>user, do you mind opening the window for me?
User, do you mind opening the window for me?
*opens the door for you*
Feel free to continue smoking during your walk home.
nigger I'm a smoker who hates smoking in the car. You'd be a mad cunt to reject pussy over a fag
if she wasnt thot with 5kg of makeup i wouldnt mind
>bending over backwards for women
50 bucks that this "women" is British!
>Being that much of a weak-willed faggot desperate to get laid
People who smoke give the best head by far. If you are worried about your interior, then drive a shit box or strip it out. The head is worth it.
>going to such leghts just to get head
Yeah na cunt, I don’t want my car or me to smell like a fucking ashtrays
no smoking you stupid whore
>opens door and kick her out on highway
just fucken vacuum it after she vacuums your dick jesus christ
>no bro you can't smoke in here sorry
>hotboxes weed daily
>it's okay bro vapes aren't harmful
Smokers get the fact that dick sucking includes sucking. Non-smokers just offer up a toothy hole.
BRZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *CLUNK*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
there its down
*rolls down window*
Be a doll and light me up one too?
"Sorry there are no automatic windows, you have to roll it down yourself."
At any rate I smoke in my pickup, so IDGAF if other people do with a window fracked
Sure, thot-bot, I'll crack it down a little as long as those aren't menthol...
Oh, they are? Here, have one of my Winston reds instead.
I'm a smoker and if anyone lit up a cigarette in my car I'd fucking murder them
Something as blatant as what she's doing is an obvious shit test.
The only thing humoring her gets you is more of her pushing you around.
>breathing in cancer to look cool and hiding it with bullshit justifications like you can't cope with the normal every day stress of being alive.
lmao take a selfie and post it here when you get lung cancer faggot
Fewer than 10% of smokers get smoking-related cancer.
It's the wear on your heart that makes it bad for you. TMYK.
I mean, we drive huge hunks of metal within 2 feet of semi trucks every day, grow some balls and do what you enjoy.
I used to but quickly stopped when the smell even lingered just a bit. Now that I have my fun car I usually allow a woman I'm with to smoke
only thing youll be smoking in my car is my dinkle binch!
They're hand crank, but all right I'll lean over and get my head in your titties while I crank her down.
I smoke. I smoke in my vehicles. I don't date women that smoke. Every woman I have ever dated has fully accepted the above facts.
>stop being autists
>also smoking isn't terrible for you as long as you also lead an otherwise healthy lifestyle and aren't cursed with negative medical predispositions.
Fucking ban phoneposters already gook moot.
i'm not even on one...
>So technologically retarded that he doesn't do *any* manipulation to images he posts online
Fucking normie fat stone head.
>This is what smoke fags think
Plz kill yourself
>c-can you please not s-smoke in my race-car?
Fukkin dudes gunna get his balls smashed by her heels in no time. Must be what he's into.
race automobil
you don't know me
>t. took the proper steps to ensure this wouldn't happen again. happened again.
also post car, nigger
what car
nigga why that cloth lookin like a bowling alley carpet
looks like a newer Focus
hey thanks
>do what you enjoy
well I enjoy not looking like a faggot blowing smoke from my face like some tryhard 70's highschool dropout so I'm already off to a good start.
I don't those nicotine stained teeth anywhere near my junk
I don't know with what kinds of skanks you have been interacting with, but not once in my life have I met a person that doesn't at least ask nicely about lighting a cigarette in my car.
>t. a guy that lives in the country with the most cigarettes smoked per capita
As I drove my mother around after she broke her leg, she started smoking in my car and ever since I let people smoke in my car.
I wash my seats and carpet occasionally, so smell isn't a problem.
My gf didn't even want to smoke in my car, even if I encouraged her to do if she really wanted to.
Lets put on our thinking caps together.
>Check quote trail
>Find first instance of the image
>jimmy from taco.jpg
I'd guess he's in a fucking Tacoma look at a fucking Jimmy.
that hood bulge says otherwise
how do you wash seats, carpet, and headliner?
Cleaning products work best.
>t. doesn't know tacomas
why car
pic related
>the state of Veeky Forums sometimes
meant to tag you third here
Yeah okay the button on that side is busted anyway
>Imagine being such a loser that you'd sperg out over someone smoking in your car
Lmao faggots like anyone gives a fuck about your shitty crown vic that had meth heads pissing all over the back seat every day for a decade straight
Sorry some of us have lives and leave the basement every now and then:^)
If you had a life, you wouldn't be on Veeky Forums in public you idiot.
When I'm living my life, I fucking live it.
When I'm neckbearding I fucking beard it.
Everything you do should be done at its absolute maximum. Halfassing everything is a recipe for a bad life.
Step up. Don't be a slave to anything.
Who said I was in public? I'm just not at home
and when I'm home I still phone post from the toilet or my bed
Maybe stop being a poorfag and you could afford something better than a $10 Nokia burner
It's a $100 nokia WP running WP10 you fucking fag.
>Ejecto seato cuz!
The smell of smoke is absolutely repulsive and disgusting to me, and I don't care who it is, they ain't smoking in my car.
The car you drive will always be more loyal to you than any woman.
>also smoking isn't terrible for you as long as you also lead an otherwise healthy lifestyle and aren't cursed with negative medical predispositions.
Eating right and exercising isn't going to give you immunity from cancer if you're puffing a pack a day.
Beside's why aren't you vaping?
we'd have to see her smile to be certain
>Remove seats
>Have access to whole carpet.
And then this
Vaping is gay
>*opens window*
>ok now toss that shit the fuck out before I toss you out into oncoming traffic
I spend a lot of time in my car, I won’t tolerate having that sickening smell linger on my seats and carpet.
Have you ever got a nicotine rush by receiving head from a smoker?