Supposedly autonomous cars are just around the corner yet they can't see a car accident let alone a firetruck!
Autopilot Tesla slams into Firetruck
Tesla autopilot is shit tier, literally generations behind other autonomous cars
Who buys a car that drives itself?
Who buys a car that makes no noise?
soyboys in software development
It's not. They're all shit. Tesla just has moe accidents because there's more Teslas. Camera based automation is not and will never be viable.
Autonomous cars have been "just around the corner" for over a decade, but honestly it'll be at least 20 years before it's technologically viable and probably 30 by the time it's economically viable for the middle class, much less the lower working class.
>mfw Teslas L I T E R A L L Y run off of a bunch of vape batteries wired together
Clarkson, glorious given the hate Musk has for him.
Car ownership is going away. The cars never have to be cheap enough for an individual to buy.
Maybe in Yoorawp but cars are too economically important in the US since we literally spent over 50 years building our infrastructure around them. It would take another 50 years to retool our infrastructure to public mass transit.
If the US working class doesn't have cars, the economy will be hamstrung.
I'd buy a car that makes no noise, fuck off.
>It would take another 50 years to retool our infrastructure to public mass transit.
And guess how much tax money you could spend on it to help the economy! Or do you think the car centricity happened all on its own?
I literally just said that car centricity didn't happen all on its own. It was a deliberate plan post WWII
Just like real people!
>Autonomous cars have been "just around the corner" for over a decade
Quite a few decades actually
Nice get
I'd love if econocars made no noise. They're fucking annoying going by the house. Noise should be reserved to when it's actively enjoyed. There's no arguments to be made for convenience items to inherently make noise if they don't have to.
$20 says the dude was doing some exploit to keep the car in autonomous mode without your hands on the wheel and was blowing his wife's boyfriend in the passenger seat or something
A $200m plane is fully capable of piloting itself and yet you still need pilots... You've got to be fucked in the head to think your $100k golf cart is fully autonomous. There's no fucking way driverless cars are going to work with $5 camera's and radar sensors.
lol there goes the "adaptive road system" or whatever it was called.