drunk why u blame yourself pussy

fuck sake im almost 27 and i dont give a fuck anymore

apart from the crushing lonliness
Yeah nah i dont really miss any of my old mates, newer ones i made in the last 5 years shit over them.

I wasn't drunk, sorry for derailing. Get a hooker you fuckin' losers.



normie faggot i am sick of you busriders ruining this once great comfy little community with your cancerous shite

I own 2 sportsbikes, an AWD turbo wagon and a hot hatch. I have had sex with more than a dozen women.
I am miserable and hate them as well. Bite me faggot.

>bitter virgin faggot calling another guy a soyboy because he was raped
Holy shit end yourself.

24 old virgin reporting in

>Have 22 year old girl wanting to sex me
>Have 16 year old girl wanting to sex me
>Have another 18 year ols girl wanting to sex me

>Yet I only want to sex this other sexy beast but im too afraid to make steps

My standards are 10/10 and the only girl i want to sex is 10. Yet i have no fucking idea how to approach that bloody sperm canister

I have super easy time talking to the sub 8 girls. But fucking hell its a different story when you try a 10.

Id rather die a vrigin than do sub 8 lads. Should i kill myself?

no i mean the fucking busriders

chad autofags can stay

you end yourself first m8 if your so fucking cut up go sit on a red hot dildo
this reeks of autism

No ? Just try hitting on those 10s, then maybe kill yourself after 1000 of those 10s have humiliated you. And frankly tell those girls pursuing you , you're not interested in them, don't lead them on.

i feel you on this despite how autistic this post is. sex really isnt worth it for girls that im not insanely attracted to. id rather just go home and jerk off and work on my car than put up with all the baggage associated with fucking some mediocre chick

raped chad here
>girls are attracted to aloof guys who don't give them the time of day
flip the script and the uggos should fuck off

Holy shit you're an embarrassment to read. I'm not even the guy who got raped, but you're having a fucking meltdown because a rape victim had more sex than your virgin ass.
The fact a huge manbaby like you had no qualms calling anyone a "soyboy" is still baffling to me. You have no self-awareness nor worth.

so what i have a meltdown because didnt get raped

cry me a fucking river both of you fuck off back to r9k

absolute state of the wh*te race

>so what i have a meltdown because didnt get raped
>cry me a fucking river both of you fuck off back to r9k
re-read your post, then leave quietly.

i forgot how much of a shithole nuChan and neo/o/ are. just teported my own thread. janny that deletes on topic posts and is probably an /ovg/ faggot, please delete this thread. thank you

Here's something i never got, why is it that if i were drunk and forced myself on a 17 year old drunk chick and took her V-card that is "rape" and every white-knight within a 10 mile fucking radius would be trying to fuck my shit up but if the reverse happens no one really gives a shit? I've always been disgusted with this double-standard to the point of not even wanting to bother with relationships knowing i could easily fuck my reputation up beyond repair. I remember a story about a 30+ year old former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader who gave alcohol to and sucked off a 15 year old boy and all she got was probation but a 30 year old man doing the same to a 15 year old girl would be getting train-sized dick from bubba in prison after 20 year sentence...

Motorcycle, or a Miata if bikes are too gay for you. Basically something small (obvious reasons) with no safety measures (for your deathwish).

Vw beetle

I drive a grey Toyota because I'm adversely anxious about attracting attention at all.

Can I still be a wizard if I've had my dick sucked?

Going to cast Magic Missile in only two years. For me, it's 70's-80's Mercedes diesels, and brutally obscure Japanese cars such as the 1986 Subaru XT Turbo (digital dash, natch) I took the subaru emblems off so WRXchads would stop honking at me.

Just turned 23 and I'm finally starting to turn my life around. I'm going to lose my virginity before I'm 25. Wish me luck!

>he thinks there's hope

You think you can discourage me with your /r9k/ BAAAAAAAW shit? Fuck off

Post your New Year's Resolutions right now, then screen cap them, and save that file in a prominent folder. I can guarantee you'll be looking at it with a 0% success rate a few years down the line. 23 is too late to change who you are.

I'm pretty sure 18 is too late to change who you are if you're both a /pol/tard and a frogposter.