Park in the city for a few hours

>park in the city for a few hours
>car got keyed

eh if it's some gaudy supercar you probably deserve it

>t. busrider
Getting your car keyed sucks even more the poorer you are fucking faggot. Only people with no cars key other people's cars.

It's a fucking Volvo S60 2006

then I don't get it. I have a Volvo V70.

>buy used shitbox on craigslist
>literal rust and impact damage on the car
>some nigger keys it like they have every single cars I've ever owned on the very first night it was here
ei.....eighth times the charm right guys?

That's why I never wash my car. Makes it less conspicuous to Keyers

>living in a city
you deserve it

Around ______ never ______


it can always be worse user, be lucky it's just keyed

>buy new Charger SXT
>3rd day I have it
>go grocery shopping
>park it waaaaay in the back of wal mart to avoid people dinging the door and parking next to me
>come outside
>walking towards my car
>some jackass in an old subaru backs right into it
>go over and say '"hey man, you hit my car'
>he peels tire and flies out of the parking lot
>go over and inspect, huge dent in the rear bumper
>go to wal mart to get security cam
>they won't let me get it unless I call the police
>police get it (after waiting for weeks)
>I parked too far away for them to see anything

luckily insurance covered it but I was still pissed. Anyone who purposely damages someone's car is a fucking asshole.

old Subarus are either too slow or AWD so they can't peel tire
gake and fay

After '97 they are all AWD.

The only time I feel that keying a car is justified is when somebody blocks you in.

I'm fully capable of getting ibto the driver seat from the passenger door or the hatch, but when I come back to my car and find somebody parked 8 inches away from my driver door, I go to town with my knife, keys, abd anyrhing else I have that will scrape down to bare metal.

I literally destroyed the entire side of some fags volvo one time.

>tfw i leave for class at 6:30am
>put up front wipers on every badly parked car
>key every car that i remember being badly parked before
>tfw keyed around 10 since i moved in
>tfw nobody knows who's doing it

No, toybaru is RWD

it's not a subaru desu

>>park in the city
t.rural and suburban retard

where do you live? is that really a thing?

You don't have to tell me user.
t. old Subaru nerd

It has a boxer engine, it has subaru badges and is sold by subaru.
It is one

You're supposed to get it towed you mongoloid

>not carrying a can of aircraft stripper to fuck with people
Step ya game up nigga

what's funny is you'll still rant about "muh niggers" despite acting like scum

>poland subhumans are scum
pale-skinned niggers

I proudly identify as first generation white trash, thank you very much.

Brake fluid does the job for less money.

>living near nigger
Oh sweety

Where do you live that people are such assholes? I park my BMW in downtown Montreal 3 times a week and nothing has ever happened to it. FFS I parked in fucking Detroit for 2 weeks and nothing ever happened to it.

around pakis never relaxi

>grocery shopping at walmart

nigger just go to the grocery store

>he doesn't coat his enemies door handles with wet cat food
